Tommy is a 7-2 year old African-American male who was identified as language disordered at the end of first grade.  He has limited reading abilities and is not a willing reader.  Due to his reduced verbal output and the grammatical "errors" noted in his oral language, he was diagnosed as having a moderate-to-severe expressive language impairment.  His teacher labeled him as a "slow learner".  The following assessment strategies were used:
       Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test -Revised - Ed. Diag.
       Test of Language Development - Ed. Diag
       Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Revised - SLP
       Clinical Discourse Analysis - SLP
       Reading-Writing-Listening-Speaking Checklists - Teacher
       Literacy Development Checklist - Father and Teacher
       Focused Interview with Teacher - SLP
       Narrative Recording during Reading Group - SLP
       Participant Observation during Language Arts, Art, and Writing - SLP
       Anecdotal Observations by Teacher and Father
       Wade Think alouds to Assess Comprehension (Reading and Listening) - SLP
       Dynamic Assessment involving  CELF-R - SLP

     The following Strength and Weakness Clusters were created based upon the data collected:
                  Talks constantly at home
                  Often initiates play activities with older sister
                  Lots of friends in the neighborhood
                  Strong discipline
                  Grandmother lives with them
                  Father provides "special time" at home
                  Likes to hear stories from Father and Grandmother
                  Father very concerned
                  Father remembers problems he had in school
                  Good rapport with older sister
                  Good rapport with Grandmother
                  Teacher trained as a Language Arts Specialist
            Physical Activities
                  Likes to draw
                  Eager to play at recess
                  Verbal on the playground
                  Very coordinated
                  Often thinks up games to play
                  Often takes a lead role in Physical Education
            Verbal Expression
                  Talks constantly at home
                  Initiates play activities
                  Verbal on the playground
                  Good and consistent use of dialect
                  Clear dialectal speech
                  A non-reader
                  Unwilling to try to read
                  Poor word attack skills
                  No sight vocabulary
                  Poor vocabulary (PPVT SS=45; TOLD SS=4; 3)
                  Non-fluent when he reads
                  Poor comprehension of reading material
                  Poor sentence recall (TOLD SS=2; CELF=3)
                  Not oriented to writing activities
                  Never reads at home
                  Grandmother a non-reader
                  Does not pay attention
                  Poor comprehension of reading material
                  No sight vocabulary
                  Poor vocabulary (PPVT SS=45; TOLD SS=4; 3)
                  Not responsive to teacher questions
                  Doesn't follow directions in class
                  Poor sentence recall (TOLD SS=2; CELF=3)
           Verbal Interaction
                  Non-verbal in the classroom
                  Many "grammatical errors"
                  Poor vocabulary
                  Not responsive to teacher questions
                  Limited verbal output
                  Identified as a "slow learner"
                  Appears uncooperative during reading group
                  Avoids any homework assignments
                  Doesn't pay attention
                  Non-verbal in the classroom
                  Previous teacher commented on his "broken home"
                  Doesn't believe that he can read or write
                  "Has a significant language problem"
                  "Little or no grammar"
                  Poor test taker

     I.    ANNUAL GOALS:  Tommy will learn to read more fluently and with comprehension.
                                             Tommy will increase his comprehension of vocabulary during
                                             reading and listening in class.  Tommy will become more verbally
                                             interactive in the classroom.

     II.  OBJ. 1:                       Tommy will increase his enjoyment of reading.
           Achievement:              Increased "time on task" listening to others read, increased
                                             numbers of book checked out of  "reading corner" in classroom.
           Measurement:             Increased amount of time he can sit and attend during "read alouds"
                                             using three pre-post measurement periods; Increased number of
                                              books checked out the second six weeks versus the last six weeks
                                              of the year.  Increase of positive statements regarding reading and
                                               his ability as determined by anecdotal observation by teacher and

           OBJ. 2:                      Tommy will increase number of words read before refusal to
           Achievement:              Increased reading time and speed during oral reading in his
                                                 reading group.
           Measurement:             Pre-post measurement of amount of time and words/per minute read
                                                 during three samples from his reading group.

           OBJ. 3:                      Tommy will increase recognition of sight vocabulary for fluency.
           Achievement:             The number of sight vocabulary items that Tommy can read fluently
                                               will increase
           Measurement:             Pre-post probe measurement of Dolch Core Reading Vocabulary

           OBJ. 4:                      Tommy will learn to use top-down processing strategies and make
                                               more predictions during reading; he will recognize that reading is
                                               communication with the author.
           Achievement:              Increased use of accurate predictive and conformational strategies
                                               during reading.
           Measurement:             Increased performance on three sets of "think alouds to assess
                                             comprehension" using a pre-post measurement format. Increased
                                             comprehension of critical meaning elements in three samples of
                                             silent reading in basal series and in self-selected library books
                                              (pre-post sampling).

