Storming the Pearly Gates

Chapter 13:  The Case of the One True God

From: (Dan Johnson)
Subject: Storming the Pearly Gates, Ch 13
Date: 18 Mar 1994 04:47:21 GMT

Here is chapter 13. The credits will roll in a separate post, since they contain The Name That Should Never Be Named, But Only Hinted At Obscurely.

This is the last chapter (you can tell 'cuz it says "The End"); I hope you all consider this a happy ending, though I am not sure everyone will.

Please send me your reactions; there are enough changes that this story will be re-released in a final version when it is finished. Before that can happen, though, I need to know what you think.

Chapter 13: The Case of the One True God

[Fade in to the Interior of the Courthouse; Perry Mason music plays. We see that Scott Sauyet is now wearing one of those silly wigs, probably 'cuz he's judge..]

Ray Ingles:  "See that! You saw that, didn't you! He put that wig there! Clearly a violation of the esteemed judges space! I'll add that to the list of charges!"

Sauyet:  "What?"

[Scott Sauyet straightens up and grabs the wig, looking distressed. So maybe it wasn't there 'cuz he's a judge, so sue me.]

God:  "I never!" [looks innocent]

IPU:  "<guilty whinny>" [Subtitle: I.. I CONFESS! IT WAS ME! I DID IT! WITH THE RHUBARB IN THE LIBRARY!]

Dan Johnson:  "Does anybody have any idea what she is saying?"

[Cut to another room in the courthouse. The Jesus Detachment is here, and Keppel-Jones is trying to jimmy the lock on a vending machine.]

McCullough:  "Is this really necessary?"

Keppel-Jones:  "Yes! We're going up against God, man! We need some form of protection! Who knows what he'll throw at us!"

McCullough:  "I somehow doubt you'll find any kevlar in there."

Keppel-Jones:  "Better! Twinkies! Can you think of anything stronger?"

McCullough[looks inside and sees the twinkies] "No! Don't let them out!"

[Pulls Keppel-Jones away from the machine, but its too late -- the lock breaks and the door swings open.]

Keppel-Jones:  "Hey, hands off!"

[But then a dozen twinkies fly out of the machine, karooming off the walls, the people, the hostess fruit pies, everything!]

Twinkies:  "Eep! Eep!"

Geist:  "Get 'em off me! Get 'em off me!"

McCullough:  "RUN!"

[And run they do, right into the courtroom proper -- with the Twinkies hot on their tail!]

Sauyet:  "About time!"

Geist:  "No time to talk! A herd of twinkies is after us!"

Barney:  "Twinkies? <chuckle chuckle> I LOVE Twinkies!"

[Barney lurches out of the jury box and everyone scatters before the Mighty Purple One. He scarfs down twinkie after twinkie! They run, but they can't hide from his Undieing Mandibles!]


Geoff Arnold[from hiding] "I should have guessed as much."

[Barney continues to munch pitiful, whimpering twinkies with gay abandon.]

Generic Announcer[voice over] "And so we see the Timeless Struggle between Predator and Prey, Plush Toy and Twinkie; The Perfect Balance..."

Dan Johnson:  "What do you think this is, some damn nature special? This isn't PBS, buddy!"

Generic Announcer[voice over] "Oh, sorry."

Twinkies:  "EEEP! EEEEP!"

Dan Johnson:  "You know, I heard he was half cookie monster!"

Geoff Arnold:  "Oh, come on, this isn't Star Tre.."

Barney[catches the last Twinkie, shovels it down messily] "Aaaarmnumnumnumnumnum!"

Geoff Arnold:  "Never mind."

[Barney returns to his seat.]

Barney:  "<chuckle chuckle> Don't we all just LOVE Twinkies?"

All:  "NO!"

Barney:  "<chuckle chuckle>"

Sauyet:  "Now that we're all here.. do you have it?"

McCullough:  "Huh?"

Sauyet:  "The Body!"

McCullough:  "Oh yeah, sure. Here it is!"

[McCullough presents the corpse of Godly Smurf.]

Geoff Arnold:  "Kinda.. flat.. aint it?"

McCullough:  "We had a rough time getting here."

God[nervous] "What does this have to do with anything?"

