1. Nose
Nasal root - Where the nose begins at the level of the eyes
Nasal bridge - Bony structure located between the eyes
& corresponds to middle of nasofrontal suture
Columella - Cartilage & mucosa that separates the nostrils;
runs from nasal tip to lower end of nasal septum
Alae (singular “ala nasi”)- Outside curved parts of the
Alar rims & alar base
2. Nasal Cavity
Nasal septum - vomer, perpendicular plate, quadrangular cartilage
Vomer - Flat bone positioned perpendicular to the palate;
Meets nasal surface of maxilla at midline &
Forms inferior & posterior portion of nasal septum
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid - Projects down to join
vomer; Lies between vomer & quadrangular cartilage
Quadrangular cartilage - Forms anterior nasal septum: Projects
to the columella
3.Nasal Cavity: Surface Structures
Turbinates - Bony structures extending from lateral walls
of the nose; Covered with mucosa; Superior & middle are part of the
ethmoid bone;
Inferior is part of the sphenoid bone
Nasal meatuses- Openings or passageways that lie directly under
respective turbinates
Purpose of trubinates is to Create turbulent airflow
4.Upper Lip
Philtrum - Indentation that runs from columella to upper
Philtral columns- Raised lines on either side of the philtrum;
Embryological suture lines
Cupid’s bow - Shape of the upper lip - rounded with an
indentation in the middle
Tubercle - Prominent point at inferior border of midsection
White roll & vermilion - White border tissue surrounding
red pigmented portion
5.Oral Cavity
Tongue - Dorsum (top) and ventral (lower) surface
Faucial pillars- Bilateral, paired curtain like structures;
Anterior & posterior
Palatine tonsils
Lingual tonsils
Oropharyngeal isthmus - Opening from oral cavity to pharynx
bordered by velum, faucial pillars and tongue
6.Hard palate: Surface features
Palatal vault - Roof of the mouth and floor of the nasal
Alveolar ridge - Outer rim of the hard palate; Forms base
and bony support for teeth
Mucoperiosteum - Tissue covering the hard palate; Mucous
membrane (mucosa) - stratified squamous epithelium
Periosteum - thick, fibrous membrane that covers bone
Rugae- Folds, ridges or creases in a structure; Transverse
ridges in the mucosa of the hard palate
Incisive papilla - Slight elevation of mucosa at anterior
end of raphe of the palate
Median (palatine) raphe- Line of union between two bilaterally
symmetric structures; Midline of the mucosa covering the hard palate
Runs from incisive papilla to border of hard palate
7.Hard palate: Bones & Suture Lines
Premaxilla - Triangular-shaped bone that is bordered by incisive
suture lines; Dental arch contains central & lateral maxillary incisors
Incisive foramen - Hole in the palate to allow blood vessels
& nerves to pass through; Located at tip of premaxilla
Incisive suture lines - Embryological suture lines that
go between the lateral incisors and canines and meet at the incisive foramen
Palatine processes- Paired projections of the maxillary
bone; Posterior to incisive suture lines; Form anterior 3/4 of maxilla
Horizontal plates - Paired horizontal projections of the
palatine bones; Form posterior 1/4 of hard palate
Joined to palatine processes by transverse palatine suture line (palatomaxillary
suture line)
Posterior nasal spine - Projection located along the posterior
border of the hard palate (horizontal plate) at midline
Median palatine (intermaxillary) suture line - Embyological
suture line that runes from incisive foramen to posterior nasal spine
Separates palatine processes and horizontal plates medially
Palatine torus (torus palatinus)- Normal palatal variation
consisting of prominent longitudinal ridge on oral surface of hard palate
in the area of the median palatine suture line
8. Velum(soft palate): Surface structures
Oral surface- Median palatine raphe; Covered by mucous
Nasal surface - Ciliated epithelium anterior; Posterior
- same epithelial cover as oral surface
Uvula - Teardrop-shaped structure hanging from posterior
border of velum; Connective, glandular & adipose tissue - highly vascular
- no known function
9.Velum: Internal structures
Anterior portion has tensor tendon (extension of tensor veli
palatini), glandular & adipose tissue
Palatine aponeurosis(velar aponeurosis) - Anterior part
of velum, below nasal surface; Fibrous connective tissue & fibers from
tensor tendon
Attaches to posterior border of hard palate; Provides anchoring point for
muscles & adds stiffness
Medial portion contains 40% of muscle fibers
Posterior mostly glandular & adipose tissue
Throat area between nasal cavity & esophagus
Oropharynx - level with mouth
Nasopharynx - above oral cavity & velum; posterior to nasal
Hypopharynx - below oral cavity from epiglottis to esophagus
Adenoids (pharyngeal tonsils)- Posterior pharyngeal wall just
behind the velum