           OBJ. 5:                      Tommy will increase awareness of linking devices and contextual
                                               cues during reading.
           Achievement:             Tommy will employ preparatory setting strategies and will make
                                               predictions before beginning to read.
           Measurement:            Increased awareness over time of the various contextual cues
                                               located in the reading material before he begins to read (as
                                               determined by anecdotal evidence from the teacher)

           Obj. 6:                      Tommy will learn new vocabulary for auditory and visual
           Achievement:            Tommy will increase his comprehension of both common and text
                                              specific vocabulary.
           Measurement:           Increased accuracy of "general understanding" of vocabulary as
                                              measured by "think alouds" during authentic reading activities
                                              (using a pre-post measurement format). Increased type-token ratio
                                              of new vocabulary during writing workshop items his classroom
                                              portfolio (pre-post measurement format).

          Obj. 7:                      Tommy will increase his verbalizations in the classroom during
                                             discussion times.
          Achievement:            Increased numbers of initiations per opportunities (turns) and
                                             increased length of utterances.
          Measurement:           Pre-post measurement format of classroom discussion groups using
                                          Systematic Observation of Communicative Interactions.

     III.  SPECIFIC INS:     Using a whole language paradigm, the following strategies will be
                                          used (by the following people):
                                          --     Reading Aloud with no demand for reading from Tommy to
                                                  Increase Familiarity (Father, Sister, Reading buddy)
                                          --     Language Experience to Build Reading Scripts (Teacher,
                                                  Reading Buddy)
                                          --     Shared Book Experience Linked with Communicative reading
                                                  Strategies and  Flow Charting during group discussion (SLP
                                                  during in-class reading time)
                                          --     Conscious monitoring of "joy of reading" statements throughout
                                                   day (teacher, SLP, Sister, Father)
                                          --     Non-confrontational and active participation with sight words
                                                   using magnetic "hangman" and frequent prior exposure.
                                          --     Use of "making Words" strategy during language arts group time
                                          --     Increased scaffolded instruction with particular awareness of the
                                                  acceptability of VBE.
                                          --     Use of dialogue journal with SLP

                                         CASE STUDY TWO: CLAIRE

Claire is a 13-4 year old white female who has been identified as learning disabled and ADHD.
She exhibits poor academic skills (reading and test-taking) and requires the attention of her teacher to get things accomplished in the classroom.  She is on medication for ADHD.  The following assessment strategies were used:
           Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Revised - Ed. Diag
              Test of Language Competence -Expanded - Ed. Diag.
            Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery - Revised - Ed. Diag.
             Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised - Ed. Diag.
              Participant Observation of Social Studies and Science Class - SLP
             Hawthorne ADHD Behavioral Checklists - Teacher and Parents
             Ethnographic Interview with Teachers (Social Studies, Science, Homeroom) - SLP
             Think alouds during homework assignments - SLP
             Think-alouds during in-class science activities -SLP
             Review of Class Notes (both with and without prior knowledge) - SLP
             Rating Scales (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening) - Teacher
             Vogt Checklist - SLP
             Maag and Reid Contextual Analysis for ADHD - SLP and Teachers
             Homework - Dynamic Assessment - SLP