Ray Ingles:  "Take the stand, Mr. McCullough!"

[McCullough takes the stand]

Ray Ingles:  "I mean, sit behind the stand, I'm gonna question you."

McCullough:  "OH!" [puts the stand down and sits behind it]

Ray Ingles:  "Now... WHERE were you on the night of the 23rd?"

McCullough:  "The 23rd what?"

Ray Ingles:  "No, where."

McCullough:  "on second!"

Ray Ingles:  "No, on the 23rd!"

McCullough:  "Why?"

Ray Ingles:  "Tempted though I am to answer 'why not?', I will leave it at this." [produce a bazooka, aims it an McCullough] "WHERE were you on the night of the 23rd?"

McCullough:  "Joe's Bazooka Repair Shop."

Ray Ingles:  "Pardon me?"

McCullough:  "I was bribing him. To disconnect the trigger in your bazooka."

Ray Ingles:  "Did he take the bribe?"

McCullough:  "Oh, yes. He's not a very honest man, you know."

Ray Ingles:  "How MUCH did you bribe him with." [moves the bazooka closer to McCullough's head]

McCullough:  "$19.95, plus tax."

Sauyet:  "Can we get down to business?"

[Ray Ingles puts the bazooka away]

Ray Ingles:  "Alright. Whose corpse did you bring down here?"

McCullough:  "Godly Smurf's!"

Ray Ingles:  "I believe he was more widely known by an alias?"

McCullough:  "Yes -- Jesus Christ."

Ray Ingles:  "And how did he die?"

McCullough:  "God only knows."

Ray Ingles:  "I'm sure he does, but I doubt he'd tell us... but there's someone else who knows. Your witness, God."

God[through clenched teeth] "No questions."

Ray Ingle:  "I call Godly Smurf, aka Jesus Christ, to the stand!"

[The corpse predictably fails to move]

Geoff Arnold:  "Isn't he kind of dead?"

Ray Ingles[motions to the IPU] "Your Pinkness, if I may be so bold..."

[The IPU leaps off the stand in a dazzling burst of undetectability, and touches Godly Smurf with her horn. You can't see it, the horn is invisible too, but Godly Smurf promptly reinflates.]

Godly Smurf[Sitting up painfully] "Whoa... I feel like smurf..."

Scott Sauyet:  "Godly Smurf, you will keep your language clean here! You have been called to the stand."

Godly Smurf[looks around] "Alright, sorry..." [takes the stand. I mean, sits behind the stand.]

Ray Ingles:  "Do you know who is responsible for your erstwhile death?"

Godly Smurf:  "Yes."

Ray Ingles:  "Is he in this room."

Godly Smurf:  "No, but He is."

Ray Ingles[does a double take, then gets it] "Cute. Could you point Him out to us?"

Godly Smurf:  "Yes, I most certainly could!"

Ray Ingles:  "So do it."

[Godly Smurf points right at Jehovah.]

Godly Smurf:  "Him."

Ray Ingles:  "Could you please describe the circumstances surrounding your death. And if so, do so now."

Godly Smurf:  "Yes. Some millenia ago, I set out from my village -- the village I should say -- to have a little chat with God about increasing my pay. Well, no sooner had I announced myself, then POOF, I was being born! You can imagine my surprise to see that woman standing-- er, lying over me!"

Ray Ingles:  "What woman?"

Godly Smurf:  "You know, Mary. Anyway, her hubby, Joseph, figured the mailman looked kinda bluish, so I was out on my kazoo before you could sneeze twice! Naturally I got a job doing the only thing I know how to do.."

Ray Ingles:  "Oh, do tell."

Godly Smurf:  "Wandering Spiritual Wise Guy. I blew 30 years getting a nice troop of wise guys together, and getting a reputation -- that's very important in my line of work -- and then the local competition, some Caiaphas guy, has me nailed to a tree!"

Ray Ingles:  "So what makes you think Jehovah here is responsible?"

Godly Smurf:  "Cuz of what happened next! 3 days later, I wake up again -- in the tomb. I muscle out, and I figure out pretty quick I got resurrected! A week or so later, I got sucked back up into heaven -- whereupon I promptly died again. Only one guy has that kinda clout -- the Big Guy, God!"

