Selected References on Snake Locomotion

Bennet, S., T. McConnell, and S. L. Trubatch. 1974. Quantitative analysis of the speed of snakes as a function of peg spacing. Journal of Experimental Biology 60, 161-165.

Bogert, Charles. 1947. Rectilinear locomotion in snakes. Copeia 1947:253-254.

Brain, C. K. 1960. Observations on the locomotion of the South West African adder, Bitis peringueyi (Boulenger), with speculations on the origin of sidewinding. Annals of the Travsvaal Museum. 24:19-24.

Cowles, Raymond B. 1956. Sidewinding in snakes. Copeia 1956(4):211-214.

Gans, Carl. 1962. Terrestrial locomotion without limbs. American Zoologist 2:167-182.

Gans, Carl. 1975. Tetrapod limblessness: Evolution and functional corollaries. American Zoologist 15:455-467.

Gans, Carl. 1985. Motor coordination factors in the transition from tetrapody to limblessness in lower vertebrates. In: (B. M. H. Bush and F. Clarac, eds.), Coordination of motor behaviour. Soc. Exp. Biol., Sem. Ser. 24:183-200.

Gans, Carl. 1984. Slide-pushing: a transitional locomotor method of elongate squamates. Symposium of the Zoological Society of London 52:12-26.

Gans, Carl. 1986. Locomotion of limbless vertebrates: pattern and evolution. Herpetologica. 42(1):33-46.

Gans, Carl. 1994. Approaches to the evolution of limbless locomotion. Cuadernos de Herpetolog'a. 8, 12-17.

Gans, Carl. and H. L. Kim. 1992. Kinematic description of the sidewinding locomotion of four vipers. Israel Journal of Zoology 38:9-23.

Gans, Carl. and H. Mendelssohn. 1972. Sidewinding and jumping progression of vipers. In: (A. de Vries and E. Kochva, eds.), Toxins of animal and plant origin, pp. 17-38. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., London.

Gasc, Jean-Pierre, D. Cattaert, C. Chasserat, and F. Clarac. 1989. Propulsive action of a snake pushing against a single site: its combined analysis. Journal of Morphology 201:315-329.

Gray, James. 1946. The mechanism of locomotion in snakes. Journal of Experimental Biology 23(2):101-120.

Gray, James. 1953. Undulatory propulsion. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 94:551-578.

Gray, James and H. W. Lissmann. 1950. The kinetics of locomotion of the grass-snake. Journal of Experimental Biology 26:354-367.

Jayne, Bruce C. 1985. Swimming in constricting (Elaphe g. guttata) and non-constricting (Nerodia fasciata pictiventris) colubrid snakes. Copeia 1985:195-208.

Jayne, Bruce C. 1986. Kinematics of terrestrial snake locomotion. Copeia 1986(4):915-927.

Jayne, Bruce C. 1988a. Muscular mechanisms of snake locomotion: an electromyographic study of lateral undulation of the Florida banded water snake (Nerodia fasciata) and the yellow rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta). Journal of Morphology 197:159-181.

Jayne, Bruce C. 1988b. Muscular mechanisms of snake locomotion: an electromyographic study of sidewinding and concertina modes of Crotalus cerastes, Nerodia fasciata, and Elaphe Obsoleta. Journal of Experimental Biology 140, 1-33.

Jayne, Bruce C. and Albert F. Bennett. 1989. tail morphology and snake locomotion. Journal of Experimental Zoology 252:126-133.

Lissmann, H. W. 1949. Rectilinear locomotion in a snake (Boa occidentalis). Journal of Experimental Biology 26:368-379.

Moon, Brad R. and Carl Gans. 1998. Kinematics, muscular activity, and propulsion in gopher snakes. Journal of Experimental Biology 201(19):2669-2684.

Mosauer, Walter. 1930. Note on sidewinding locomotion. American Naturalist 64:179.

Mosauer, Walter. 1932. On the locomotion of snakes. Science 76:583-585.

Mosauer, Walter. 1932. Über die Ortsbewegung der Schlangen. Eine Kritik und Ergänzung der Arbeit Wiedemann's. Zoologische Jahrbucher Abteilung fur Allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie der tiere 52, 191-215.

Mosauer, Walter. 1935. How fast can snakes travel? Copeia 1935:6-9.

Ruben, John A. 1977. Morphological correlates of predatory modes in the coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) and rosy boa (Lichanura roseofusca). Herpetologica 33:1-6.

Secor, Stephen M., Bruce C. Jayne, and Albert F. Bennett. 1992. Locomotor performance and energetic cost of sidewinding by the snake Crotalus cerastes. Journal of Experimental Biology 163:1-14.

Walton, Michael, Bruce C. Jayne, and Albert F. Bennett. 1990. The energetic cost of limbless locomotion. Science 249:524-527.

Wiedemann, E. 1932. Zur Ortsbewegung der Schlangen und Schleichen. Zoologische Jahrbucher Abteilung fur Allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie der tiere 50:557-596.

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