     The following Strength and Weakness Clusters were created based upon the data collected:
                         Works hard to overcome her difficulties
                         Very motivated on activities that she finds interesting
                         Willing to seek help when she has difficulties
                         She is eager to keep on her medication
                         Often works with her younger brother on his school work
                         Involved in a number of extra-curricular activities
                         Worked harder and longer on visually oriented tasks in administered tests
                        Strong visual learning
                         A visual processor
                         Often looks over other students' shoulder after directions are given
                         Very observant
                         Employs visual reminders frequently
                         A careful and diligent worker during art and drawing
                         Very oriented to fashion
                         Strong ability to solve applied problems (WJ SS=110)
                        Worked harder and longer on visually oriented tasks in administered tests
                        Spends too much time on needless materials
                        Can't decide what tasks to work on during study period or class assignments
                        Often doesn't know what to study
                        Doesn't use effective language-learning strategies
                        Exhibits poor memory strategies
                        Poor test taker -- too distracted
                        Can't formulate sentences easily (CELF SS=2)
                        Doesn't have strong background knowledge
                        Doesn't understand the lectures
                        Poor attention during most lectures
                        Can't understand the assigned material in the textbooks
                        Poor memory abilities
                        Poor passage comprehension (WJ SS= 65)
                        Poor at following directions (CELF SS=3)
                        Poor use of figurative language for comprehension (TLC SS=4)
                       She is a poor reader
                       Takes far too much time reading directions and assignments
                       Doesn't recognize main and primary points in expository reading assignments
                       Doesn't stick to her reading assignments
                       Rarely reads for pleasure
                       Doesn't have strong background knowledge
                       Too distractable during reading
                       Poor passage comprehension (WJ SS= 65)
                       Spends too much time on needless materials
                       Can't decide what tasks to work on during study period or class assignments
                       Often doesn't know what to study
                       Poor note taker in class
                       Takes far too much time reading directions and assignments
                       Doesn't recognize main and primary points in expository reading assignments
                       Known as a "slow learner"
                       Often states that she just "doesn't get it"
                       Teacher's believe she can't understand the science material
                       Parents believe the medication should take care of the problem
                       Science teacher thinks she uses ADHD as a "crutch".
             Word Knowledge
                       Has a poor vocabulary
                       Performs poorly on vocabulary tests (CELF (SR) SS= 5; TLC (AS) SS= 3; WJ
                                                                               (WR) SS=65)
                       Doesn't understand concepts in class
                       Often asks friends for clarification
                       Doesn't understand the lectures
                       Poor attention during most lectures
                       Can't understand the assigned material in the textbooks
                       Poor passage comprehension (WJ SS= 65)
                       Poor at following directions (CELF SS=3)
                       Poor use of figurative language for comprehension (TLC SS=4)
                       Doesn't have strong background knowledge
                       Exhibits poor memory strategies
                       Doesn't have strong background knowledge
                       Has stopped trying in Science class
                       Unwilling to work with others during class activities (Science)
                       Won't ask for help (Science)


     I.  ANNUAL GOALS:   Claire will increase her ability to learn important concepts in an
                                            independent manner using textbooks and classroom discussion in
                                            social studies and science.

                                           Claire will increase her attention to task in class

     II.  OBJ. 1:                    Claire will learn several scan, focus and meta-cognitive strategies
                                           that will assist her in determining where the significant information
                                           is contained in expository textbooks.
           Achievement:           Increased comprehension and efficiency in determining important
                                            points in a text.
           Measurement:          Increased comprehension of critical meaning elements in three
                                            samples of  silent reading in social and in science using a pre-post
                                            measurement format.  Samples will be timed.  Increased numerical
                                            grades in both social studies and science

          OBJ. 2:                    Claire will learn several note-taking strategies to assist her in
                                            retention of discussion material during social studies and science.
          Achievement:           Claire will efficiently employ the presented note-taking strategies
                                            during oral lectures.
          Measurement:          Charting of her note taking during three lectures (using a pre-post
                                           measurement format).  Review of her notes contained in her
                                           Classroom Portfolio using a pre-post format and analysis via
                                           Performance across time.  Teacher judgment and evaluation (via
                                           letter grade) of her "Study notebook" throughout the school year.

          OBJ. 3:                  Claire will learn to organize material into comprehensible units to
                                           assist her comprehension and to determine what to study for tests.
          Achievement:          Increased applications of webbing, flowcharting, and visual outline
                                        organizations to increase comprehension.
          Measurement:         Increased use of webbing, outlines, and flowcharts in class notes and
                                        study organizers ("Study notebooks") in a pre-post measurement
                                        Increased performance on written assignments in social studies &
                                         science as determined by "Performance over time" criteria with
                                         Portfolios and by teacher grades.

           OBJ. 4:                 Claire will learn to focus on vocabulary that is unknown to her and to
                                        seek definitions or understandings.
           Achievement:         Reduction of incorrect "general definitions" of  new vocabulary.
           Measurement:        Increased accuracy in providing "general definitions" during three
                                         pre-post measurement probes in social studies and science textbooks.

