
Chi-square GOF test: pea flower color

The FREQ Procedure

The Freq Procedure

Table type

One-Way Frequencies

type Frequency Percent Test
red 705 75.89 75.00
white 224 24.11 25.00

One-Way Chi-Square Test

Chi-Square Test
for Specified Proportions
Chi-Square 0.3907
DF 1
Pr > ChiSq 0.5319

Deviation Plot

Dot Plot of Relative Deviations for type

Sample Size = 929

Chi-square GOF test: pea seed shape/color

The FREQ Procedure

The Freq Procedure

Table type

One-Way Frequencies

type Frequency Percent Test
RY 315 56.65 56.25
WY 101 18.17 18.75
RG 108 19.42 18.75
WG 32 5.76 6.25

One-Way Chi-Square Test

Chi-Square Test
for Specified Proportions
Chi-Square 0.4700
DF 3
Pr > ChiSq 0.9254

Deviation Plot

Dot Plot of Relative Deviations for type

Sample Size = 556

Chi-square GOF test: maize leaf type

The FREQ Procedure

The Freq Procedure

Table type

One-Way Frequencies

type Frequency Percent Test
green 773 59.42 56.25
golden 231 17.76 18.75
grst 238 18.29 18.75
grgost 59 4.53 6.25

One-Way Chi-Square Test

Chi-Square Test
for Specified Proportions
Chi-Square 9.2714
DF 3
Pr > ChiSq 0.0259

Deviation Plot

Dot Plot of Relative Deviations for type

Sample Size = 1301

Chi-square GOF test: maize leaf type (omitting green-golden-striped)

The FREQ Procedure

The Freq Procedure

Table type

One-Way Frequencies

type Frequency Percent Test
green 773 62.24 60.00
golden 231 18.60 20.00
grst 238 19.16 20.00

One-Way Chi-Square Test

Chi-Square Test
for Specified Proportions
Chi-Square 2.6914
DF 2
Pr > ChiSq 0.2604

Deviation Plot

Dot Plot of Relative Deviations for type

Sample Size = 1242