
Journal Articles & Patents

  1. Hassan, M., Tozal, M. E., Swarup, V., Noel, S., Gottumukkala, R., & Raghavan, V. (2025, April). Anomalous Link Detection in Dynamically Evolving Scale-Free-Like Networked Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (accepted, in production).
  2. Amarasiri, N., Barhorst, A. A., & Gottumukkala, R. (2025). Sharp Curve Trajectory Tracking of a Universal Omni-Wheeled Mobile Robot Using a Sliding Mode Controller. ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, 5(2).
  3. Kumar, D. J. V., et al. (2025). Optimizing Photovoltaic Soiling Loss Predictions in Louisiana: A Comparative Study of Measured and Modeled Data Using a Novel Approach. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications.
  4. Gheisi, L., Chu, H., Gottumukkala, R., Zhu, X., Wang, M., & Shi, M. (2024). TransFair: Transferring Fairness from Ocular Disease Classification to Progression Prediction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.00051.
  5. Mohammadjafari, A., Maida, A. S., & Gottumukkala, R. (2024). From natural language to sql: Review of llm-based text-to-sql systems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.01066.
  6. (U.S. Patent) Gottumukkala, R., Kamal, A. M., & Hosseini, S. Multimodal indoor positioning systems and methods for privacy localization. U.S. Patent Application No. 18/585,467.
  7. (U.S. Patent) Ferdowsi, F., Abianeh, A. J., Gottumukkala, R., & Dragioevic, T. Cyber-resilient sliding mode consensus-based distributed control system for ac microgrids and method for operating same. U.S. Patent Application 18/542,645, filed June 20, 2024.
  8. Amarasiri, N., Barhorst, A. A., & Gottumukkala, R. (2024). Investigating suitable combinations of dynamic models and control techniques for offline reinforcement learning based navigation: application universal omni-wheeled robots. ASME Letters Dyn. Sys. Control. doi: 10.1115/1.4064517
  9. Hosseini, M., Maida, A., Hosseini, S., & Gottumukkala, R. (2023). Inception Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for Video Frame Prediction. SN Computer Science, 4(1). doi: 10.1007/s42979-022-01498-y
  10. Amarasiri, N., Barhorst, A. A., & Gottumukkala, R. (2022). Robust dynamic modeling and trajectory tracking controller of a universal omni-wheeled mobile robot. ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, 2(4). doi: 10.1115/1.4055690
  11. Katragadda, S., Bhupatiraju, R. T., Raghavan, V. Z. Ashkar & Gottumukkala, R. (2002). Examining the COVID-19 case growth rate due to visitor vs. local mobility in the United States using machine learning. Scientific Reports, 12(1). doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-16561-0
  12. Veerendra Kumar, D. J., Deville, L., Ritter, K. A., III, Raush, J. R., Ferdowsi, F., & Gottumukkala, R., Chambers, T. L. (2002). Performance Evaluation of 1.1 MW Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Louisiana. Energies, 15(9). doi: 10.3390/en15093420
  13. Alam, M. R., Najafi, M. H., TaheriNejad, N., Imani, M., & Gottumukkala, R. (2022). Stochastic Computing In Beyond Von-Neumann Era: Processing Bit-Streams In Memristive Memory. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2022.3161995
  14. Abianeh, A. J., Mardani, M. M., Ferdowsi, F., Gottumukkala, R., & Dragicevic, T. (2022). Cyber-Resilient Sliding-Mode Consensus Secondary Control Scheme for Islanded AC Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37(5), 6074-6089. doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2021.3125985
  15. Hosseini, S., Gottumukkala, R., Katragadda, S., Bhupatiraju, R. T., Ashkar, Z., Borst, C. W., & Cochran, K. (2022). A multimodal sensor dataset for continuous stress detection of nurses in a hospital. Nature Scientific Data, 9(1). doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01361-y
  16. Katragadda, S., Gottumukkala, R., Bhupatiraju, R. T., Kamal, A. M., Raghavan, V., Chu, H., & Ashkar, Z. (2021). Association mining-based approach to analyze COVID-19 response and case growth in the United States. Scientific Reports, 11, 18635. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-96912-5
