Storming the Pearly Gates

Chapter 2:  Living in a Material World

From: (Dan Johnson)
Subject: Storming the Pearly Gates, Ch 2
Date: 4 Mar 1994 03:34:10 GMT

Here is the just completed, hot off the presses, Chapter 2, "Living in a Material World", wherein part of the tale of the Jesus Detachment is told.

Chapter 2: Living in a Material World

[Fade in to exterior "Guido's Wine and Bread Emporium]

[We see McCullough, Keppel-Jones and Geist charge the establishment.]


[then they reach the door, and stop]

Keppel-Jones:  "After you!"

Geist:  "No, after you!"

Keppel-Jones:  "No, I insist!"

McCullough:  "Pardon me, comin' through" [he barges into the Emporium, and we follow him]

[Interior View, Emporium. We see Guido, passed out on the counter. Nobody else is visible.]

McCullough:  "Alright! Let's turn this dump upside down! Jones, take the Kitchen, Geist, check out the freezer. I'll check the Mens Room!"

[They split up and go to the kitchen, freezer, and mens room]

Keppel-Jones[from kitchen] "Mmmmm... Cherubim..." <gurgle>

McCullough[from Mens Room] "I don't want do know, do you"

Geist[from freezer] "Not really. You don't want to come in here either, by the way."

McCullough[comes out from Mens Room] "Alright, anyone find anything?"

[Geist and Keppel-Jones come out into the dining area] Both:  "Nope."


[Geist leaps for the window and looks out]

Geist:  "Damn! There's a squad of immaterial spirits out there, maybe even two. We're trapped in here!"

Keppel-Jones:  "Oh, yeah? We'll just have to see how immaterial they are." [Produces machete. Walks out the door.]

[From outside we here sound of mayhem]

<CRUNCH> <slice> <THUD> <bludgeon>

[Hard Cut to a road; the Main Force is marching down it]

Dan Johnson:  "Does anybody know where the Hell Prowell got off to?"

Geoff Arnold[Has a notepad, writes on it] "I didn't see him. And it would be heaven, I think."

Dan Johnson:  "I'm not so sure. I didn't see him on the bus, either. Did he duck out?"

Geoff Arnold[scribble, scribble] "Maybe. He never did like this plan. Maybe he ducked out."

Dan Johnson:  "Possibly. We outght to talk to him about it. Make a note of it, will ya?"

Geoff Arnold:  "Of course." [scribble, scribble]

[Suddenly, a group of 10 humanoid machines lurches into view around a corner.]

Lead Machine:  "Halt. We wish to.. help.. you!"

[The march stops]

Dan Johnson:  "What do you want?"

Machine:  "We want you to read this." [Produces copy of 'The Virtue of Selfishness']

Terence Rokop:  "I object!"

mathew:  "Randroids! Scatter! Differing opinions confuses them!"

[mathew hits the deck and opens up with his Uzi. Everyone else runs around aimlessly, but excitingly. But to no end, the Randroids just fall apart under mathew's fire]

mathew:  "Whew! That was close!"

Terence Rokop:  "Close to what?"

[But, before anyone can think of an even lamer joke, we fade out. Cut back to interior of Bread and Wine Emporium. Geist and McCullough are staring out the windows.]

Loud Voice From Outside:  "NO! Mercy! MERCY!" <ker-CHUNK>

[Keppel-Jones walks back in]

Keppel-Jones:  "Oh I dunno. They don't seem so immaterial to me." [grins] "Oh, and we don't have to mention that Cherubim remark to the others, now do we, hmmm?"

Geist+McCullough[staring at Keppel-Jones] "Uh.."

[Keppel-Jones puts the machete away.]

McCullough:  "No, I think we can overlook that."

Alan Geist:  "C'mon, lets move out. And let's be carefull out there; no way they found us this quickly on their own. Somebody put them onto us."

[They leave. Fade out.]

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