The Epistemology Research Guide:
Subject Index
What follows are the links to 1,247 epistemology papers online organized loosely by subject. To keep updating manageable, each paper appears only under one subject heading. Please send comments, suggestions, or recommended links to Dr. Keith Korcz at
Bealer, George.
"Origins of Modal Error"
"Theory of the A Priori"
"A Priori Knowledge and the Scope of Philosophy"
"On the Possibility of Philosophical Knowledge"
"A Priori Knowledge: Replies to Lycan and Sosa"
Bergmann, Gustav"Synthetic A Priori" (selection from Logic and Reality, 1967)Bird, Alexander.
"Is Evidence Non-Inferential?"
Brewer, Bill.
"Externalism and A Priori Knowledge of Empirical Facts"
Broad, C. D.
"Are There Synthetic-A Priori Truths?"Casullo, Albert (B).
"Epistemic Overdetermination and A Priori Justification"
"A Priori Knowledge"
"Defeasible A Priori Justification"Chalmers, David J.
"Does Conceivability Entail Possibility?"Conee, Earl.
"The Opacity of Self-Evidence"
"Two Conceptions of the Synthetic A Priori"
Devitt, Michael.
"There Is No A Priori"Dretske, Fred.
"Reply to BonJour"
"Naturalism and the A Priori"
"No Place for the A Priori"
"The Mind's Awareness of Itself"Field, Hartry.
"Recent Debates About the A Priori"Gertler, Brie.
"We can't know a priori that H2O exists. But can we know that water does?"Goldberg, Sanford.
"On Our Alleged A Priori Knowledge that Water Exists"Hales, Steven D.
"The Problem of Intuition"Gilbert Harman.
"Intuition, Revelation and Relativism"
"You Can Prove A Negative"
"The Future of the A Priori"Hawthorne, John."Externalism and A Priority"
"The A Priori Isn't All That It Is Cracked Up To Be, But It Is Something" (w/ David Henderson)
Jackman, Henry.
"Deference and Self-Knowledge""Ordinary Language, Conventionalism and A Priori Knowledge"
"Semantic Pragmatism and A Priori Knowledge" (pdf format)
"Naturalism and the A Priori"Miscevic, Nenad.
"Deep and Superficial A Priori"Mosser, Kurt.
"Modelling Intuitions and Thought Experiments"
"Intuitions: The Discrete Voice of Competence"
"two chapters from book on Intuitions"
Bonjour, Kant and the A PrioriMurphy, Peter.
"Rewriting the A Priori/A Posteriori Distinction"
Nuccetelli, Susanna"What Anti-Individualists Cannot Know A Priori"
"What Externalists Cannot Know A Priori"
"The Philosophical Significance of A Priori Knowledge"Pryor, James.
"Indexicality and A Priority"Ross, Kelly.
"Externalism About Content and McKinsey-Style Reasoning"
"Hyper-Reliability and Apriority"
"More on Hyper-Reliability and Apriority"
"Externalism About Content and McKinsey-Style Reasoning"
"The Foundations Of Value, Part II"Schiffer, Stephen.
"Paradox and the A Priori"Sellars, Wilfrid.
"Is There A Synthetic A Priori?
Smith, Barry."In Defense of Extreme (Fallibilistic) Apriorism"Smithies, Declan.
"A Simple Theory of Introspection"Yablo, Stephen.
"Self-Knowledge and Semantic Luck"
Bennett, Jonathan.
"Analytic-Synthetic"Bird, Alexander.
"A Myth About Logical Necessity"
"Remarks on Our Knowledge of Modal Facts"Boghossian, Paul."Analyticity Reconsidered"
"Epistemic Analyticity: A Defense"
"Analyticity and Katz's New Intensionalism: or, If You Sever Sense From Reference, Analyticity is Cheap But Useless"
"Analyticity, Carnap, Quine and Truth"
"Philosophical Intuitions: Their Target, Their Source and their Epistemic Status"
Grice, H. P.
"In Defense of a Dogma" (w/Strawson)
Katz, Gerrold."Analyticity, Necessity and the Epistemology of Semantics"Kaye, Lawrence."How To Avoid Holism and Draw the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction"Lyons, Jack.
Montmnny, Martin.
"Analyticity and Translation"Peacocke, Christopher.
"Three Principles of Rationalism"
"Putnam on Synonymity and Belief"
"Quine's Two Dogmas"
Sullivan, Arthur.
"W. V. Quine on the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction"
"The Law of Excluded Middle is Synthetic-A Priori, If Valid"
"Flash! Fodor Splits the Atom"
Wikforss, Asa.
"A Posteriori Analyticity"
Wright, Wayne.
"Fodor's Epistemic Intuitions of Analyticity""Logical and Analytic Truths That are Not Necessary"
Brewer, Bill.Back to Subjects
"Mental Causation: Compulsion by Reason"Korcz, Keith Allen.
"Recent Work On The Basing Relation"Kvanvig, Jonathan."Justification and Proper Basing""On Justifying and Being Justified"Wedgewood, Ralph.
"What the Basing Relation can Teach us about Epistemic Justification"
"The Normative Force of Reasoning"
Bennett, Jonathan.
"Why Is Belief Involuntary?
Brown, Curtis."Direct and Indirect Belief""Ought to Believe"
"Learning From One's Mistakes: Epistemic Modesty and the Nature of Belief"
Hales, Steven D.
"Self-Deception and Belief Attribution"Moffett, Marc.
"Knowing Facts and Believing Propositions: A Solution to the Problem of Doxastic Shift""Reasons and That-Clauses"
"Moore's Problem With Iterated Belief"Weatherson, Brian.
Back to Subjects
Coherence Theories
Christensen, David.
"Diachronic Coherence vs. Epistemic Impartiality"
Firth, Roderick."Coherence, Certainty and Epistemic Priority" (1964)Huemer, Michael."Probability and Coherence Justification"Jager, Christoph.
"Is Coherentism Coherent?"Kvanvig, Jonathan. (B)
"In Defense of Coherentism""Coherentist's Distractions"Lammenronta, Markus.
"Circularity and Stability"Shogenji, Tomoji.
"Why Does Coherence Appear Truth Conducive?"Sayre-McCord, Geoffrey.
"The Role of Coherence of Evidence in the Non-Dynamic Model of Confirmation"
"Justification by Coherence From Scratch"
"The Problem of Independence in Justification By Coherence"
"The Role of Coherence in Epistemic Justification"
"Self-Dependent Justification Without Circularity"
"Coherentist Epistemology and Moral Theory"Steup, Matthias.
"A Defense of Epistemic Circularity"
Thagard, Paul."Coherence as Constraint Satisfaction"Vineburg, Susan."Probabilistic Networks and Explanatory Coherence"
"Coherence: The Price is Right"
"Coherence and Epistemic Rationality"
Bishop, Michael.
"Why Thought Experiments are Not Arguments"Carnap, Rudolf.
"On Explication" - selection from "Logical Foundations of Probability"
"Naturalizing Normativity"
"Knowing the Intuition and Knowing the Counterfactual"
"Thought Experiment Intuitions and Truth in Fiction"
King, Jeffrey C."Semantic Intuitions, Conceptual Analysis and Cross-Cultural Variations"
"What Is A Philosophical Analysis?"Ludwig, Kirk (B).
"The Epistemology of Thought Experiments: First vs. Third Person Approaches"Lycan, William (B).
"Serious Metaphysics: Frank Jackson's Defense of Conceptual Analysis"
"Should We Trust Our Intuitions? Deflationary Accounts of the Analytic Data"Miscevic, Nenad.
"Concepts and Conceptual Analysis"
"Rescuing Conceptual Analysis"
"Epistemic Intuitions"Sosa, Ernest.
"A Defense of the Use of Intuitions in Philosophy"Stavrinides, Zenon.
"Roderick Chisholm and the Problem of the Criterion"Stich, Stephen.
"Normativity and Epistemic Intuitions"
"Unstable Intuitions and Need for Cognition"
"Intuitions and Calibration"
"How to Challenge Intuitions Empirically Without Risking Skepticism"
Bergmann, Michael.
"Bonjour's Dilemma"Bird, Alexander.
"Is Klein An Infinitist About Doxastic Justification?"
"Epistemic Circularity and Common Sense: A Reply to Reed"
"Review of Richard Swinburne's Epistemic Justification"
"Nozick's Fourth Condition""Precis of Perception and Reason & Response to Commentator"
"Review of Michael Tye's Consciousness, Color and Content"
"Stroud's Quest for Reality"
"Spin Control: Comment on John McDowell's Mind and World"
"Casullo on A Priori Justification"
Review of William P. Alston's Beyond Justification"Review of Jonathan Kvanvig's The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding"
Review of Ernest Sosa and Laurence BonJour, Epistemic Justification
Review of Richard Swinburne, Epistemic Justification"Goldman on Probabilistic Inference"
Fitelson, Branden."Critical Study of John Hawthorne's Knowledge and Lotteries"
"Pollock on Probability and Epistemology"Foley, Richard (PB)
Fumerton, Richard.
