


Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Child and Family Studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Research interests: Cajun and Creole cultures, race and ethnicity, social theory, disaster studies, nutritional anthropology, qualitative research methods.


Henry, Jacques. 2013. “Return or Relocate: An Inductive Analysis of Decision in Disaster,” Disasters 37(2): 293-316.

Henry, Jacques & F. Daniel Cring. 2012. The anthropology of geophagy in Eric Brevik & Lynn C. Burgess, eds. Soils and Human Health , Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, pp. 179-198.

Henry, Jacques. 2012. A Dictionary of Louisiana French by Albert Valdman & Kevin Rottet, eds, a book review. Louisiana History . 53(2): 236-238.

Henry, Jacques. 2012. Geophagia and Pica in Larry Griffin & Peggy Harris, eds. The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture - Social Class. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 20: 357-358.

Henry, Jacques. 2011. “Continuity, Social Change, and Katrina,” Disasters 35(1): 220-242.

Henry, Jacques. 2010. Ethnicity Inc . by John L. and Jean Comaroff, a book review. American Journal of Sociology , 116(2): 694-696.

Le Menestrel, Sara & Jacques Henry. 2010. “La figure du Survivor. Usages de la mémoire et gestion de la catastrophe après les ouragans Katrina et Rita en Louisiane,” Ethnologie francaise 40(3): 495-508.

Le Menestrel, Sara & Jacques Henry. 2010. “`Sing Us Back Home’: Music, Place, and the Production of Locality in Post-Katrina New Orleans,” Popular Music and Society 33(2): 179-202.

Henry, Jacques & Sara LeMenestrel. eds. 2009. Working the Field: Accounts from French Louisiana. 2nd edition: Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

Henry, Jacques. 2006. Pourquoi les Cadiens disparaissent et les Créoles restent invisibles in Mémoires Francophones : la Louisiane, edited by Guy Clermont, Michel Béniamino & Arielle Thauvin-Chapot. Limoges: Pulim. pp. 179-196

Henry, Jacques. 2005. “What has become of the Cajuns of yore?” Louisiana History 44(4), pp. 465-481.

Wooddell, George & Jacques Henry. 2005. "The Advantage of a Focus on Advantage: A Note on Teaching Minority Groups," Teaching Sociology 33(3), pp. 301-309.

Henry, Jacques. 2004. The Cajuns: Americanization of a People by Shane K. Bernard, a book review. Louisiana History 45(3): 356-358.

Henry, Jacques & Alicia Matthews Kwong. 2003. "Why is Geophagy Treated Like Dirt," Deviant Behavior 24(4), pp. 353-371.

Henry, Jacques & Carl Bankston. 2002. Blue Collar Bayou: Louisiana Cajuns in the New Economy of Ethnicity, Westport, CT: Praeger.

Henry, Jacques & Carl Bankston. 2001. "Ethnic Self-Identification and Symbolic Stereotyping: The Portrayal of Louisiana Cajuns," Ethnic and Racial Studies 24(6), pp. 1020-1045.

Bankston, Carl & Jacques Henry. 2000. "Spectacles of Ethnicity: Festivals and Commodification of Ethnic Culture Among Louisiana Cajuns," Sociological Spectrum 20(1), pp. 375-407.

Henry, Jacques. 2000. "Cajun and Creole Country" in Department of Sociology (ed.), A Virtual Tour of Southern Louisiana, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University.

Bankston, Carl & Jacques Henry. 1999. "Endogamy among Louisiana Cajuns: A Social Class Explanation," Social Forces 77(4), pp. 1317-1338.

Henry, Jacques. 1999. "Realignement francophone: les relations Louisiane-Quebec-Acadie," Francophonies d'Amerique 9, pp. 63-72.

Henry, Jacques & Carl Bankston. 1999. "Louisiana Cajun Ethnicity: Symbolic or Structural?" Sociological Spectrum 19(2), pp. 223-248.

Henry, Jacques & Howard Comeaux. 1999. "Gender Egalitarianism in Coed Sport: A Case Study of American Soccer," International Review for the Sociology of Sport 34(3), pp. 277-290.

Bankston, Carl & Jacques Henry. 1998a. "The Silence of the Gators: Cajun Ethnicity and Intergenerational Transmission of Louisiana French," Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 19(1), pp. 1-23.

Bankston, Carl & Jacques Henry. 1998b. "The Socioeconomic Position of the Louisiana Creoles: An Examination of Racial and Ethnic Stratification," Social Thought and Research 21(1), pp. 253-278.

Henry, Jacques. 1998. "From Acadien to Cajun to Cadien: Ethnic Labelization and Construction of Identity," Journal of American Ethnic History 17(4), pp. 29-62.

Henry, Jacques & Carl Bankston. 1998. "Propositions for a Structuralist Analysis of Creolism," Current Anthropology 39(4), pp. 558-566.

Henry, Jacques. 1997. The Louisiana French Movement: Actors and Actions in Social Change, in Albert Valdman (ed), French and Creole in Louisiana, New York: Plenum; pp.183-213.

Landry, Rodrigue, Real Allard & Jacques Henry. 1996. "French in South Louisiana: Towards Language Loss," Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 17(6), pp. 442-468.