Q:  "This is outrageous! He's one of our kind!"

IPU:  "<concerned whinny>" [subtitle: Poor bastard. Er, sorry, poor choice of words.]

Barney:  "Oh, dear, that isn't much fun, is it?"

Gozer:  "This is not going to look good on your permanent record, Jehovah."

[Orithyia sits up and takes notice]

Ray Ingles:  "Your witness, God."

God[stands] "You've certainly painted me as quite a villan. So how is it that during your.. stay on Earth, you kept up a constant litany of how nice and kind and wonderful I was? Seems kind of odd for a murder victim."

Godly Smurf:  "I was kissing up to you. Didn't want to be stuck on Earth for the rest of my life."

God:  "So, I'm not an all-loving father figure."

Godly Smurf:  "You are a damned bastard, that's what you are."

Jury, 'cept Orithyia:  "Oooooo!"

God[Distressed by this turn] "Your honor, the defense would like to call a witness.. me."

Sauyet:  "Of course. Godly Smurf, you are dismissed."

God[sits] "I admit, I killed him. But I had to do it; there was no choice. You see, I had to offer him up as a sacrifice to myself. I was getting very cheezed off at the puny mortals, who kept being so.. IMPERFECT! Kept breaking my rules! That really gets my goat. I needed to be pacified, you understand. And nothing but the best sacrifice will do for the Creator of Everything; a God had to Die. He was there. It was him."

Ray Ingles:  "May I cross-examine?"

Sauyet:  "Of course."

Ray Ingles:  "Other Gods get angry. Other gods need sacrifices; they make do with cows and goats. Why can't you?"

God:  "I am the One True God!"

Ray Ingles:  "I think others have a better claim than you do." [looks at Orithyia] "What's the real reason.. wasn't it because YOU WERE JEALOUS OF HIS ABILITY TO WALK ON WATER? You always were a Jealous God..."


Ray Ingles:  "I think we've heard enough."

Q:  "Too much."

Sauyet:  "The Jury will consider their verdict."

Q:  "Come now, we're all omniscient here. He did it, we know it, and he's gonna get it."

Gozer:  "Yes. There is no need to consider this."

Sauyet:  "Then I will pronounce the sentence..."

Gozer[looks suspiciously at Sauyet] "Are you a God?"

Sauyet:  "Uh.." [thinks fast] "Yes!"

Gozer:  "Oh, Ok."

Sauyet[Composes himself, stands up] "Jehovah, you have been found guilty of the crime of theocide. You are sentenced -- to superstition!"

God:  "NO!"

[Gozer stands up and lighting sprouts off her hands and spills all over God]

[Orithyia goes to sleep]

[The IPU leaps forward and gores God -- simultaneously, Q snaps his fingers, there is a bright flash and..]

Geoff Arnold:  "Gah! What was that?"

Dan Johnson:  "They're all gone!" [And indeed, all the Gods are gone, but there is something on the floor..]

Sauyet:  "A book! Let's see.."

[Sauyet picks up the book that is lying on the floor where God used to be, and flips through it.]

Sauyet:  "It's a six thousand year history of the world, with numerous contradictions and inaccuracies, but it figures Jehovah prominently. The first half concentrates on one tribe in the middle-east; the second is about the wanderings of Godly Smurf, but it never gives his real name."

Dan Johnson:  "Hmm.. you know.. maybe we could sell it."

Sauyet:  "Who'd buy something like this?"

Dan Johnson:  "No, really. We just give it a good title and hawk it for its mystical truths. We'll say its a pile of parables."

Geoff Arnold:  "A good title? For two books in one cover, essentially?"

Dan Johnson:  "Yeah, like, 'Bill & Teds Excellent Religion' or something."

Ray Ingles:  "Might work."

Geoff Arnold:  "It's crazy! Nobody would buy it. It has no literary value, and it isn't good for anything practical."

Ray Ingles:  "It can't hurt to try, can it?"

Geoff Arnold:  "All right. We can try. But don't complain to me when it flops!"

Dan Johnson:  "Have faith! You know what's born every minute!"

[Our heros troop out, heading back to Reality, and the nearest publisher. And we fade to...]


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