"Achieving Epistemic Ascent"Gellman, Jerome.
"A New Gettier-Type Refutation of Nozick's Analysis of Knowledge"
"Williamson on Knowledge and Evidence"Greco, John (B).
Grimm, Stephen.Worries about Pritchard's Safety
Review of Jonathan Kvanvig's The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding"
Harman, Gilbert.
Hill, Christopher.
"Hawthorne's Lottery Puzzle and the Nature of Belief"
"Goldman on Introspection"
"Sosa on Virtues, Perception and Intuition"
Jenkins, Carrie.
"Boghossian and Epistemic Analyticity"
Kvanvig, Jonathan."Zagzebski on Justification""Plantinga's Proper Function Theory of Warrant"
"Nozickian Epistemology and the Value of Knowledge" (pdf)"Nozickian Epistemology and the Question of Closure" (pdf)
"Critical Notice of Pritchard's Epistemic Luck"
"Critical Review of Duncan Pritchard's Epistemic Luck"
MacBain, James.
"Epistemic Analysis and the Possibility of Good Informants"
(re: Craig)Magnus, P. D.
"Williamson on Knowledge and Psychological Explanation""Boghossian on Analyticity"
McGrath, Matthew.
"Review of John Hawthorne's Knowledge and Lotteries"Morton, Adam.
"Review of John Hawthorne's Knowledge and Lotteries""Williamson on Scepticism and Rationality"Post, John F.
"Sic Transitivity: Reply to McGrew and McGrew"Critical Notice of Justification Without Awareness by Michael Bergmann
Pryor, James.
"Comments on Sosa's "Relevant Alternatives, Contextualism Included"Review of Eric Olsson, Against Coherence: Truth, Probability and Justification
Sosa, Ernest.
"Davidson's Epistemology""Is Every Truth Knowable? Reply to Williamson"
"Review of John Pollock and Joseph Cruz, Contemporary Theories of Knowledge"
Williamson, Timothy.Back to Subjects
"Symposium on Knowledge and its Limits"
"Should the Empiricist Be a Constructive Empiricist?"
"The NOAer's Dilemma: Constructive Empiricism and the Natural Ontological Attitude"
"Seeing the Unobservable: van Fraassen and the Limits of Experience"
"Constructive Empiricism and Epistemic Modesty"
"Empiricism Naturalized"
Aune, Bruce."Against Moderate Rationalism" [in pdf format - scroll down on his page and click title to download]Bealer, George.
"Modal Epistemology and the Rationalist Renaissance"Brandom, Robert.
"The Incoherence of Empiricism"
"Pragmatism, Inferentialism and Modality in Sellars' Arguments Against Empiricism"Carnap, Rudolf.
"Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology"Colyvan, Mark.
"Mathematical Recreation vs. Mathematical Knowledge"Gregory, Paul A.
"Putting the Bite Back Into Two Dogmas"Hempel, Carl.
"Problems and Changes in the Empiricist Criterion of Meaning." (1950)Millikan, Ruth Garrett."How We Make Our Ideas Clear: Empiricist Epistemology for Empirical Concepts"Morlock, Vanessa.
"The Rationalist's Dilemma"
"The Empiricist Conception of Experience"
"Three Principles of Rationalism"Popper, Karl.
"On the Sources of Knowledge and Ignorance"
Quine, W. V. O."Two Dogmas of Empiricism"Russell, Bertrand.
"The Philosophical Importance of Mathematical Logic"
Sellars, Wilfrid."Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind"Swartz, Norman.Robert Grimm. "A Note On Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind"
"The Obdurate Persistence of Rationalism"Van Fraasen, Bas C."Against Transcendental Empiricism""Sola Experientia? - Feyerabend's Refutation of Classical Empiricism" (automatically downloads in Word Perfect)
Ethics of Belief/ Epistemic Goal/ Epistemic Value
Brogaard, Berit.
"The Trivial Argument for Epistemic Value Pluralism, Or How I Learned to Stop Caring About Truths"
"Can Virtue Reliabilism Explain the Value of Knowledge?"Broome, John."Normative Requirements" (pdf)
Clifford, William K.
"The Ethics of Belief""Epistemic Value Theory and Social Epistemology"
Feldman, Richard.
Clifford's Principle and James's Options"
Fricker, Elizabeth.
"The Value of Knowledge and the Test of Time"Fumerton, Richard.
"Epistemic Justification and Normativity"
Grimm, Stephen.
"Epistemic Normativity"Henderson, David. "
"Epistemic Goals and Epistemic Values"
"Would You Really Rather Be Lucky Than Good?"Jenkins, Carrie.
"Epistemic Norms and Natural Facts""An Argument Against Reductionism in Morality and Epistemology"
"Consensus and Excellence of Reasons"
Kvanvig, Jonathan.
"The Value of Knowledge and Truth""Truth and the Epistemic Goal"
Precis of The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding
"The Connection to Truth""Does Belief Have An Aim?"
"Knowledge, Understanding and Epistemic Value"
Riggs, Wayne D.
"Two Problems of Easy Credit"Shogenji, Tomoji.
"Luck, Knowledge and Control"
"Reliability and the Value of Knowledge"
"Understanding 'Virtue' and the Virtue of Understanding"
"Beyond Truth and Falsehood: The Real Value of Knowing that p"
"Balancing Our Epistemic Ends"
"The Value Turn in Epistemology"
"The Degree of Epistemic Justification and the Conjunction Fallacy"Sosa, Ernest.
"For the Love of Truth?"Steup, Matthias.
"Doxastic Freedom"van Inwagen, Peter.
Is It Wrong, Everywhere, Always, and for Anyone, to Believe Anything On Insufficient Evidence?Wedgewood, Ralph.
"The Aim Of Belief"Back to Subjects"Moderate Epistemic Relativism and Our Epistemic Goals"
"The Practical Importance of Knowledge (Such As It Is)"
"Why Does Justification Matter?"
"The Evolution of Knowledge"
Back to Subjects
Bird, Alexander.Back to Subjects
"Abductive Knowledge and Holmsian Inference"Franceschi, Paul.
"Inference to the Only Explanation"
"The Doomsday Argument and Hempel's Problem"Jenkins, Carrie.
"Knowledge and Explanation"
Lycan, William."Explanation and Epistemology"Mulder, Dwayne."Explanation, Understanding and Subjectivity"
"Fallibilism, Epistemic Possibility and Concessive Knowledge Attributions"
"Is Fallibility an Epistemological Shortcoming?"
Neta, Ram.
"A Refutation of Cartesian Fallibilism"Rysiew, Patrick.
"Fallibilism, Epistemic Possibility and Concessive Knowledge Attributions"
Sanders, Andy F."Dogmatism, Fallibilism and Truth: A Polanyian Puzzle"Stanley, Jason.
"Knowledge and Certainty"Warenski, Lisa.
"Naturalism, Fallibilism and the A Priori"
Back to Subjects
Bayer, Ben.
"A Role for Abstractionism in a Direct Realist Foundationalism"
Bergmann, Michael."What's NOT Wrong With Foundationalism"BonJour, Laurence (B).
selection on foundationalism from The Structure of Empirical KnowledgeCoffman, E J.
"Three Arguments Against Foundationalism"
Cruz, Joseph.(the following are in pdf - scroll down on his page for the link:)"Epistemic Norms and the Sellarsian Dilemma for Foundationalism"
Fumerton, Richard.
"Markie, Speckles and Classical Foundationalism"
"Luminous Enough for a Cognitive Home"
"Epistemic Probability"
"New Foundations for Epistemic Change""Foundational Beliefs and the Structure of Justification"
"Bonjour's Basic Anti-foundationalist Argument"Jackman, Henry."An 'Unintelligbile Idea': Donald Davidson's Case Against Experiential Foundationalism"
"On a Fatal Dilemma for Moderate Foundationalism"
"Keith Lehrer's Case Against Foundationalism"
"Foundationalism and Arbitrariness"
"Three Arguments Against Foundationalism: Arbitrariness, Epistemic Regress and Existential Support"
"Foundationalism, Coherentism and Rule-Following Skepticism"
Klein, Peter D."Human Knowledge and the Infinite Regress of Reasons""Conservatism, Basic Beliefs and the Diachronic and Social Nature of Epistemic Justification"
Kvanvig, Jonathan."The Confusion Over Foundationalism""A Localist Solution to the Regress of Epistemic Justification"McGrew, Timothy.