           OBJ. 5:                 Claire will learn to reduce her own comprehension failures when
                                         reading and listening in class.
           Achievement:        Claire will increase use of Directed Reading-Thinking strategies,
                                         mediation for Comprehension Failures strategies, and the Request
                                         procedure when completing her homework assignments and following
                                         class lectures.
          Measurement:         Targeted problem solving strategies will be evident during "think
                                          alouds" used within end of year homework assignments in science
                                          and social studies; Claire will exhibit an increased willingness
                                          interact in class discussions (Science) as determined by a counting of
                                          responses and attempted responses (bidding for a turn).

           OBJ. 6:                Claire will increase her ability to stay focused on a task within the
                                          classroom and during lectures
           Achievement:        Time-on-task will increase during lectures and in-class assignments.
           Measurement:       Using a pre-post format, comparisons of minutes engaged in
                                          appropriate activities during science and social studies classes will
                                          be conducted;  Increased ratings on task-oriented rating scales as
                                          completed by her teachers.

     III.  SPECIFIC INS:  Using a whole language paradigm, the following mediation of learning
                                       strategies will be used by Mrs. Everett and Mr. Damico and Mr. Frost
                                       to assist Claire during teacher led discussions in social studies, in
                                       cooperative learning activities in social studies, in Literature Study
                                       Circles, during Writing Workshop and in Science Activities:
                                      --     K-W-L Strategy
                                       --     Think Alouds
                                       --     Directed Reading-Thinking
                                       --     Mediation for Comprehension Failures
                                       --     ReQuest Procedure
                                       Additionally, Flowcharting and Webbing will be used by her Peer
                                       Tutor to help facilitate organization and comprehension of material.
                                        She will be assigned a "homework buddy" for consultation in Science
                                        and in a pull-out program, the counselor will teach her meta-cognitive
                                        control strategies to focus on her attending abilities. The SLP will
                                        counsel both her parents and the Science teacher on appropriate
                                        accommodations and expectations that will make her academic
                                        context more engaging for learning.

                                                         CASE STUDY EXERCISE
                                                            CASE ONE:  MORGAN

Morgan  is a 9-3 year old white female.  A monolingual English speaker, she has exhibited poor academic skills for the last several years but has been able to get by with tutoring and extra time with her teachers.  During this fourth-grade year, however, her teacher has expressed concern about her overall academic and interactional abilities.  Particularly in reading activities and learning in social studies, language arts, and science.  The following assessment tools were used:
            Focused Interview with the Teacher (10 minutes) - SLP
            Ethnographic Interview with her Mother (10 minutes) - SLP
            Participant Observation during Science and Social Studies - SLP
           Anecdotal Observations by Teacher and Mother
           Wade Think alouds to assess comprehension (2 sets in the three subjects) -SLP
           Reading-Writing-Listening-Speaking checklists - Teacher
           Think alouds during Language Arts and Social Sciences reading assignments - SLP
           Reading Miscue Analysis during group reading - Language Arts Specialist
           Pragmatic Protocol - SLP
           Review of her Classroom Portfolio - Teacher/SLP

The following strength and weakness clusters were created based upon the data collected:
        Strength Clusters
                         Has a number of close friends
                          Bases her attitudes on reactions from her friends
                          Enjoys interacting with friends
                          Often a decision-maker in group
                          Really cares what others think about her
                         Often seeks help from the teacher
                          Believes that she still needs a tutor
                          Tries to hide her academic problems
                          Very oriented to the needs of others
                          Often knows when her sister has trouble
                          Often a decision-maker in group
Weakness Clusters
                         Doesn't understand important material in the textbooks
                          Can't follow all of the class lecture
                          Poor responses when I check for comprehension
                          When working on homework, doesn't recognize her mis-understandings
                          Can't follow classroom instructions
                          Won't discuss her reading assignments at home
                          Doesn't seem to pay attention during class discussion (at times)
                          Constantly asks her friends for information gone over in class
                          Copies homework
                         Can't organize her assignment journal
                          Poorly organized class notes
                          Can't follow classroom instructions
                          Can't follow the organization of a lecture
                          Messy writer
                          Her room is always disorganized
                         Doesn't understand important material in the textbooks
                          Doesn't independently learn via reading assignments
                          When working on homework, doesn't recognize her mis-understandings
                          Won't discuss her reading assignments at home
                          Doesn't read for pleasure
                          Poor vocabulary

                                                              EXAMPLE IEP

      Morgan will increase her comprehension abilities during academic tasks, especially
      tasks involving comprehension of class lectures and textbook material.

     Morgan will increase organization of class notes/study materials

II.  OBJ. 1:   Morgan will learn more efficient clarification requests when she does not
                      understand discussions, or instructions.(ELA-4-E5)

 Achievement:  Increased requests for clarification when she does not understand material.
                          Reduced indications of comprehension problems.