Torus tubarius- Ridge located posterior to pharyngeal opening
of eustachian tube; Located slightly above level of velum during phonation
11. Muscles of the Velopharyngeal Mechanism
Sphenoid & temporal bone provide bony attachment for muscles
Bilateral projections of sphenoid called the pterygoid processes
2 thin plates on each process called lateral & medial pterygoid
Inferior tip of medial pterygoid plate is the hamulus
Levator veli palatini- Main muscle mass of velum - middle portion;
Primary muscle for velar elevation; Runs from temporal bone,
enters velum at 45 degree angle,inserts into palatal aponeurosis &
median raphe
Tensor veli palatini - Originate from scaphoid fossa of
sphenoid and membranous portion of eustachian tube
Courses vertically, blends into a tendon which passes around hamulus, bends
at a 90 degree angle &
inserts into velum contributing to aponeurosis
Contraction thought to open eustachian tube, stretch palate laterally perhaps
providing tension
Levator innervated through pharyngeal plexus - mixture of fibers from
CN IX and X
Tensor innervated by CN V
Musculus uvulae- Pair of muscles that are intrinsic to velum;
Originate from area of aponeurosis and extend to posterior border of velum
Lie side by side along midline; Create a bulge on nasal surface of posterior
velum;Provides stiffness;
Fill in area of contact between velum and posterior pharyngeal wall; May
help extend nasal aspect of velum toward post. wall
Innervation from pharyngeal plexus
Superior pharyngeal constrictor- Responsible for medial
displacement of lateral pharyngeal walls effectively narrowing velopharyngeal
Palatoglossus - Originate from palatal aponeurosis and
insert into posterior lateral edges of tongue;
Contraction causes lowering of velum & elevation of back of tongue
Innervation by pharyngeal plexus as well as CN XII
Palatopharyngeus - Originate from palatal aponeurosis &
posterior border of hard palate
Fibers attach to pharyngeal wall and thyroid cartilage;
Function not well understood; May assist in lowering velum, raise larynx
& pharyngeal wall
May assist in sphincter action of lateral pharyngeal walls; Probably more
important for swallowing than velopharyngeal closure for speech
Salpingopharyngeus- Arises from inferior border of torus tubarius, runs
vertically under the salpingopharyngeal fold and inserts into lateral pharyngeal
12 Physiology of the Velopharyngeal Valve
Coordinated action of velum, lateral & posterior pharyngeal
walls function as a valve to close the connection between the nasal &
pharyngeal cavities during speech & swallowing
Pharyngeal Wall Movement
13. Variations in Velopharyngeal Closure
Closure is in a sphincter like motion but Variations occur
Coronal- posterior movement of velum with some anterior movement
of posterior pharyngeal wall
Circular - contributions from velum, posterior wall and lateral
pharyngeal walls
Sagittal - lateral pharyngeal walls meet at midline behind the
velum with minimal velar movement
Deep oropharynx corresponds to sagittal or circular pattern;
flat oropharynx show coronal pattern
Finkelstein et al (1992) Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
14 Physiology of closure varies as a function of the type of activity
Separate neurological mechanism for closure during nonspeech
versus speech activities
Nonpneumatic - velum raises high, closure is firm and exaggerated,
back of tongue assists
Pneumatic - closure occurs lower in nasopharynx, less exaggerated
Within the pneumatic category, blowing requires only generalized
movements while speech requires rapid precise movements
15.Variations in velopharyngeal Closure During Connected Speech
Timing between voice onset and closure must be coordinated
Closure begins prior to onset of phonation
Timing is adjusted for the particular oral phoneme that follows
Velar height and firmness of closure varies with phoneme
Highest velar height & firmness of closure occur with high
pressure consonants especially voiceless
Higher velar height for high vowels versus low vowels and degree
of closure force is greater also
Increases in speech rate cause decrease in velar height and reduction
in firmness of closure
As speech rate increases, hypernasal quality increases
Muscular fatigue results in decrease in velar height and reduction
in firmness of closure
Become “whiny” when we are tired
16.Variations in Velopharyngeal Closure As a Function of Maturation
Facial bones continue to grow downward & forward in relation
to the cranium
Size of the pharynx changes - volume of nasopharynx increases
80% from infancy to adulthood - most growth in vertical direction
angle of the wall at junction of naso & oropharynx changes
from oblique to right angle
Velum moves down and slightly forward during growth as it is
attached to the hard palate/maxilla
Velum increases in length, thickness & stretch