"Foundationalism, Probability and Mutual Support"Post, John F.
"A Defense of Strong Foundationalism"
Chapter One of The Foundations of Knowledge
"Minimal Epistemology: Beyond Terminal Philosophy to Truth"Poston, Ted.
"Foundationalism, Evidentialism and the Problem of Scatter"
Remedios, Francis."The Foundationalist Justification Of Epistemic Principles"Steup, Matthias.
"Foundationalism, Sense-Experiential Content and Sellar's Dilemma"
"Internalist Foundationalism and the Problem of the Epistemic Regress"
Bach, Kent."Accidental Truth and Would-Be Knowledge"Chignell, Andrew.
"Accidentally True Belief and Warrant"Coffman, E J.
"Thinking About Luck"
Foley, Richard.
"What Must Be Added to True Belief to Have Knowledge? Answer: More True Beliefs"
Gettier, Edmund."Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?" (1963)
Howard-Snyder, Daniel."Infallibilism and Gettier's Legacy"Huemer, Michael."The Problem of Defeasible Justification"Kvanvig, Jonathan (B)
"On Denying A Presupposition of Sellars Problem: A Defense of Propositionalism"Luper, Steven.
"Epistemic Closure Principles"
Lycan, William (B).
"On the Gettier Problem Problem"
Riggs, Wayne D.
"Why Epistemologists are so Down on Their Luck"
Neta, Ram.
"Defeating the Dogma of Defeasibility"Poston, Ted.
"Know-how to be Gettiered?"
Given, The / Sense-Data
(see also Perception)Alston, William."Sellars and the Myth of the Given" (1998)Chrucky, Andrew."The Alleged Fallacy of the Sense-Datum Inference"Echelberger, Charles."Critique of Wilfris Sellars' Materialism (Ph. D. Dissertation)
"Sellars on Thinking and the Myth of the Given"Firth, Roderick."An Alleged Legend"- about the Myth of the Given.
"Sense Data and the Percept Theory" (1949-1950)
Hoy, Ronald C."The Given and the Self-Presenting" (1985)Lewis, C. I.Chapter Two from Mind and the World Order (1941)Snowdon, Paul.
"The Given Element in Empirical Knowledge"
"G. E. Moore and Sense-Data"Vinci, Thomas.
"The Myth of the Myth of the Given"
Bates, Jared.
"The Old Problem of Induction and the New Reflective Equilibrium"
"Reflective Equilibrium and Underdetermination in Epistemology"
Beebe, James R.
"Can Rationalist Abductivism Solve the Problem of Induction?"Bird, Alexander.
"Inductive Knowledge"
Fitelson, Branden.
"Goodman's New Riddle"
"Inductive Logic"
Franceschi, Paul."A Solution to Goodman's Paradox"
George, Alexander.
"A Proof of Induction?"
"Goodman's Problem and Scientific Methodology"Harman, Gilbert.
"Inductive Simplicity and the Matrix"
"The Problem of Induction"
"Statistical Learning Theory as a Framework for the Philosophy of Induction"
Huemer, Michael.
"Confirmation Theory: A Metaphysical Approach"Lange, Marc.
"Explanation and Inductive Logic"
"Would Direct Realism Resolve the Classical Problem of Induction?"McGrew, Timothy.
"Direct Inference and the Problem of Induction"Norton, John D.
"A Little Survey of Induction"Pennock, Robert.
"A Material Theory of Induction"
"Must Evidence Underdetermine Theory?"
"The Formal Equivalence of Grue and Green and How It Undoes The New Riddle of Induction"
"Inductions Without Probabilities"
"Evidential Relevance and the Grue Paradox"
Sankey, Howard."Induction and Natural Kinds"
Schechter, Joshua.
"Meaning and Justification: The Case of Modus Ponens"
"How are Basic Belief Forming Methods Justified?"
"Logically Reliable Inductive Inference"
Sorensen, Roy."Infinite Backward Induction Arguments"
Back to Subjects"Explanation as a Guide to Induction"
"Knowledge Externalism"Alston, William.
"The Deontological Conception of Epistemic Justification"Bach, Kent."A Rationale For Reliabilism"Bayer, Ben.
"How We Choose Our Beliefs"Bergmann, Michael.
"Internalism Empowered"
"The Elusiveness of Doxastic Compatibilism"
"Why the generality problem is everybody's problem"
"In Praise of Epistemic Irresponsibility: How Lazy and Ignorant Can You Be?"
Boghossian, Paul."What The Externalist Can Know A Priori"
"Blind Reasoning"
"Three Notions of Tacit Knowledge"Christensen, David.
"Diachronic Coherence vs. Epistemic Impartiality"
Coffman, E J.
"Warrant Without Truth?"
Comesena, Juan.
"Evidentialist Reliabilism"
"Is Evidence Knowledge?"
"A Well-Founded Solution to the Generality Problem"
"We Are (Almost) All Externalists Now"
"The Diagonal and the Demon"
Cruz, Joseph."The Chimerical Appeal of Epistemic Externalism" (pdf - scroll down on his page for the link)DeRose, Keith.
"Ought We To Follow Our Evidence?"
"Personhood and Future Belief: Two New Arguments For Reflection"Feldman, Richard.
"Internalism Defended" - co-authored with Earl ConeeFoley, Richard (PB)
"Universal Intellectual Trust"
"A Trial Separation Between the Theory of Knowledge and the Theory of Justification"
"Justified Belief as Responsible Belief"
"Conceptual Diversity in Epistemology"
"Epistemic Rationality as Invulnerability to Self-Criticism"
"The Foundational Role of Epistemology in a General Theory of Rationality"
Fumerton, Richard.
"Evidentialism and Truth"
"You Can't Trust a Philosopher""Internalism, Externalism and the Architecture of Justification"
"Toward a Synthesis of Reliabilism and Evidentialism?
"Reliabilism and the Value of Knowledge"
"Immediate Justification and Process Reliabilism"
Greco, John (B).
"The Rational Significance of Reflective Ascent"
"On Denying A Presupposition of Sellars Problem: A Defense of Propositionalism"
"Propositionalism and the Perspectival Character of Justification""Simple Reliabilism and Agent Reliabilism"
"Epistemological Externalism and the Project of Traditional Epistemology"Luper, Steven.
"Believing One's Reasons Are Good"
Lyons, Jack.
"Experience, Evidence and Externalism"Nagasawa, Yujin.
"Externalism and the Memory Argument"Neta, Ram.Pollock, John L."Propositional Justification, Evidence and the Cost of Error"
"Defeasible Reasoning with Variable Degrees of Justification" - downloads in pdfRiggs, Wayne D.
"Reliability and the Value of Knowledge"
"The Weakness of Strong Justification"Rysiew, Patrick.
Sawyer, Sarah."Making It Evident: Evidence and Evidentness, Justification and Belief"
"Externalism, Apriority and Transmission of Warrant"
Schechter, Joshua.
"Hawthorne's Lottery Puzzle and the Nature of Belief"
Sider, Ted."Sorenson on Unknowable Obligations"Sorensen, Roy."Unknowable Obligations""Evidentialist Antiskepticism - 2"Tye, Michael.
"Evidentialist Antiskepticism"
"Doxastic Voluntarism and Epistemic Deontology"
"Is Content Externalism Compatible With Privileged Access" (with Brian McLaughlin) (with Brian McLaughlin)Weatherson, Brian.
Wedgewood, Ralph.
"Internalism Explained"
"A priori Bootstrapping""The Instability of Philosophical Intuitions: Running Hot and Cold on Truetemp"
Williamson, Timothy
Zalabardo, Jose.
"Externalism, Skepticism and the Problem of Easy Knowledge"
Back to Subjects
KnowledgeBach, Kent.
"Knowledge In And Out Of Context"
Bird, Alexander.
"Is Evidence Non-Inferential?"
"A Posteriori Knowledge of Natural Kind Essences: A Defence"
"Can the Concept of Knowledge Be Analyzed?"
"Ways of Knowing"
"What Is Knowledge?"
"Precis of The Possibility of Knowledge"
"The Possibility of Knowledge"
"The Possibility of Knowledge: Reply to Dennis Buelher and others"
"Lenient Accounts of Warranted Assertability"
"Knowledge First?"
"Unsafe Knowledge"
"An Epistemology that Matters"Greco, John.
"Is Understanding a Species of Knowledge?"
Hawley, Catherine.
"Success and Knowledge How"
King, Jeffrey C."What Is A Philosophical Analysis?"