 Measurement:  Increased requests for clarification during 3- fifteen minute class activities
                                 using a pre-post measurement scheme.
                           Demonstrable improvement in comprehension as determined by increased
                                 ratings on an observational checklist used within the classroom.
                            Number of needs for repetition, inappropriate responses, and message
                                 inaccuracies will be reduced during  pre- versus post-intervention
                                 sampling using Systematic Observation of  Communicative Interaction.

        OBJ. 2:   Morgan will use comprehension strategies in all contexts (ELA-7-E1) and
                        make more predications during reading; she will learn confirmation
                        techniques for each paragraph that she reads.

Achievement:  Increased numerical grade in Language Arts;
                         Increased comprehension of assignments as determined by product
                                 completion and effective use of comprehension strategies.

Measurement:  Product completion measured by improvement over time in assignments taken
                                 from her Language arts, Social Studies, and Science Portfolios.
                           Increased comprehension of textbooks as measured by pre- and post-changes
                                  (qualitative and qunatitative) using the "Think Aloud to Assess
                                  Comprehension" strategy.
     OBJ. 3:   Morgan will learn to target unknown vocabulary for extra attention during
                      reading assignments.(ELA-1-5-E7)

Achievement:  Reduction of incorrect "general definitions" of  new vocabulary.

Measurement:  Increased accuracy in providing "general definitions" during three pre-post
                          measurement probes in social studies and science textbooks.

    OBJ. 4:   Morgan will increase the appropriate use of problem-solving strategies when
                    she does not understand the lecture, instructions, or material. (ELA-7-E-2)

Achievement:  Morgan will increase use of Comprehension Remedies and Guided
                         Comprehension techniques when completing her homework assignments.

Measurement:  Targeted problem solving strategies will be evident during "think alouds"
                          used within end of year homework assignments in science and math.

     OBJ. 5:    Morgan will increase her ability to recall and organize important information
                       given in written and verbal directions.(ELA-5-E1/E3)

Achievement:  Improved organization of her class notes and increased of organized
                         study materials in social studies and science.

Measurement:  Improved organization as determined improvement over time in assignments
                           taken from her Language arts, Social Studies, and Science Portfolios.

III.  SPECIFIC INS: Objectives will be addressed using a "whole language" approach with
                           in-classroom collaboration between Mr. Damico and the classroom teacher
                           incorporating the mediation of learning strategies of Guided Comprehension,
                           Comprehension Remedies, and reciprocal reading both during in-class
                           reading assignments and with homework assignments during "speech study
                           hall", Script Building techniques, and increased scaffolded instruction.
                           During language arts, cooperative learning groups focusing on Round-robin
                           and Literature Study Grouping after "read alouds" will be used to
                           supplement in-class assignments. She will review new content for class
                           reading assignments with her peer-tutor during morning prep time and
                           speech study hall.

                                                    CASE STUDY TWO
                                                         LOUIS (13:8)


Strength Clusters (10)
            Visual Modality                                          (9)
            Computers as Motivation                            (9)
            Reaction to Scaffolds                                  (6)
            Expectations with Visual                             (3)
            Creative                                                       (3)
            Adaptation                                                   (2)
            Fine Motor                                                   (2)
            Manipulatives                                              (1)
            Artistic                                                         (1)
            Awareness                                                   (1)

Weakness Clusters (30)
            Comprehension                                            (23)
            Uncooperative                                              (18)
            Lack of Experience                                       (18)
            Writing                                                          (17)
            Topical Development                                    (15)
            Organization                                                  (15)
            Pragmatics                                                     (14)
            Lack of Motivation                                        (14)
            Social                                                            (13)
            Expectations                                                  (13)
            Problem Solving                                            (12)
            Fluency in M-M                                             (11)
            Grammar                                                        (11)
            Adaptation                                                     (10)
            Requires Support                                            (9)
            Reading                                                           (8)
            Rule Breaking                                                 (7)
            Limited Knowledge                                        (6)
            Cohesion                                                         (5)
            Fine Motor -Writing                                        (4)
            Displacement                                                  (4)
            Academics                                                      (4)
            Planning                                                          (3)
            Memory                                                           (3)
            Awareness                                                      (2)
            Poor Editing Ability                                        (2)
            Contrastive Ability                                          (1)
            Distractability                                                  (1)
            Lack of Flexibility                                           (1)
            Emotional                                                         (1)


