Philosophy of Religion:


Here are some interesting videos about some issues in philosophy of religion. Many include authors of our class readings!

Kwame Anthony Appiah, a philosophy professor, on the difficulty in defining 'religion'.

Peter van Inwagen, philosophy professor, on Free Will and Divine Foreknowledge.

Humorous video about the Problem of Evil.

William Lane Craig  gives a lecture responding to the Problem of Evil.

Defense of the fine-tuning argument with Robin Collins (who wrote one of the articles in our course pack), astrophysicist Paul Davies, and others.

Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson argues that the universe is not well-designed to support human life.

Discussion of the argument from experience, with philosophers William Alston, William Wainwright, and others.

See clip 2 and clip 3 of V. S. Ramachandran, a well-known neuroscientist at the University of California at San Diego, discussing the psychology of religious experiences.

Several philosophers (including Alvin Plantinga) discuss the Ontological Argument.

Alvin Plantinga, philosophy professor, interviewed about theism.

Ronald De Sousa, philosophy professor, interviewed about atheism.

Video about atheists, includes some statistics and lists famous atheists/agnostics.

The Burning Bush (aka fraxinella aka Dictamnus Albus)

Some great examples of how random processes can result in order: The Chaos Game, a video explaining how the Chaos Game works, and Barnsley's Fern.

Graham Oppy, philosophy professor, gives his reasons for thinking that atheism makes more sense.


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