
The SGPlot Procedure

The SGPlot Procedure

The SGPlot Procedure

income distribution: interval midpoint, number of households, percentage

The Print Procedure


Obs lower upper incomemidpt number percent
1 0 4999 2500 4571 3.66898
2 5000 9999 7500 4320 3.46751
3 10000 14999 12500 6766 5.43083
4 15000 19999 17500 6779 5.44126
5 20000 24999 22500 6865 5.51029
6 25000 29999 27500 6363 5.10736
7 30000 34999 32500 6232 5.00221
8 35000 39999 37500 5857 4.70121
9 40000 44999 42500 5430 4.35847
10 45000 49999 47500 5060 4.06148
11 50000 54999 52500 5084 4.08075
12 55000 59999 57500 4220 3.38725
13 60000 64999 62500 4477 3.59353
14 65000 69999 67500 3709 2.97708
15 70000 74999 72500 3737 2.99956
16 75000 79999 77500 3484 2.79648
17 80000 84999 82500 3142 2.52197
18 85000 89999 87500 2750 2.20733
19 90000 94999 92500 2665 2.13910
20 95000 99999 97500 2339 1.87743
21 100000 104999 102500 2679 2.15034
22 105000 109999 107500 2070 1.66152
23 110000 114999 112500 1922 1.54272
24 115000 119999 117500 1623 1.30273
25 120000 124999 122500 1863 1.49536
26 125000 129999 127500 1452 1.16547
27 130000 134999 132500 1512 1.21363
28 135000 139999 137500 1219 0.97845
29 140000 144999 142500 1290 1.03544
30 145000 149999 147500 1024 0.82193
31 150000 154999 152500 1146 0.91985
32 155000 159999 157500 848 0.68066
33 160000 164999 162500 875 0.70233
34 165000 169999 167500 786 0.63089
35 170000 174999 172500 717 0.57551
36 175000 179999 177500 607 0.48722
37 180000 184999 182500 619 0.49685
38 185000 189999 187500 556 0.44628
39 190000 194999 192500 485 0.38929
40 195000 199999 197500 436 0.34996
41 200000 249999 225000 3249 2.60786
42 250000 . 275000 3757 3.01561

income distribution: interval midpoint, number of households, percentage

The MEANS Procedure

The Means Procedure

Summary statistics

Variable Sum