Call for Papers

The ultra large scale of the Internet of Things (IoT) along with a number of other constraints introduce significant challenges to the software dependability of IoT. For example, frequent reconfiguration due to nodes joining/leaving a large-scale network can cause serious problems for providing timely services. More specifically, IoT provides data-centric, device-centric and servicecentric functionalities under limitations such as resource and energy-constrained nodes, heterogeneity of hardware/software platform, deployment in harsh environments (e.g., industrial settings), interaction with human users, and topological dynamism (i.e., frequent changes in topology due to node/link failures). To build a robust and reliable IoT infrastructure, we need novel and holistic methods that can treat dependability aspects (e.g., fault-tolerance, security, performance, timeliness) as first class citizens at all layers of the software stack. This is a daunting challenge in part due to the conflicting requirements of some dependability aspects (e.g., resource/data redundancy may increase security vulnerabilities).


The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners towards forming a unified community that can share experiences and tackle these challenges in an all-inclusive approach. The focus of CD-IoT will be on the theoretical and practical aspects of modeling, designing, implementing and evaluating the dependability of the software stack of IoT systems under various constraints.


Papers must be submitted using the EasyChair submission link Here

CD-IoT welcomes industry experiences and submissions that include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • High-level models and APIs for IoT programming (e.g., Aggregate programming, TOTA, MapReduce)
  • Formal methods for IoT (e.g., computational fields calculus)
  • Edge-node and system-wide resilience under energy and resource constraints
  • Scalable network protocols for IoT; preserving correctness under scaling
  • Highly resilient and reconfigurable coordination protocols (e.g., self-stabilizing) for IoT
  • Mission-critical development for industrial IoT
  • Energy-aware design methodologies for IoT
  • Model-based methods for the development of dependable IoT
  • Methods and tools for the incorporation of fault-tolerance and security aspects in IoT
  • Dependability of edge/fog computing (e.g., performance, timeliness, faulttolerance)
  • Impact of device and software heterogeneity on dependability aspects
  • Methods for testing and verification of dependability aspects in IoT
  • Industry-specific challenges and experiences


Papers must be written in English, and be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Format Guidelines.

Papers that exceed the page limits specified below, or are outside the scope of the symposium, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.

    Manuscript page length (all in double column, IEEE conference style format):
  • Regular research papers: 8 pages max.
  • Experience report papers: 6 pages max.
  • Position papers: 5 pages max.

About CD-IoT

info about the conference

 conference Logo here


Memphis, TN, USA


October 15-18, 2018


Paper Submission (extended): July 28, 2018
Paper Notification: August 13, 2018
Camera Ready: August 28, 2018

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