  17. Gottumukkala, R., Katragadda, S., Bhupatiraju, R. T., et al. (2021). Exploring the relationship between mobility and COVID-19 infection rates for the second peak in the United States using phase-wise association. BMC Public Health, 21, 1669. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11657-0
  18. Venna, S. R., Katragadda, S., Raghavan, V., & Gottumukkala, R. (2021). River Stage Forecasting using Enhanced Partial Correlation Graph. Springer Water Resources Management. doi: 10.1007/s11269-021-02933-0
  19. Gottumukkala, R. & Beling, P. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue on Data-Enabled Discovery for Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications, 4, 10. doi: 10.1007/s41688-020-00046-y
  20. Katragadda, S., Darby, P. J., Roche, A., & Gottumukkala, R. (2020). Detecting Low-Rate Replay-Based Injection Attacks on In-Vehicle Networks. IEEE Access, 8, 54979-54993. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2980523
  21. Hosseini, M., Katragadda, S., Wojtkiewicz, J., Gottumukkala, R., Maida, A., & Chambers, T. L. (2020). Direct normal irradiance forecasting using multivariate gated recurrent units. Energies, 13(15), 3914. doi: 10.3390/en13153914
  22. Cao, G., Iosifidis, A., Gabbouj, M., Raghavan, V., & Gottumukkala, R. (2019). Deep multi-view learning to rank. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2019.2942590
  23. Wojtkiewicz, J., Hosseini, M., Gottumukkala, R., & Chambers, T. L. (2019). Hour-ahead solar irradiance forecasting using multivariate gated recurrent units. Energies, 12(21), 4055. doi: 10.3390/en12214055
  24. Venna, S. R., Tavanaei, A., Gottumukkala, R. N., Raghavan, V. V., Maida, A. S., & Nichols, S. (2018). A novel data-driven model for real-time influenza forecasting. IEEE Access, 7, 7691-7701. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2888585
  25. Venna, S. R., Gottumukkala, R., & Raghavan, V. V. (2016). Visual Analytic Decision Making Environments for Large Scale Time Evolving Graphs. In Cognitive Computing: Theory and Applications (1st ed.). Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/
  26. Gottumukkala, R. N., Venna, S. R., & Raghavan, V. (2015). Visual Analytics of Time Evolving Large-scale Graphs. IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, 16(1), 10-16.
  27. Katz, D. S., Allen, G., Cortez, R., Cruz-Neira, C., Gottumukkala, R., Greenwood, Z. D., ... & Whittenburg, S. (2009). Louisiana: A model for advancing regional e-research through cyber infrastructure. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 367(1897), 2459-2469. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2009.0037
  28. Gottumukkala, N. R., Nassar, R., Paun, M., Leangsuksun, C. B., & Scott, S. L. (2009). Reliability of a system of k nodes for high-performance computing applications. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 59(1), 162-169. doi: 10.1109/TR.2009.2034291
  29. Engelmann, C., Scott, S. L., Bernholdt, D. E., Gottumukkala, N. R., Leangsuksun, C. B., Varma, J., Wang, C., Mueller, F., Shet, A. G., & Sadayappan, P. (2006). MOLAR: Adaptive Runtime Support for High-End Computing Operating and Runtime Systems. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 40(2), 63-72. doi: 10.1145/1131322.1131337
  30. Sun, T., Walker, J., Revankar, S., & Gottumukkala, N. R. (2009). Workflow Auto Generation from User Constraints and Hierarchical Dependence Graphs for Workflows. U.S. Patent No. 7,580,911, issued August 25, 2009.
  31. Sun, T., Gottumukkala, N. R., & Shepherd, M. D. (2010). Validation and analysis of JDF workflows using colored Petri nets. U.S. Patent No. 7,734,492, issued June 8, 2010.
  32. Gottumukkala, N. R., Sun, T. (2005). Modeling and Assessment of Production Printing Workflows Using Petri Nets. In Business Process Management. BPM 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3649. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/11538394_21

