Linus Wilson's Teaching Page

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Past Teaching Assigments in Finance and Economics

Courses Taught at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Department of Economics & Finance from Fall 2007 to the present

Fall 2007

Courses at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette are taught in fifteen week semesters.

Courses Taught while a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Cincinnati, Department of Finance-Real Estate from Autumn 2005 to Spring 2007

Spring 2007

Winter 2007

Autumn 2006

Spring 2006

Winter 2006

Autumn 2005

Courses at the University of Cincinnati were taught in ten week quarters.

Subjects Taught while a Lecturer at Keble College, University of Oxford from Autumn 2002 to Spring 2004

Tutorial subjects at the University of Oxford are taught in eight week terms.
All students taught at Keble College were undergraduates.

Subjects Taught to U.S. Study Abroad Students in Oxford, U.K.

Tutorial subjects were taught in eight week terms.
All study abroad students were undergraduates.
©2008, Linus Wilson