Strength Clusters
                            Visual Modality/Computers
                             Reactions to Scaffolds

Weakness Clusters
                                     Doesn't attend to class lectures
                                      He is a poor reader
                                      Doesn't typically follow directions
                                      He doesn't like to read
                                      Poor relating to others in conversation
                                     Can't distinguish important information from unimportant
                                     Can't get subtle meanings when he reads
                              Lack of Experience
                                     He doesn't like to read
                                      Difficulty with theme development when writing
                                      Limited conversational topics
                                      Talks about simple things
                                      Exhibits few problem solving skills
                                      Hard getting him to do written homework
                                       Difficulty with theme development in writing
                                       Can't carry ideas across more than one sentence
                                       Uses short repetitive sentences when writing
                                        Rarely completes assignments
                                       He is a poor reader
                                        He doesn't like to read
                                        Doesn't remember characters or relationships
                                        Doesn't have good study skills
                                       Poor at relating to others in conversation
                                        Limited conversational topics
                                        Goes off topics all the time when he talks
                                        Takes him too long to get his point across

                                                          EXAMPLE IEP

I.     ANNUAL GOALS:          Louis will develop stronger literacy skills for academic

                                                  Louis will increase his understanding of written text and class

                                                  Louis will increase his time on topic during conversations

II.     OBJ 1:                               Louis will learn to apply multiple cueing strategies to
                                                      increase his reading comprehension (Exploring &
                                                      Responding to text)
         Achievement:                     Louis will increase use of predictions and confirmations during
                                                      reading based upon his background knowledge and various
                                                      pre-initiation strategies.
         Measurement:                     Increased quality of miscues in a pre-post analysis of textbook
                                                      passages.  Improved understanding and contributions
                                                      during literature circle discussions.

        OBJ. 2:                               Louis will learn several scan, focus and meta-cognitive
                                                      strategies that will assist him in determining where the
                                                      significant information is contained in textbooks. (Information
                                                       Process Strategies)
         Achievement:                     Increased comprehension and efficiency in determining
                                                      important points in a text.
         Measurement:                     Increased comprehension of critical meaning elements in
                                                       three samples of  silent reading in social and in science using
                                                       a pre-post measurement format.  Samples will be timed.
                                                     Increased numerical grades in both social studies and science

        OBJ. 3:                               Louis will increase his ability to stay focused on a task within
                                                      the classroom and during lectures. (Responsible Information
         Achievement:                     Time-on-task will increase during lectures and in-class
         Measurement:                     Using a pre-post format, comparisons of minutes engaged in
                                                       appropriate activities during science and social studies
                                                       classes will be conducted; Increased ratings on task-oriented
                                                       rating scales as completed by his teachers.

        OBJ. 4:                                 Louis will increase the fluency and development of topics
                                                       during writing. (Producing texts, Applying Language
        Achievement:                       Writing will increase both in length of topic development
                                                        and in the progressive use of grammatical and organization
        Measurement:                       Increased time on task during written in-class assignments,
                                                     Increased length of essays and improved organization of
                                                         written products when compared on a pre-post analysis
                                                         of his writing portfolio.

        OBJ. 5:                                  Louis will develop productive communication relationships.
         Achievement:                       Changes in Louis' interactions with several students to include
                                                         more actual conversational interactions and more productive
                                                         conversational initiations.
          Measurement:                      Improved performance on pre-post Systematic Observation of
                                                         Communicative Interactions.

 III.    SPECIFIC INS:                    Using a whole language paradigm, the following
                                                       mediation of learning strategies will be used by Mrs. Jones
                                                       and Mr. Damico.  Additionally, Mr. Secord will assist Louis
                                                       during teacher led discussions in social studies, in
                                                        cooperative learning activities in social studies, in
                                                        Literature Study Circles, during Writing Workshop and in
                                                        Science Activities:
                                                          --       K-W-L Strategy
                                                          --       Think Alouds
                                                          --        Directed Reading-Thinking
                                                          --        Mediation for Comprehension Failures
                                                          --        ReQuest Procedure
                                                         Additionally, Louis will work with Mr. Damico and several
                                                         middle school students on computer skills and their
                                                         applications to information research.  During these periods,
                                                          Dr. Damico will employ verbal modeling for topic
                                                          maintenance and initiation of interactions, and think
                                                          alouds and expansion techniques for increasing both
                                                          time-at-talk and on topic development.