Kvanvig, Jonathan (B)
"On Williamson's Arguments that Knowledge is a Mental State"
McGrath, Matthew.
"Evidence, Pragmatics and Justification"Moffett, Marc.
"On Pragmatic Encroachment in Epistemology"
Morton, Adam."Saving epistemology from the epistemologists: recent work in the theory of knowledge"Neta, Ram.
"The Normative Significance of Brute Facts"
"Mature Human Knowledge as Standing in the Space of Reasons"
"Joint Attention: Its Nature, Reflexivity and Relation to Common Knowledge"
Ramachandran, Murali.
"How Believing Can Fail to be Knowing"
"Williamson's Argument Agains the K-K Principle""Two Problems of Easy Credit"Russell, Bertrand.
"Theory of Knowledge"Rysiew, Patrick.
"Clarity About Concessive Knowledge Attributions: Reply to Dodd"
Salerno, Joe.
"Truth-Tracking and the Problem of Reflective Knowledge"
Seager, William.
"Uncertain Knowledge and Reflective Epistemology"Smithies, Declan.
"The Normative Role of Knowledge"Stanley, Jason.
"Moore's Paradox and the Accessibility of Justification"
"Knowledge by Acquaintance"
"Why Care About Justification?"
"Knowing How"Sutton, Jonathan.
"Knowledge and Action"
"Stick to What You Know" (pdf)
Weatherson, Brian.
"Knowing and Understanding: Reply to Pettit"
"DeRose on Truth-Value Gaps for 'Knows'"Williamson, Timothy.
"Must We Know What We Say?"
"Does Knowledge Matter?"
"The (Mostly Harmless) Inconsistency of Knowledge Ascriptions"
"Improbable Knowing"
Naturalized Epistemology
Bayer, Ben.
"Quine's Acquiesence in Skepticism"
"How Not To Refute Quine"
Bealer, George.
"Philosophical Limits of Scientific Essentialism"Bishop, Michael.
"Reflections on Cognitive and Epistemic Diversity: Does a Stich in Time Save Quine?"BonJour, Laurence (B).
"The Pathologies of Standard Analytic Epistemology"
"Against Naturalized Epistemology"
Bradie, Michael."Normalizing Naturalized Epistemology"Brown, Harold I."Epistemic Concepts: A Naturalistic Approach"Darwish, Bahaa."Two Points Against Naturalized Epistemology""The Universality of Logic: On the Connection Between Rationality and Logical Ability"
Feldman, Richard."We Are All Naturalists Now"
Freeman, James B."Aristotelian Intuition, Basic Beliefs and Naturalistic Epistemology""Skepticism and Naturalistic Epistemology"Henderson, David.
Jackman, Henry."Prudential Arguments, Naturalized Epistemology and The Will To Believe"Kornblith, Hilary.
"What Reflective Endorsement Cannot Do"Kvanvig, Jonathan.
"What Is Naturalistic Epistemology?"
"Scientific Naturalism and the Value of Kowledge"McCauley, Robert N.
"Epistemology in an Age of Cognitive Science"
Neta, Ram.
"Normativity and Judgment"
Pena, Lorenzo. (scroll down on his site for publications in Epistemology)
"Naturalized Epistemology and Degrees of Knowledge"Schlick, Moritz."The Boundary Between Scientific and Non-scientific Knowledge"
"Epistemology and Modern Physics" (1925)Stich, Stephen.
"Naturalizing Epistemology: Quine, Simon and the Prospects for Pragmatism"Zeis, John.
"Completing Kornblith's Project"
"Vagueness and Truth"
"Every Proposition Asserts Itself ot be True: A Buridanian Solution to the Liar Paradox?"
Fara, Delia Graff."Phenomenal Continua and the Sorites""Shifting Sands: An Interest-Relative Account of Vagueness"
"Gap Principles, Penumbral Consequence, and Infinitely Higher-Order Vagueness"
"The Paradox of Believability"
Field, Hartry."Is The Liar Sentence Both True and False?"Franceschi, Paul."The Semantic Paradoxes and the Paradoxes of Vagueness"
"Solving the Paradoxes, Escaping Revenge"
"This Magic Moment: Horwich on the Boundaries of Vague Terms"
"A Dichotomic Analysis of the Surprise Examination Paradox"
"On the Circularity of the Sorites Paradox"
"An Utterly Brilliant Yet Failed Solution to the Liar Paradox"Greenough, Patrick.
"Vagueness and Non-Indexical Contextualism"
"Hold the Context Fixed, Vagueness Still Remains"
"Vagueness: A Minimal Theory"
Hawley, Catherine.
"Vagueness and Existence"Hawthorne, John.
"Knowledge and Objective Chance"
"The Many Minds Approach to Vagueness""Facing Up to the Sorites Paradox""The Two-Envelope Paradox and the Foundations of Rational Decision Theory"
"Transvaluationism: A Dionysian Approach to Vagueness"
"The Transvaluationist Conception of Vagueness"
Jenkins, Carrie.
"Liar-Like Paradox and Object-Language Features"
Jonathan Kvanvig (B)
"Knowledge, Assertion and Lotteries"
"The Knowability Paradox and the Prospects for Antirealism"Ludwig, Kirk (B).
"Vagueness and the Sorites Paradox"MacFarlane, John.
"Fuzzy Epistemicism"McKinnon, Neil.
"Supervaluations and the Problem of the Many"
Morton, Adam."If You're So Smart, Why Are You Ignorant? Epistemic Causal Paradoxes"Pettit, Philip.
"The Backward Induction Paradox"
Pritchard, Duncan.
"Knowledge, Luck and Lotteries"Schiffer, Stephen.
"Quandry and Intuitionism: Crispin Wright on Vagueness"Sider, Ted.
"What Is Vagueness?"
Smith, Nicholas J. J.
"A Plea For Things That Are Not Quite All There"Sorensen, Roy.
"Semantic Regularity and the Liar Paradox"
"Vagueness as Closeness"
"Vagueness and Blurry Sets"
"Worldly Indeterminacy: A Rough Guide"
"Vagueness By Numbers? No Worries"
"The Principle of Uniform Solution"
"Knowledge Beyond the Margin of Error"Sutton, Jonathan.
"The Egg Came Before the Chicken""Ambiguity, Discretion and the Sorites"
"The Epistemic Conception of Vagueness: Comments on Wright"
"How to Mistake a Trivial Fact About Probability for a Substantive Fact About Justified Belief"
Weiner, Joan.
"Science and Semantics: The Case of Vagueness and Supervaluation"
"Deductive Closure and the Sorites"Williamson, Timothy
Yablo, Steven.
"Paradox Without Self-Reference"
"A Reply to New Zeno"
"Definitions, Consistent and inconsistent"
"New Grounds for Naive Truth Theory"
"Circularity and Paradox"
(see also Given, The/ Sense-Data)"Pretending to See"Alston, William.
"Perception and Conception"
Bermudez, Jose Luis.
Bishop, Michael."Nonconceptual Content and the Nature of Perceptual Experience" (with Fiona MacPherson)
"Theory-Ladenness of Perception Arguments"Brewer, Bill.
"Experience and Content"
"Basic Sensible Qualities and the Structure of Appearance"
"Experience and Reason in Perception"
"Realism and the Nature of Perceptual Experience"
"Perceptual Experience Has Conceptual Content"
"Perception and Content"
"How to Account for Illusion"
Broad, C. D.
"Sense-Perception and Matter""Introduction to Disjunctivism"
"Perception and Conceptual Content"
"Color and Similarity"
"Tye on Color and the Explanatory Gap"
"Colors and Reflectances"
"The Contents of Phenomenal Concepts"Cassam, Quassim.
"Knowledge, Perception and Analysis"
"Knowing and Seeing: Responding to Stroud's Dilemma"
"Tackling Berkeley's Puzzle"
Chalmers, David J."The Content and Epistemology of Phenomenal Belief"Clark, Romane.
"Perception and the Fall From Eden"
"The Sensuous Content of Perception"
Cohen, Jonathen.
"A Guided Tour of Color"Comesena, Juan.
"The Grand Illusion Illusion"
"On the Structural Properties of Colors"
"Critical Study of Stroud's The Quest For Reality"
"Color: A Functionalist Proposal"
"Williamson on Knowledge and Psychological Explanation"
"On the Epistemic Value of Photographs"
"Objects, Places and Perception"
"Color Properties and Color Ascriptions: A Relationalist Manifesto"
"Color and Perceptual Variation Revisited: Unknown Facts, Alien Modalities and Perfect Psychosemantics"
"True Colors"
"Color, Variation and the Appeal to Essences: Impasse and Resolution"
"The Truth About 'The Truth About True Blue'"
"Colors, Functions, Realizers and Roles"
"A Relationalist's Guide to Color Perception"
"Color Constancy as Counterfactual"
"Color Relationalism and Color Phenomenology"
"Justified vs. Warranted Perceptual belief: Resisting Disjunctivism"
Dennett, Daniel."Seeing Is Believing - Or Is It?"
