Joe Andriano's Site

Miscellany: Past & Present/Old & New

>-->Something new (August 2021)

Here's something old: From 1999, a rare visitor to our yard.

Here's something new (Feb. 2021), answering an old question, Where are the snows of yesteryear?

. . . Here, in subtropical southern Louisiana!

Here's something rather old--my roots. Yes, I sent some of my saliva to 23&Me. No surprise that I'm mostly Southern Italian;
both my grandfathers were from Calabria (the tip of the Italy "boot"), and both my grandmothers were Sicilian.

What did come as a pleasant surprise was the diversity of my deeper roots:

My grandparents were born in the 1890s and my parents in the 1920s.

I had great, great, etc., etc. grandparents from the Levant (Middle East, esp. Lebanon, Israel, Syria), Greece and other Balkan countries, Iran, Spain, Portugal, Egypt and North Africa. I am happy that such blood runs in my veins, or rather, such DNA is packed in my genes. The farther back I go--the farther back we all go--the darker-skinned our forebears are. Eve and Adam were black.

I especially like that I have Greek ancestors. From childhood, I was fascinated with ancient Greek mythology. I do know there's a Greek name Andrianos. I wonder if 18th-century Greek migrants to southern Italy eventually dropped the s?