
The Ttest Procedure


newcomb example: test H_0: mu = 33.02

The TTEST Procedure


Variable: time


N Mean Std Dev Std Err Minimum Maximum
64 27.7500 5.0834 0.6354 16.0000 40.0000

Confidence Limits

Mean 95% CL Mean
27.7500 26.4802 29.0198


DF t Value Pr > |t|
63 -8.29 <.0001

Summary Panel

Summary Panel for time

Q-Q Plot

Q-Q Plot for time

summary and Shapiro-Wilk test: Newcomb example

The UNIVARIATE Procedure

Variable: time

The Univariate Procedure


Basic Measures of Location and Variability

Basic Statistical Measures
Location Variability
Mean 27.75000 Std Deviation 5.08343
Median 27.50000 Variance 25.84127
Mode 28.00000 Range 24.00000
    Interquartile Range 6.50000

Tests For Normality

Tests for Normality
Test Statistic p Value
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.984615 Pr < W 0.6082
Kolmogorov-Smirnov D 0.090381 Pr > D >0.1500
Cramer-von Mises W-Sq 0.063807 Pr > W-Sq >0.2500
Anderson-Darling A-Sq 0.381281 Pr > A-Sq >0.2500


Quantiles (Definition 5)
Level Quantile
100% Max 40.0
99% 40.0
95% 36.0
90% 36.0
75% Q3 31.0
50% Median 27.5
25% Q1 24.5
10% 22.0
5% 20.0
1% 16.0
0% Min 16.0

Extreme Values

Extreme Values
Lowest Highest
Order Value Freq Order Value Freq
1 16 2 17 34 1
2 19 1 18 36 4
3 20 1 19 37 1
4 21 2 20 39 1
5 22 2 21 40 1