Istvan S. N. Berkeley, Ph.D.

Left to Right: Istvan Berkeley, Socrates, Antisthenes, Chrysippos, Epicurus.

Professor, The Department of History, Geography and Philosophy Program, The University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Dept. of History, Geography and Philosophy,
The University of Lousiana at Lafayette,
P.O. Drawer 42531,
Louisiana 70504, USA.

Tel: (337) 482-6807
Fax: (337) 482-6809
Office: 564 Griffin Hall

Ph.D. in Philosophy , The University of Alberta , Edmonton, Canada (1997)
M.A. in Philosophy, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (1991)
B.A.(Hons.) in Philosophy , Leeds University , Leeds, England (1987)
The Oratory School , Woodcote , England.

I work on the philosophical problems concerning the foundations of cognitive science. This includes (unusually for a philosopher) doing empirical research. Most of my empirical works concerns connectionist computer systems. For greater detail, take a look at my Curriculum Vitae. Alternatively, you may take a look at some of the papers I have on-line.

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