DeRose, Keith.
DeVries, Willem.
"McDowell, Sellars and Sense Impressions"Fara, Delia Graff.
"Phenomenal Continua and the Sorites""Indiscriminability and the Sameness of Appearance""Direct Realism"
"Direct Realism, Introspection, and Cognitive Science"
"Empirical Concepts and the Content of Experience"
"Reasons for Belief"
Grice, H. P.
"The Causal Theory of Perception"Hilbert, David.
"Basic Sensible Qualities and the Structure of Appearance"
"Color Constancy and the Complexity of Color"
"Hallucination, Sense-data and Direct Realism"
"Hardin, Tye and Color Physicalism"
"Color and the Inverted Spectrum"
"Is Seeing Believing"
"What Is Color Vision?"
"We Have Experiences"
"Content, Intention and Explanation"
Hill, Christopher.
"Visual Awareness and Visual Qualia"Hobson, Kenneth.
"In defense of direct rational realism"Howell, Robert J.
"A noncausal theory of perception"
"Sensations, Swatches and Speckled Hens"
Huemer, Michael."A Direct Realist Account of Perceptual Awareness" (Ph.D. dissertation)Kelly, Sean D."What Makes Perceptual Content Non-Conceptual?""Panexperientialism, Cognition and the Nature of Experience"
"Restrictions on Representationalism"
"Qualia Realism"
"Disenchanting the World: McDowell, Sellars and Rational Constraint by Perception"Ludwig, Kirk (B).
"Shape, Properties and Perception"Lyons, Jack.
"Perceptual Belief and Nonexperiential Looks""Mary Meets Molyneux: The Explanatory Gap and the Individuation of Phenomenal Concepts"
"The Transparency of Experience"Moore, G. E.
"Austin's Sense and Sensibilia Revisited"
"Sensible Appearances"
"The Nature and Reality of the Objects of Perception"Nagel, Jennifer.
"Some Judgments of Perception"
"Broadly Kantian Epistemology and the Problem of Mind-Independence"Neta, Ram.
"Perceptual Evidence and the New Dogmatism"Noe, Alva.
"In Defense of Disjunctivism"
"Liberalism and Conservatism in the Epistemology of Perceptual Belief"
"Experience of the World in Time"
"Against Intellectualism"
"Experience Without the Head"
"Is the Visual World a Grand Illusion?"
"Causation and Perception"
"Perceptual Completion: A Case Study in Phenomenology and Cognitive Science"
"Finding Out About Filling In: A Guide to Perceptual Completion for Visual Science"
"Beyond the Grand Illusion: What Change Blindness Really Teaches Us About Vision"
"What It Is Like to See: A Sensorimotor Theory of Perceptual Experience"
"On the Brain-Basis of Visual Consciousness: A Sensorimotor Account"
"A Sensorimotor Account of Vision and Visual Consciousness"
"Thought and Experience"
"Experience and Experiment in Art"
"Experience and the Active Mind"
"On What We See"
"Perception, Attention and the Grand Illusion"
"Perception, Action and Non-Conceptual Content"
"Is Perspectival Self-Consciousness Nonconceptual?"
"Acting Out Our Sensory Experience""Phenomenal and Perceptual Concepts""Explaining Perceptual Entitlement"
"Joint Attention: Its Nature, Reflexivity and Relation to Common Knowledge"
"Sensational Properties: Theses to Accept and Theses to Reject"Pollock, John L.
"Perception, Content and Rationality"
Poston, Ted.
"Acquaintance and the Problem of the Speckled Hen"
Pryor, James."There Is Immediate Justification"
Reichenbach, Hans.Experience and Prediction, Chapter OneRosenberg, Jay."Spontaneity Unchained: An Essay in Darwinian Epistemology"Russell, Bertrand.
"Knowledge By Acquaintance and Knowledge By Description"Schaffer, Jonathan.
Perceptual Knowledge DerailedSellars, Wilfrid.
"Acquaintance and Description Again" (1949)Shoemaker, Sydney.
"Some Reflections on Perceptual Consciousness"
"Color, Subjective Reactions and Qualia"Stoneham, Tom.
"A Neglected Account of Perception?"Tye, Michael.
"Knowing What It Is Like: The Ability Hypothesis and the Knowledge Argument"Wright, Wayne.
"Up Close With the Speckled Hen"
"A New Look at the Speckled Hen"
"Is Content Externalism Compatible With Privileged Access" (with Brian McLaughlin)
"Representationalism and the Transparency of Experience"
"Of Colors, Kestrels, Caterpillars and Leaves" (w/ Peter Bradley)
"Visual Qualia and Visual Content Revisited"
"A Theory of Phenomenal Concepts"
"Nonconceptual Content, Richness and Fineness of Grain"
"In Defense of Representationalism: Reply to Commentaries"
"Another Look at Representationalism About Pain"
"The Nature of Nonconceptual Content"
"The Problem of Common Sensibles"
"A Dilemma for Jackson and Pargetter's Account of Color"
"McDowell, Demonstrative Concepts and Nonconceptual Representational Content"
"Projectivist Representationalism and Color"
"Distracted Drivers and Unattended Experience"
"Colors as Properties of the Special Sciences"
"Visual Stuff and Active Vision"
Bickhard, Mark."Critical Principles; On the Negative Side Of Rationality"Bird, Alexander.
"Rationality and the Structure of Self-Deception"
Broome, John."Practical Reasoning" (pdf)
"Does Rationality Consist in Responding Correctly to Reasons?"
Brown, Harold I.
"Judgment and Reason: Responses to Healy and Reiner and Beyond"
Brown, Jessica.
"The Knowledge Norm for Assertion"
"Knowledge and Practical Reason"Christensen, David.
"Higher-Order Evidence"Foley, Richard (PB)
"Disagreement as Evidence: The Epistemology of Controversy"
"Disagreement, Question-Begging and Epistemic Self-Criticism"
"Epistemic Self-Respect"
"Does Murphy's Law Apply in Epistemology? Self-Doubt and Rational Ideals"
Gibbons, John."Epistemic Rationality as Invulnerability to Self-Criticism"
"Things That Make Things Reasonable"
Gillies, Anthony.
"CIA Leaks"
"An Opinionated Guide to Epistemic Modality"
"What Might Be The Case After a Change in View"
"Epistemic Conditionals and Conditional Epistemics"
"Knowledge and Action"Healy, Paul
"Rationality, Judgment and Critical Inquiry"Jackman, Henry."Rationality, Judgment and Rule-Following: A Reply To Reiner"
"Belief, Rationality and Psychophysical Laws""Peer Disagreement and Higher-Order Evidence"
"Disagreement, Dogmatism and Belief Polarization"
"The Epistemic Significance of Disagreement"
"The Rationality of Belief and Some Other Propositional Attitudes"
"Epistemic Rationality and Instrumental Rationality: A Critique"
"Sunk Costs, Rationality and Acting for the Sake of the Past"
"Evidence and Normativity: Reply to Leite"
"Epistemic Instrumentalism and Reasons for Belief: a reply to Tom Kelly’s 'Epistemic Rationality As Instrumental Rationality: A Critique' "
"Are There More Than Minimal A Priori Constraints on Irrationality?
Olin, Doris.
"Consistency and Epistemic Probability"John L. Pollock"Belief Revision and Epistemology" - pdfReiner, Richard.
"Epistemology, Rationality and Cognition"
"The Rationality of Authority: Healy and Brown on Expertise"Smithies, Declan.
"Rationality and the Subjective Point of View"Stark, Herman.
"Expertise and Rationality"Wedgewood, Ralph."Choosing Rationally and Choosing Correctly"
Religious Epistemology
Alston, William.Brown, Ernest."Plantinga, Proper Basicality and Fideism"DeRose, Keith."Are Christian Beliefs Properly Basic?""Epistemological Considerations Concerning Skeptical Theism"
Flew, Antony."The Presumption of Atheism"Gale, Richard."Why Alston's Mystical Doxastic Practice Is Subjective"Greco, John (B).
Jager, Christoph.
"Warrant, Defeaters and the Epistemic Basis for Religious Belief"
"Religious Experience and Epistemic Justification: Alston on the Reliability of 'Mystical Perception'"
Kvanvig, Jonathan."Alston on Perceiving God"
Martin, Michael."Craig's Holy Spirit Epistemology"Nagasawa, Yujin.
