CODI 504 - Voice Disorders
Lecture 1 :  Review of Laryngeal Anatomy & Physiology

1. Connective Tissues: Hyoid Bone 2. Connective Tissues: Laryngeal cartilages 3. Connective Tissue:  Laryngeal Cartilages 4. Connective Tissue: Laryngeal Cartilages 5. Laryngeal Cavity:  Landmarks 6.  Muscles of the Larynx:  Intrinsic Muscles 7.  Neural Innervation of  Intrinsic Muscles 8.  Muscles of the Larynx:  Infrahyoids 9.  Muscles of the Larynx:  Suprahyoids 10.  Muscles of the Larynx:  Neural Innervation of Suprahyoids 11.  Sensory (afferent) Innervation of the Larynx 12.  Morphology of Vocal Fold Tissue