Storming the Pearly Gates

Chapter 7:  The Hunting of the Smurf

From: (Dan Johnson)
Subject: Storming the Pearly Gates, Ch 7
Date: 7 Mar 1994 02:43:19 GMT

Here's the next chapter, which worked out better than the last. Alas, much coolness was left out because I couldn't get the plot to accomodate it and the funnier stuff I left in.

Chapter 7: The Hunting of the Smurf

[Fade in to The Wall, 300 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Arturo Magidin is almost halfway up; the main force below is yelling at him to come down. He keeps climbing until a book falls right past him..]

Magidin[surprised] "Hey! What was that!"

Voice from Above:  "What! What was that?"


Voice from Above:  "Weighty Tomes! That was the collected works of Thomas Aquinas!"

Magidin:  "I'll have you for that, you ->scum<-!"

Voice from Above:  "Not before I have you!" [another book falls from the top of the wall, but Magidin catches it]

Magidin:  "Hmmm... Niezstche. Never read Niezstche..."

[opens the book, and starts reading.]

[Fade out, since watching Madigin read is dull as all hell]

[Fade back in to the Jesus Detachment, Larry, Moe, and.. no no that's not it.. ah yes, it's McCullough, Keppel-Jones, and Geist. They are in the woods, searching... and not just searching but...]

Geist:  "Aha! Found it!"

[McCullough and Keppel-Jones approach, expecting elucidation]

Geist:  "Look!"

[Geist points at a nearby stream -- there is a 1 foot tall waterwheel, and a miniature bridge next to it.]

Geist:  "Notice the way the moving parts are made of differently colored wood. Definitely smurf-make. They can't be far... ah, look.. over there.. mushrooms."

Keppel-Jones:  "Mushrooms? They look like somebody's toys."

Geist:  "Yes! That must be the village! Let's go!"

[They walk over to the village. It appears deserted.]

McCullough:  "It appears to be.... DESERTED!"

Geist:  "Nonsence. Smurfs have an instinctive fear of humans, cats, water buffalo, names beginning with 'X', PBS, the movie 'Casablanca', and anyone over 12 years old. But they're too stupid to hide anywhere but their own homes. They are here..."


[Faint whimpers are heard from the various mushrooms.]

Geist:  "That probably won't work. Let's try something a bit more civilized."

[Geist picks the biggest 'mushroom' off the ground, gives it a vigorous shake, and then..]

Geist:  "C'mon. We want to be your FRIENDS" [He puts the mushroom back]

[The requisite cute little door on the mushroom opens and a smurf in a red cap with a beard drags himself out.]

Papa Smurf:  "Well.. if you really want to be friends.. DON'T PICK UP OUR SMURFING HOMES AND SHAKE THEM ANYMORE!"

Geist:  "Ah! Is that the custom here? I didn't know."

Papa Smurf:  "Yes.. yes.. Alright.. OK EVERYONE YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!"

[Smurfs pour out of the various mushrooms without hesitation and begin frolicking everywhere]

Geist:  "Now remember, everyone... it would be bad to step on them. Be careful!"

Papa Smurf:  "Now, what did you smurf here for?"

Geist:  "We're looking for Jesus Christ."

[Papa Smurf looks quizzical.]

Geist:  "Ummm" [thinks fast] "in your language that would be 'Godly Smurf', I think."

Papa Smurf:  "Ah, yes, I remember him. Godly Smurf was always smurfing about turning the other smurf and smurfing thy enemy and so on."

Geist:  "That's the fellow! We came to see him."

[Suddenly a hush falls over the Smurfs, but they do keep on frolicking.]

Papa Smurf:  "I am smurf I have bad news for you. A few thousand years ago, Godly Smurf vanished without a smurf. We smurfed him about thirty smurfs later. You'd better smurf for yourself."

McCullough[under breath] "Yeah, what he said."

[Papa Smurf leads the gingerly stepping Jesus Detachment a short distance away, to a ravine. The other smurfs follow in a crowd, frolicking. In the ravine is the corpse of a smurf with long hair, and a white toga. There are holes in his hand, and a nasty gash in his side.]

Papa Smurf:  "We smurfed him here. We tried burying him, but he kepts getting out again somehow."

Geist:  "Getting out? Isn't he dead?"

Papa Smurf:  "He is smurfing well dead.... it is the smurfiest thing I have ever smurfed. He'd just turn up everywhere. We left him here in the end."

Keppel-Jones:  "Thousands of years ago? And he's still here?"

Geist:  "Smurfs are incorrupt, you know."

Papa Smurf:  "Except for Brainy, of course."

McCullough:  "Well, I guess we don't get to kill him, then."

The Smurfs:  "GASP!"

Keppel-Jones[turns to face crown] "He means that in the nicest.."

Geist:  "Smurfiest!"

Keppel-Jones:  "right, smurfiest sense of the word, of course."

[The Smurfs breathe a collective sigh of relief, the way they do.]

McCullough:  "Mind if we make off with the body, just the same?"

Papa Smurf:  "Sure. It was beginning to draw tourists, anyway."

Geist:  "Thanks a heap."

McCullough:  "We got an appointment at the Throne of God. You know the quickest way there?"

Papa Smurf:  "Certainly! Come, let's go warm up the Smurfmobile."

[And the smurfs frolic gleefully back towards the village, while Our Heros trudge gleefully after them. Fade out, before it gets any sillier.]

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