Penelhum, Terence.
"Reflections on Reformed Epistemology"Plantinga, Alvin."Intellectual Sophistication and Basic Belief In God"Pritchard, Duncan.
"Reforming Reformed Epistemology"Rea, Michael.
"Theism and Epistemic Truth Equivalences" (scroll down on his page for the link)Robbins, J. Wesley.
"Evolutionary Naturalism, Theism and Skepticism About the External World"Sudduth, Michael."Alstonian Foundationalism and Higher-Level Theistic Evidentialism"Van Inwagen, Peter."Can Religious Unbelief be Proper Function Rational?"
"The Internalist Character and Evidentialism Implications of Plantingian Defeaters"
"Reformed Epistemology and Christian Apologetics"
Calvin, Plantinga, and the Natural Knowledge of God: A Response to Beversluis
Plantinga’s Revision of the Reformed Tradition: Rethinking OUR Natural KNOWLEDGE OF GOD
Is It Wrong, Everywhere, Always, and for Anyone, to Believe Anything On Insufficient Evidence?Zeis, John.
"A Foundherentist Conception of the Justification of Religious Belief"
Booth, Anthony R.
"Doxastic Voluntarism and Self-Deception" (No. 22)Brewer, Bill.
"Self-Knowledge and Externalism"Brown, Jessica.
"Subject-Sensitive Invariantism and the Knowledge Norm for Practical Reasoning"
"Introspection"Cassam, Quassim.
"Knowing Our Minds"
"Knowing that I am Thinking"
"The Basis of Self-Knowledge"
"Expressivism, Truth and Self-Knowledge"
Davies, Martin.
"Aunty's Argument and Armchair Knowledge"Ebbs, Gary.
"Armchair Knowledge, Begging the Question and Epistemic Warrant"
"The Problem of Armchair Knowledge"
"Externalism, Self-Knowledge and Transmission of Warrant"
"Externalism and Armchair Knowledge"
"Externalism, Architecturalism and Epistemic Warrant"
"Why Skepticism About Self-Knowledge is Self-Undermining"
Fernandez, Jordi.
"Thought Insertion and Self-Knowledge"Gertler, Brie.
"Desire and Self-Knowledge"
"Memory, Past and Self"
"Memory and Perception: Remembering Snowflake"
"The Intentionality of Memory"
"Self-Knowledge, Rationality and Moore's Paradox"
"Priviliged Access Revisited"
"Externalism and Self-Knowledge: A Puzzle in Two Dimensions"
"Priviliged Access Naturalized"
"Self-Knowledge and the Transparency of Belief"Gibbons, John.
"Content Externalism and the Epistemic Conception of the Self"
"Introduction to Privileged Access: Philosophical Accounts of Self-Knowledge"
"The Mechanics of Self-Knowledge"
"Introspecting Phenomenal States"
"Seeing What You're Doing"Goldberg, Sanford.
"Externalism and Knowledge of the Attitudes"
"Externalism and Knowledge of Content"
"Qualia: They're Not What They Seem"
"Brown on Self-Knowledge and Discrimination"
"Externalism, Self-Knowledge and Content: A New Incompatibilist Strategy"
"The Psychology and Epistemology of Self-Knowledge"
Self-Knowledge, Self-Ascription and the Memory Argument"
Howell, Robert J.
"Immunity to Error and Subjectivity"
"Self-Knowledge and Self-Reference""What's So Transparent About Transparency"
"Shoemaker, Self-Blindness and Moore's Paradox"
Kriegel, Uriah.
"Self-Representationalism and Phenomenology"Larkin, William S.
"Phenomenal Epistemology: What Is Consciousness That We May Know It So Well?"
"A Broad Perceptual Model of Introspective Judgments"Ludwig, Kirk (B).
"First Person Knowledge and Authority"Lycan, William (B).
"Self-Knowledge and the First Person"
"Shoemaker on Self-Knowledge and Inner Sense"
"Externalism and Authoritative Self-Knowledge"
"Self-Knowledge and the Inner Eye"
"The Limits of Self-Awareness"McGeer, Victoria.
"Is Self-Knowledge An Empirical Problem?"Moran, Richard.
"Self-Knowledge, Discovery, Resolution, Undoing"
Neta, Ram.
Noe, Alva.
"Is Perspectival Self-Consciousness Nonconceptual?"
"Self-Knowledge, Agency and Force"
"Moran on Agency and Self-Knowledge"
"On Knowing One's Own Actions"
"Solipsism and Self-Reference"
"Epistemic Akrasia"
"Knowing One's Own Mind"
"The Authority of Memory"
Parent, Ted.
"Infallibilism About Self-Knowledge"Ross, Kelly.
Sawyer, Sarah.
Schwitzgebel, Eric."The Epistemological Argument for Content Externalism"
"In Defense of Burge's Thesis"
"The Epistemic Divide"
"An Externalist Account of Introspective Knowledge"
"The Unreliability of Naive Introspection"Seager, William.
"No Unchallengeable Epistemic Authority, of Any Sort, Regarding Our Own Conscious Experience - Contra Dennett?"
"How Well Do We Know Our Own Conscious Experience? The Case of Visual Imagery"
"Why Did We Think We Dreamed in Black and White?"
"How Well Do We Know Our Own Conscious Experience? The Case of Human Echolocation"
"Emotional Introspection"Sosa, Ernest.
Speaks, Jeff.
"Is There A Problem About Nonconceptual Content?"
"Transparency, Intentionalism and the Nature of Perceptual Content"
"The Problem of Self-Knowledge"Steup, Matthias.
"Are Mental States Luminous?"Stich, Stephen.
"Reading One's Own Mind: Self-Awareness and Developmental Psychology""Cognitive Phenomenology, Semantic Qualia and Luminous Knowledge"
Wikforss, Asa.
"Self-Knowledge and Knowledge of Content"
"Direct Knowledge and Other Minds"
(see also Fallibilism/Infallibilism)Bach, Kent.
Beebe, James R."Perspectives on Possibilities: Contextualism, Relativism or What?"
"BonJour's Abductivist Reply to Skepticism"Bird, Alexander.
"The Abductivist Reply to Skepticism"
"Constraints on Skeptical Hypotheses"
"A Priori Skepticism"
"Nozick's Fourth Condition"Black, Tim.
"Scepticism and Contrast Classes"
"Modal and Anti-Luck Epistemology"Blome-Tillmann, Michael.
"What we can learn from the skeptical puzzle"
A warranted-assertability defense of a moorean response to skepticism"
"Solving the problem of easy knowledge"
"Defending A Sensitive Neo-Moorean Invariantism"
"Avoiding the Dogmatic Committments of Contextualism"
"Classic Invariantism, Relevance and Warranted Assertability Manoeuvers"
"Contextualism In Epistemology"
"A Moorean Response to Brain-In-A-Vat Skepticism"
"Contextualism, Safety and Epistemic Relevance"Bostrom, Nick.
"Epistemic Contextualism"
"The Indexicality of 'Knowledge'"
"Contextualism and the Epistemological Enterprise"
"A Closer Look at Closure Skepticism"
"What's Wrong With Skeptical Invariantism?"
"Knowledge and Presuppositions"
"What We Should Say To The Skeptic"Brogaard, Berit.
"Knowability and a Modal Closure Principle"
"Knowability, Possibility and Paradox"
"Contextualism, Skepticism and the Gettier Problem"
"Epistemological Contextualism and the Problem of Moral Luck"
Brown, Jessica.
"Subject-Sensitive Invariantism and the Knowledge Norm for Practical Reasoning"Bueno, Otavio.
"Doubt, Circularity and the Moorean Response to the Sceptic"
"Comparing Contextualism and Invariantism"
"Adapt or Die: The Death of Invariantism?"
"Williamson on Luminosity and Contextualism"
"Davidson on Skepticism: How Not To Respond To The Skeptic"Butchvarov, Panayot.
"The Untruth and the Truth of Skepticism""How Hard are the Skeptical Paradoxes?"
"Forward to P. F. Strawson's Scepticism and Naturalism"
"The Lottery Paradox Generalized?"
"From Epistemic Contextualism to Epistemic Expressivism"
Cohen, Stewart.
"Basic Knowledge and the Problem of Easy Knowledge"Coffman, E J.
"Defending Klein on Closure and Skepticism"Comesena, Juan.
"What Lottery Problem for Reliabilism?"Conee, Earl.
"Opposing Skepticism Disjunctively"Cruz, Joseph.(the following are in pdf - scroll down on his page for the link:)"Two Purposes of Arguing and Two Epistemic Projects"
"Epistemic Entitlement, Warrant Transmission and Easy Knowledge"
DeRose, Keith."Responding to Skepticism""How Can We Know That We're Not Brains In Vats?"
