Philosophy 331:
               Philosophy of Religion


Welcome to the course home page for Dr. Korcz's Philosophy of Religion course, Fall 2024!

Course Description:
Does God exist? Is there life after death? We'll critically evaluate reasons pro and con. See what saints, atheists, experts and philosophers have to say about faith, the reliability of the Bible, creationism, the existence of God and life after death. No prerequisites.

Section #: 001
Meeting Time: MW 2:30 - 3:45
Meeting Place: HLG 503

About the Class

1. The online syllabus for the course contains links to readings, the home pages of some of the philosophers we will be discussing in class, etc.

2. You can see how previous students evaluated this course here. (NOTE: You'll need to click on the "Back" button of your browser to return to this page.)

Study Aids

1. If you are new to philosophy, you will find my "How to Survive Your First Philosophy Class" pages very helpful!

2. Some Sample Exam Questions for this course are available.

3. Research tips: My "Doing Research in Philosophy" page will help you get started.

4. Here is the brief guide to philosophy of religion books and journals in Dupre library mentioned on the Paper Assignment handout.
For Further Exploration

1. See some videos relevant to philosophy of religion.

2. Suggestions for further reading in philosophy of religion.

3. For philosophy related links, see my Philosophy Links page. This page contains a variety of links to pages regarding the existence of God, creationism and evolution, humanism and atheism in the Philosophy of Religion and Atheism section. My "Epistemology Research Guide: Subject Index" page contains links to several papers in Religious Epistemology.

4. See how studying philosophy can enhance your education and your career!

5. My home page connects you to all my stuff.

You can e-mail me at

