4. Generalizations.4.1 Figures of constant width in many directions.Instead of row, columns and diagonals, we now look for figures of constant width along a predetermined set of directions. Here I'll briefly sketch their construction. A direction of the chessboard is determined by a vector d=(a,b) in x (we identify the infinite chessboard with x ). The lines of the chessboard along this direction are the sets Definition. A figure of constant width w along the set of directions D is one such that every line with direction d in D intersects the figure in exactly w squares. In order to build figures of constant width on a given set of directions I'll make use of the notions of composition of figures and of extended constant width . The reader is referred to [Her-Rob] and [Riv-Var-Zimm] for the definitions. The following proposition is easily verified.
Proposition 1. If A has constant width v along d and B has extended constant width w along d then A composed with B has constant width vw along d. Let D be a given set of directions. For d in D let F(d) be the figure {kd, k=0,1,2,...,w-1}. Suppose that d is in the first quadrant of x. We can always enclose this figure inside a chessboard of size N(d)x N(d) (N(d) chosen big enough), so that F(d) has extended constant width w along the direction d and extended constant width 1 along all the other directions. We now take F to be the composition of all figures F(d), d in D. By Proposition 1 the figure F has constant width w along all directions in D. Here is an example with w=2 and D={(0,1),(1,2),(1,-1)}:
4.2 Figures of constant width on a toroidal chessboard.There is a simple arithmetical obstruction to having a solution of the n-queens problem on an nxn toroidal chessboard. Namely, n must be relatively prime to 6. In the same way, a figure of type (n,k,w) in an nXn toroidal chessboard... 4.3 Figures of constant width on an n-dimentional chessboard.? References.[Riv-Var-Zimm] I. Rivin, I. Vardi, P. Zimmermann, "The n-queens problem", Amer. Math. Monthly 101 (1994) 629--639. |