"Descartes, Epistemic Principles, Epistemic Circularity, and Scientia"
"Now You Know It, Now You Don't"
"Sosa, Safety, Sensitivity and Skeptical Hypotheses"
"Assertion, Knowledge and Context"
"The Ordinary Language Basis for Contextualism and the New Invariantism"
"Can It Be That It Would Have Been Even Though It Might Not Have Been?
"The Problem with Subject-Sensitive Invariantism"
"Contextualism: An Explanation and Defense"
"Knowledge, Assertion and Lotteries"
"Bamboozled By Our Own Words: Semantic Blindness and some Arguments Against Contextualism"
"Externalism and Skepticism"
DeVries, Willem.
"Burgeoning Skepticism"
"Knowledge and Context-Sensitive Norms: A Defense of Simple Moderate Invariantism"
Ebbs, Gary.
"A Puzzle About Doubt"
"How Moore Beat the Skeptic"
Foley, Richard (PB)
"Philosophy Sabotages Knowledge"
"The Reflective Epistemic Renegade"
"Live Skeptical Hypotheses"
"When a Skeptical Hypothesis is Live"
"Contradictory Belief and Epistemic Closure Principles"
Fumerton, Richard.
"The Problem of the Criterion"
"Epistemic Internalism, Philosophical Assurance and the Skeptical Predicament"
"How Lucky Can You Get?"
"Anti-Individualism, Conceptual Omniscience and Skepticism"
"The Theoretical Diagnosis of Skepticism"Grayling, A. C.
"Scepticism and Justification"
"Wittgenstein on Scepticism and Certainty"
Virtue, Luck and the Pyrrhonian Problematic
Chapter One of Putting Skeptics in Their Place
"What's Wrong With Contextualism?"
Greene, Richard.
"A Provisional Rejection of the Principle of Epistemic Closure"Hales, Steven D.
"Epistemic Closure Principles"Harman, Gilbert.
"Certainty and Phenomenal States"
"Skepticism and Foundations"
"Epistemic Contextualism as a Theory of Direct Speaker Meaning"
"Response to Hawthorne"
"Motivated Contextualism"
"Epistemic Competence and Contextualist Epistemology"
"Shattering A Cartesian Sceptical Dream"
Huemer, Michael.
excerpts from Skepticism and the Veil of Perception"Quantifiers, Knowledge and Counterfactuals"
"Quantifiers and Epistemic Contextualism"
"Scepticism and the Imagination Model of Dreaming"
Jackman, Henry.
"Davidson, Skepticism and the Pragmatics of Justification"Jager, Christoph.
"Skepticism, Information and Closure"
"Epistemic Deontology, Doxastic Involuntarism and the Principle of Alternate Possibilities"
"Moorean Facts and Belief Revision, or Can the Skeptic Win?"
"The Cost of Skepticism: Who Pays?"
Kochiras, Hylarie.
"Belief Contexts and Epistemic Possibility"
Kvanvig, Jonathan (B)
Larkin, William S.
"Contextualism, Contrastivism, Relevant Alternatives and Closure"
"Closure and Alternative Possibilities"
"Content Skepticism"
"Assertion, Knowledge and Invariant Standards"
"Taking Skepticism Seriously"
"Dreams and Skepticism: What Austin Saw and Moore Missed"
"Immediate Warrant, Epistemic Responsibility and Moorean Dogmatism"
"Some Worries for Would Be WAMmers"
"Skepticism, Closure, and Sensitivity, or Why the Closure Principle is Irrelevant to Skepticism"
"How to Link Assertion and Knowledge Without Going Contextualist: A reply to DeRose’s 'Assertion, Knowledge, and Context'"
Lihoreau, Franck.
"Relevant Alternatives Contextualism and Ordinary Contingent Knowledge" (No. 24)
"Contextualism and the New Linguistic Turn in Philosophy"Ludwig, Kirk.
"Cheap Contextualism"
"Skepticism, Logical Independence and Epistemic Priority"Luper, Steven.
"Skepticism and Interpretation"
"Brains in a Vat, Subjectivity and the Causal Theory of Reference"
"The Easy Argument"
"Moore's Missing Principle""Dretske on Knowledge Closure"
"Indiscernability Skepticism"
"Epistemic Relativism"
"The Epistemic Predicament: Knowledge, Nozickian Track and Skepticism"
Lycan, William.
"Moore Against The Skeptics""McDowell, Scepticism, and the ‘Veil of Perception'"MacFarlane, John.
"Skepticism, Self-Knowledge and Responsibility"
"Naturalism and Skepticism"
"Relativism and Knowledge Attributions"
"The Assessment Sensitvity of Knowledge Attributions"
"Knowledge Laundering: Testimony and Sensitive Invariantism"
Moore, G. E.
"A Defense of Common Sense"
"Proof of an External World"
Murphy, Peter.
"A Strategy for Assessing Closure"
"In Defense of Sensitivity"
"Closure Failures for Safety"
"A Sceptical Rejoinder to Sensitivity Contextualism"
"Avoiding the Dogmatic Committments of Contextualism"
Nagel, Jennifer.
"Contemporary Skepticism and the Cartesian God"
Neta, Ram.Poston, Ted."Skepticism, Contextualism, and Semantic Self-Knowledge"
"Contextualism and the Problem of the External World"
"Luminosity and the Safety of Knowledge"
"Skepticism, Abductivism and the Explanatory Gap"
"A Contextualist Solution to the Problem of Easy Knowledge"
"Contextualism and a Puzzle About Seeing"
"Undermining the Case For Contrastivism"
"McDowell and the New Evil Genius"
"How Cheap Can You Get?"
"Skeptics Without Borders"
Pritchard, Duncan.
"McDowell and the New Evil Genius"Pryor, James.
"Scepticism, Epistemic Luck and Epistemic Angst"
"The Structure of Sceptical Arguments"
"Contextualism, Scepticism and Warranted Assertability Manoeuvres"
"Wittgenstein's On Certainty and Contemporary Anti-Scepticism"
"Neo-Mooreanism vs. Scepticism"
"Greco on Scepticism"
"Epistemic Deflationism"
"Epistemic Luck"
"The Psychology and Philosophy of Luck"
"An Argument for the Inconsistency of Content Externalism and Epistemic Internalism"
"McDowell on Reasons, Externalism and Scepticism"
"Virtue Epistemology and Epistemic Luck"
"Recent Work on Radical Scepticism"
"McKinsey Paradoxes, Radical Scepticism, and the Transmission of Knowledge Across Known Entailments"
"Resurrecting the Moorean Responses to Scepticism"
"Radical Scepticism, Epistemological Externalism and Closure"
"Two Forms of Epistemological Contextualism"
"Contextualism, Scepticism and the Problem of Epistemic Descent"
"Scepticism and Dreaming"
"Radical Scepticism, Epistemological Externalism and "Hinge" Propositions"
"Closure and Context"
"Greco on Reliabilism and Epistemic Luck"
"Contrastivism, Evidence and Skepticism"
"Anti-Luck Epistemology"
"McDowellian Neo-Mooreanism"
"How to be a Neo-Moorean"
"Sensitivity, Safety and Anti-Luck Epistemology"
"Wittgenstein on Skepticism"
"Epistemic Luck and Epistemic Value"
"When Warrant Transmits"Putnam, Hilary.
"What's So Bad About Living in the Matrix?""Is Moore's Argument An Example of Transmission Failure?"
"Brains in a Vat" - selection from Reason, Truth and History
Rapaport, William J.
"On Cogito Propositions"Reed, Baron.
"A Defense of Stable Invariantism"
Rysiew, Patrick.
"The Context Sensitivity of Knowledge Attributions"Schaffer, Jonathan.
Knowledge, Relevant Alternatives, and Missed Clues
Skepticism, Contextualism, and DiscriminationContrastive Knowledge
From Contextualism to Contrastivism
What Shifts? Thresholds, Standards, or Alternatives?
Knowing the Answer
Closure, Contrast, and Answer
The Irrelevance of the Subject
The Contrast-Sensitivity of Knowledge Ascriptions
"Knowledge in the Image of Assertion"
The Debasing Demon
Schiffer, Stephen.
"Evidence = Knowledge: Williamson's Solution to Skepticism"Sorensen, Roy.
"Interest-Relative Invariantism"
"Commercial Applications of Skepticism"
Stanley, Jason.
"Precis of Knowledge and Practical Interests and Replies to Critics"
"Fallibilism and Concessive Knowledge Attributions"
"On the Linguistic Basis for Contextualism"
"Context, Interest Relativity and the Sorites"
Steup, Matthias.
