Storming the Pearly Gates


From: (Dan Johnson)
Subject: Storming the Pearly Gates, Credits
Date: 18 Mar 1994 04:49:07 GMT

Here are the credits. If your name belongs on it, and I forgot to put it there, let me know. It will be fixed.

If your name is on the list, congradulate yourself- this could not have happened without you.

                  Storming the Pearly Gates
                       by Dan Johnson

                        The Players

                       The Main Force
                 Stryder           Terence Rokop
                 Geoff Arnold      Dan Johnson
                 John Kress        mathew
                 Jim Hogan         Arturo Viso Magidin
                 Trevor Hicks      Rick Duffy
                 Jeffery Cook      James Rice

                     The Jesus Detachment
                       Mark McCullough
                     Steven Keppel-Jones
                        Alan Geist

                    The Holy Ghost Brigade
                Ray Ingles      Clark Davis Adams
                Bob Beauchaine  Angela Dyer
                        Scott Sauyet

           Godly Smurf...             Brainy Smurf
           Jehovah...                 Ahura-Mazda
           Papa Smurf...              Pavarotti
           Stowell...                 Stacy Prowell
           Orithyia...                Garfield
           Q...                       John DeLanci
           Gozer...                   Can't tell under all that plastic.
           I.P.U. (pbuh)...           Did you see anyone? Me neither.
           Barney...                  Bought one at an "Ames".
           Stacy Prowell...           Yoda
           Darth Publius...           Irfan Alan
           St. Peter...               Biff
           Bobby Mozumder...          Relax, it was a matte painting.
           LOUD VOICE FROM OUTSIDE... Mr. Rogers
           Voice from above...        LOUD VOICE FROM OUTSIDE
           Tittering Birds...         Beavis & Butthead
           Passing Archangel...       Mr. Bill
           Clerk...                   Michael J. Fox
           Holy Ghost Cloud...        Doesn't really exist
           JEEZUS...                  Pat Robertson
           JEEZUS Followers...        Animatronics. Nobody would play role.
           Man Speaking in Tongues... Homer Simpson
           Flanders...                Marge Simpson
           Logic Policeman #1...      Arnold Schwartzenheager
           Logic Policeman #2...      Sylvester Stallone

       Randroids Provided by Industrial Prose and Punctiation

                    Plot Concepts and Inspirations
                 Dan Johnson         Arturo Viso Magidin
                 Mark McCullough     Terence M. Rokop
                 Jim Hogan           Bob Lang
                 Steve Keppel-Jones  Alan Geist
                 Orithyia            Clark Davis Adams
                 Scott Sauyet        Angela Dyer

Additional thanks to all who responded to my call for info,
              Arturo Viso Magidin      Geoff Arnold
              Terence M. Rokop         Diane Westerfield
              Jim Hogan                Bob Lang
              Steven Keppel-Jones      Alan Geist
              Ray Ingles               Stacy Prowell
              Clark Davis Adams        Scott Sauyet
              Angela Dyer              Keith Cochran

                   and others I forgot to record...

Thanks also to Trevor Hicks, Jeffery L. Cook, James Rice, and Rick Duffy (and any others involved); they didn't contact me, but I used their Ice Cream gag anyway. I'm so mean.

Thanks to Mark McCullough, who got me to write this. (And I'm thanking him for it? I must be off my rocker..)

And profound apologies to those whose ideas didn't work in. Notably Diane Westerfield, who had some very funny stuff that got cut out because I couldn't work it into the plot.

I hope you have all enjoyed this.

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