Joe Andriano's Fiction |
Here's a selection of short stories I've written over the years. Two are available in e-zines: "Robotomy." Wild Violet Online Literary Magazine. October 2015 "The Pound of Sinsemilla". The Emergency Almanac, Winter 2004 Here are five others in various literary magazines: "Love Not All Neighbors." 2014. The Louisiana Review. Volume 12. 11-24. "World-Lines", Louisiana Literature 22.1 (Spring 2005): 35-54. "Strange Attractors." The Chattahoochee Review (DeKalb Univ.), 16.2 (Winter 1996): 87–100. "AugMental." Argonaut (Austin, TX), vol. 16 (Summer 1992): 2–15. "The Gris-Gris Cat." In the Eye. Ed. Katherine Tracy. Thunder Rain Press, 2007. ![]() Tracy's anthology was largely a compendium of literary responses to Hurricane Katrina's devastation in 2005 and the aftermath, still ongoing. Here's the story and there's the real cat who inspired it: "The Gris-Gris Cat" (pdf format). Copyright © 2007 by Joseph Andriano ![]() And now for something completely different, here's a hypertext fable I wrote in 2014, with some recent (2022) revisions: |
I've written a hypertext novel, The Circe Spell. It's a cross between historical fiction and occult fantasy: actual events and people from the past interweave, clash, and collide with fictional characters, uncanny events, and supernatural phenomena. Circe, by the way, is a black cat, based (like Gris-Gris) on a real cat my wife and I loved. The cat in the novel is a bit more uncanny than the real Circe (d. 2014; pictured below), but I'm hoping she's just as lovable. ![]() I may eventually find an online publisher, but for now, I'm doing it myself. Here's the link: |