Stich, Stephen.
Stone, Jim.
"Skepticism as a Theory of Knowledge"
"Contextualism and Warranted Assertion"
Thonemann, Philip."Quarantining Skepticism"Vogel, Jonathan.
"Varieties of Skepticism"
Weatherson, Brian.
"Scepticism, Rationalism and Externalism"
"Tracking, Closure and Conjunctions"
"Deontology and Descartes' Demon"
Wedgewood, Ralph.
"Metaskepticism: Meditations in Ethno-Epistemology"
Williamson, Timothy
"Philosophical 'Intuitions' and Scepticism about Judgement""Knowledge, Context and the Agent's Point of View"
"Contextualism, Subject-Sensitive Invariantism and Knowledge of Knowledge"
Zalabardo, Jose.
"How I Know I'm Not a Brain In A Vat"
Social Epistemology"Nested Testimony, Nested Probability and a Defense of Testimonial Reductionism"
"Social Functions of Knowledge Attributions"
Bird, Alexander
"Social Knowing""The Autonomy of Social Epistemology"
Christensen, David.
"Epistemology of Disagreement: The Good News"
"Testimony, Memory and the Limits of the A Priori"
"Right Decisions or Happy Decision-Makers?"
Ebbs, Gary.
"Learning From Others"
"Epistemic Unities"
Fricker, Elizabeth.
"Knowledge from Trust in Testimony is Second-Hand Knowledge"Fumerton, Richard.
"The Epistemic Role of Testimony: Internalist and Externalist Perspectives"Goldberg, Sanford.
"Testimonial Knowledge from Unsafe Testimony"
"Monitoring Anti-Reductionism in the Epistemology of Testimony"
"Testimonially Based Knowledge from False Testimony"
"Education and Social Epistemology"Philips, D. C. (Commentary on Goldman)
"Why Social Epistemology is Real Epistemology"
"Systems Oriented Social Epistemology"
"Epistemic Relativism and Reasonable Disagreement"
"The Social Epistemology of Blogging"
"Social Epitemology: Theory and Applications"
Graham, Peter.
"Testimonial Entitlement and the Function of Comprehension"
"The Theoretical Diagnosis of Skepticism"
"Can Testimony Generate Knowledge?"
"Liberal Fundamentalism and Its Rivals"
"Testimonial Justification: Inferential or Non-Inferential?"
"Metaphysical Libertarianism and the Epistemology of Testimony"
"Transferring Knowledge"
"The Reliability of Testimony"
"Conveying Information"
"What Is Testimony?"
"The Role Of Trust In Knowledge"Haslanger, Sally.
"Epistemic Dependence"
"Evidence, Testimony, and the Problem of Individualism - a Reply to Schmitt"
"'But Mom You're Just Wrong. Crop Tops are Cute!' And Other Epistemic Challenges"
"What Knowledge Is and What It Ought to Be"Hawley, Catherine.
"Testimony and Knowing How"Henderson, David.
"Testimonial Belief and Epistemic Competence"
Kvanvig, Jonathan."Norms of Assertion"
"Is There an 'Us' in 'Justification'?""Assertion and Isolated Second-Hand Knowledge"MacFarlane, John.
"Testimonial Knowledge"
"Testimony: Acquiring Knowledge from Others"
"What Should We Do When We Disagree?"
"A Justificationist's View of Disagreement's Epistemic Significance"
"What Is Assertion?"Matheson, David.
"Epistemic Modals are Assessment-Sensitive"
"Anonymity and Testimonial Warrant"
Moran, Richard.
"Getting Told and Being Believed"
Morton, Adam.
"Contrastivity and Indistinguishability"Neta, Ram.
"Can A Prioricity of Entitlement be Preserved by Testimony?""Testimony and Assertion"
"The Strong Sociology of Knowledge Without Relativism"
"An Epistemic Free-Riding Problem?"
Pritchard, Duncan.
"The Epistemology of Testimony"
"Testimony"Rysiew, Patrick.
"Beyond Words: Communication, Truthfulness and Understanding"
Shogenji, Tomoji.
"A Defense of Reductionism About Testimonial Justification of Beliefs"Thagard, Paul.
"Collaborative Knowledge"Traiger, Saul.
"Testimony, Credibility and Explanatory Coherence"
"Humean Testimony""The Assurance View of Testimony"
"Testimony: Evidence and Responsibility"
Dummett, Michael."Victor's Error"
Harman, Gilbert."Correspondence Between Wilfred Sellars and Gilbert Harman on Truth" (1970)Lafont, Christina."Truth, Knowledge and Reality"Nobis, Nathan.
"Truth in Ethics and Epistemology"Tarski, Alfred.
"The Semantic Conception of Truth" (1944)Williamson, Timothy
"Truth, falsity and borderline cases"
Virtue Epistemology
Battaly, Heather.
"What Is Virtue Epistemology?"Greco, John (B).
Henderson, David.Virtue, Luck and the Pyrrhonian Problematic
"Epistemic Virtues and Cognitive Dispositions"Kvanvig, Jonathan.
"Virtue Epistemology"
Morton, Adam (B)."Epistemic Virtues, Metavirtues and Computational Complexity"Neta, Ram.
"Should We Swap Internal Foundations for Virtues?"Pritchard, Duncan.
"Virtue Epistemology and the Acquisition of Knowledge"
"Insight, Open-Mindedness and Understanding"
Sosa, Ernest.
"A Virtue Epistemology"
An Empiricist Theory of Knowledge
Ayer, A. J.
Language, Truth and Logic
Bach, Kent.
Beebe, James R.
"Experimental Epistemology"Bird, Alexander.
"The Epistemic Side-Effect Effect"
"Philosophy of Science and Epistemology"
"The Epistemology of Science: A Bird's Eye View"
"Justified Judging"
"Is Evidence Non-Inferential?"
"Evidence and Inference"
Boghossian, Paul.
"How Are Objective Epistemic Reasons Possible?"Bonjour, Laurence.
"Knowledge, Justification and Truth: A Sellarsarian Approach to Epistemology" (1969 - Ph. D. dissertation)Butchvarov, Panayot.Chalmers, David J."The Nature of Epistemic Space"Elgin, Catherine.
"True Enough"
"Old Evidence Again"Fara, Delia Graff.
"An Anti-Epistemicist Consequence of Margin for Error Semantics for Knowledge"Field, Hartry.
"Epistemology Without Metaphysics"
Floridi, Luciano.
"The Renaissance of Epistemology: 1914-1945" (pdf)
Harman, Gilbert.
Goldberg, Sanford.
"Anti-Individualism, Content Preservation and Discursive Justification"
"The Relevance of Discriminatory Knowledge of Content"
Graham, Peter.
"Theorizing Justification"Greco, John (B).
"Epistemology as Methodology"David Henderson.
"Practicing Safe Epistemology" (w/ Terence Horgan)"Iceberg Epistemology" (w/Terence Horgan)Howell, Robert J.
"A Puzzle for Pragmatism"
Huemer, Michael.
"The Problem of Memory Knowledge"Johnson, Jeff."Knowing and Saying We Know"Kvanvig, Jonathan."Why Should Inquiring Minds Want To Know?"Luper, Steven.
"The Basic Notion of Justification"
"Five Questions About Epistemology"
"Introduction to Essential Knowledge"McGrath, Matthew.
"Memory and Epistemic Conservatism"
Morton, Adam."Knowing What To Think About: When Epistemology Meets the Theory of Choice"Neta, Ram.
"Anti-Intellectualism and the Knowledge-Action Principle""Ayer and Stevenson's Epistemological Emotivism"
Pollock, John L.
Knowledge and JustificationPost, John F."Minimal Epistemology: Beyond Terminal Philosophy to Truth"Pritchard, Duncan.
"Some Recent Work in Epistemology"
Pryor, James."Highlights of Recent Epistemology"
Ross, Kelly.
"The Foundations Of Value, Part II"
Russell, Bertrand.The Problems of Philosophy
"On Denoting"
"Topology as Epistemology"Schummer, Joachim.
"Means-Ends Epistemology"
"Epistemology of Material Properties"
Sellars, Wilfrid.
"The Structure of Knowledge"Steup, Matthias.
"Epistemology in the 20th Century"Van Fraasen, Bas C.
"The False Hopes Of Traditional Epistemology" (automatically downloads in Word Perfect)"A New Argument For Conditionalization" (automatically downloads in Word Perfect)Weatherson, Brian.
"Assertion, Knowledge and Action"Wedgewood, Ralph.
"How We Know What Ought To Be"
"What's Epistemology For? The Case for Neopragmatism in Normative Metaepistemology"Williamson, Timothy