Juan Barriuso


English 214--Summer 95

Working out of Chicago, Il

What is the overall theme?

The main theme of these pages will be background on the author, William Faulkner. After doing various Net searches I realized that there is a dearth of information out there pertaining to Faulkner (okay, I found one other page with minimal work done on it, but relative to the vast resources of Cyberspace it simply isn't enough). So Bill gets the main part of my focus-- personal background on the writer, his family, his work, some pictures and whatever else I can think up. Also, I will put some of my own work, essays and whatnot, on a different part of the page. I need to convert my old work into hypertext and somehow, try to interlink everything (hypertextualize -- thank you, yes, I did just make that word up) in a coherent fashion so that it will be fun and educational to go through the links. And what about the links? Graphics, text of course, possibly audio later. Links to other pages such as the Alt-X and Post Modern Culture e-zines (must reads) and more traditional literary stops on the Net as I find them. Again, the main thrust is Faulkner, but Faulkner info in hypertext, no more linear writing!
Now let's see if I pulled it off . . .