St. Petersburg Community College, St. Petersburg
Sciences, visual arts, received A.A.
2004 - 2006
Introduction to Marine Science: three week mini-courses covering marine biology, oceanography, marine invertebrate biology, and marine geology
Marine Geology: study of tectonic plates, rocks, hydrothermal vents and use of drilling samples to date materials
Marine Invertebrate Biology: included the study of marine arthropods, parasites and other invertebrates as well as lab and feild work involving identification of larval forms and dredging in Tampa Bay for lab specimen collection
Cownose Ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) Independent Study: collection of specimens and harbouring them in a holding tank to determin requirements for survival in captivity and allow following students to continue with applicable tagging techniques
Ecology: lecture with lab showing how organisms interact and respond to environment, life expectancy, population growth through immigration vs. emmigration
Global Conservation: discussion lectures concerning anthropogenic impacts through resource consumption, waste production and storage and techniques being utilized to reduces such impacts
Wetland Environments: lectures concerning global wetlands, mitigation techniques, invasive species and their effects, importance of wetlands in hydrology and protection
Ichthyology: lectures and lab in fish identification through systematics, morphology, physiology and anatomoy