Justin Lynd

Associate Professor
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Maxim Doucet Hall
Lafayette, LA 70504
Office: Maxim Doucet Hall 408

Curriculum Vitae (last updated: 08/2022)

I am an Associate Professor and Devon Endowed Professor of Mathematics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Before coming to Louisiana, I was a postdoc at the University of Aberdeen, the University of Montana, and Rutgers University. Before that, I was a graduate student at Ohio State, where my advisor was Ron Solomon.

My research is on the structure of finite groups around a prime p, and especially how that structure interacts with adjacent fields. I tend to think most about partial groups, fusion systems and their associated homotopy theory and homological algebra, and modular representation theory.

I am on sabbatical during academic year 2024-2025.

Current Ph.D. students:

(New) I'm a member of the editorial board at Quaestiones Math.. Send me a paper!


  1. Cohomology on the centric orbit category of a fusion system (arXiv), with George Glauberman
    to appear in Fund. Math., 11pp.
  2. Partial groups as symmetric simplicial sets (doi, arXiv), with Philip Hackney
    J. Pure Appl. Algebra 229 (2025), no. 2, 107864.
  3. Realizing finite groups as automizers (doi, arXiv), with Sylvia Bayard
    J. Group Theory 27 (2024), no. 4, 713-726.
  4. Punctured groups for exotic fusion systems (doi, arXiv), with Ellen Henke and Assaf Libman
    Trans. London Math. Soc. 10 (2023), no. 1, 21-99.
  5. Weights in a Benson-Solomon block (doi, arXiv), with Jason Semeraro
    Forum Math. Sigma 11 (2023), Paper No. e60.
  6. Fusion systems with Benson-Solomon components (doi, arXiv), with Ellen Henke
    Duke Math. J., 171 (2022), no. 3, 673-737.
  7. Rigid automorphisms of linking systems (doi, arXiv), with George Glauberman
    Forum Math. Sigma 9 (2021), Paper No. e23.
  8. Centers of Sylow subgroups and automorphisms (doi, arXiv), with George Glauberman, Robert Guralnick, and Gabriel Navarro
    Israel J. Math 240 (2020), no. 1, 253-266.
  9. Weight conjectures for fusion systems (doi, arXiv), with Radha Kessar, Markus Linckelmann, and Jason Semeraro
    Adv. Math. 357 (2019), 40pp.
  10. Extensions of the Benson-Solomon fusion systems (doi, arXiv), with Ellen Henke
    in Geometric and Topological Aspects of the Representation Theory of Finite Groups,
    Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 242 (2018), 251-268.
  11. Fusion systems with some sporadic J-components (doi, arXiv), with Julianne Rainbolt
    J. Algebra 489 (2017), 165-178.
  12. Control of fixed points and existence and uniqueness of centric linking systems (doi, arXiv) with George Glauberman
    Invent. Math. 206 (2016), no.2, 441-484.
  13. A characterization of the 2-fusion system of L4(q) (doi, arXiv),
    J. Algebra 428 (2015), 315-356.
  14. The Thompson-Lyons transfer lemma for fusion systems (doi, arXiv),
    Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. (2014) 46 (6): 1276-1282
  15. Weak closure and Oliver's p-group conjecture (doi, arXiv), with David J. Green.
    Israel J. Math. 197 (2013), no. 1, 497-507.
  16. 2-subnormal quadratic offenders and Oliver's p-group conjecture (doi, arXiv)
    Proc. Edin. Math. Soc. 56 (2013), 211-222.
  17. Analogues of Goldschmidt's thesis for fusion systems (doi, arXiv), with Sejong Park
    J. Algebra 324 (2010), 3487-3493.

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