Conference Publications

  1. Katragadda, S., Gottumukkala, R., Venna, S., Lipari, N., Gaikwad, S., Pusala, M., ... & Bayoumi, M. (2019). VAStream: A Visual Analytics System for Fast Data Streams. In Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (PEARC '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 76, 1–8. doi: 10.1145/3332186.3332256
  2. Guidry, J., Sohrab, F., Gottumukkala, R., Katragadda, S., & Gabbouj, M. (2023). One-Class Classification for Intrusion Detection on Vehicular Networks. 2023 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence.
  3. Amarasiri, N., Barhorst, A. A., & Gottumukkala, R. (2022). Comparison Between Two Distinct Dynamic Modeling Techniques and Three Linear and One Nonlinear Controller for Universal Omni-Wheeled Mobile Robot: Application Offline Reinforcement Learning Based Navigation. IMECE2023.
  4. Zobaed, S. M., Ahmad, S., Gottumukkala, R., & Salehi, M. A. (2019). Clustcrypt: Privacy-preserving clustering of unstructured big data in the cloud. IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), Zhangjiajie, China, 609-616. doi: 10.1109/HPCC/SmartCity/DSS.2019.00093
  5. Darby, P., & Gottumukkala, R. (2019). Decentralized Computing Techniques in Support of Cyber-Physical Security for Electric and Autonomous Vehicles. 2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), Lafayette, LA, USA, 1-5. doi: 10.1109/GreenTech.2019.8767163
  6. Gottumukkala, R., Merchant, R., Roche, A., Leon, K., Tauzin, A., & Darby, P. (2019). Cyber-physical System Security of Vehicle Charging Stations. 2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), Lafayette, LA, USA, 1-5. doi: 10.1109/GreenTech.2019.8767141
  7. Katragadda, S., Gottumukkala, R., Pusala, M., Raghavan, V., & Wojkiewicz, J. (2018). Distributed Real-Time Link Prediction on Graph Streams. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Seattle, WA, USA, 2912-2917. doi: 10.1109/BigData.2018.8621934
  8. Hosseini, M., Salehi, M. A., & Gottumukkala, R. (2017). Enabling interactive video streaming for public safety monitoring through batch scheduling. 2017 IEEE 19th International Conference on High-Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 15th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS), Bangkok, Thailand, 474-481. doi: 10.1109/HPCC-SmartCity-DSS.2017.62
  9. Tavanaei, A., Gottumukkala, R., Raghavan, V., & Maida, A. (2018). Unsupervised Rank Aggregation using Parameterized Function Optimization. 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-8. doi: 10.1109/IJCNN.2018.8489160
  10. Gaikwad, S., Tafleen, S., Gottumukkala, R., & Elgazzar, K. (2018). Fault Tolerance of Real-time Video Streaming Protocols over SDN Networks. 2018 14th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Limassol, Cyprus, 101-107. doi: 10.1109/IWCMC.2018.8450440
  11. Pusala, M. K., Benton, R. G., Raghavan, V. V., & Gottumukkala, R. N. (2017, November). Supervised approach to rank predicted links using interestingness measures. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Kansas City, MO, USA, 1085-1092. doi: 10.1109/BIBM.2017.8217807
  12. Gottumukkala, R., Zachary, J., Kearfott, B., & Kolluru, R. (2012). Real-Time Information Driven Decision Support System for Evacuation Planning. 2012 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support, New Orleans, LA, USA, 206-209. doi: 10.1109/CogSIMA.2012.6188383
  13. Gottumukkala, N. R., Leangsuksun, C., Narate, T., Nassar, R., & Scott, S. L. (2007). Reliability-Aware Resource Allocation in HPC Systems. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, Austin, TX, USA, 312-321. doi: 10.1109/CLUSTR.2007.4629245
  14. Song, H., Leangsuksun, C., Nassar, R., Gottumukkala, N. R., & Scott, S. (2006). Availability modeling and analysis on high-performance cluster computing. First International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES'06), Vienna, Austria, 8 pp.-313. doi: 10.1109/ARES.2006.37
  15. Hosseini, M., Maida, A. S., Hosseini, M., & Gottumukkala, R. (2019). Inception-inspired LSTM for Next-frame Video Prediction. 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, New York. doi: 10.1609/aaai.v34i10.7176

Conference Abstracts & Presentations

  1. Nalaka Amarasiri, Alan A. Barhorst, and Raju Gottumukkala, Comparison Be‑tween Two Distinct Dynamic Modeling Techniques and Three Linear and One Nonlinear Controller for Universal Omni‑Wheeled Mobile Robot: Application Offline Reinforcement Learning Based Navigation, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, October 29 – November 2, 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  2. Chalgham, Wadie, Diaconeasa, Mihai, Gottumukkala, Raju, and Seibi, Abdennour. "A Numerical and Experimental Study Supporting a Methodology for Live Monitoring, Leak Detection, and Automatic Response in Water Pipelines." Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 13: Safety Engineering, Risk, and Reliability Analysis. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. November 11–14, 2019. V013T13A018. ASME.‑11861.
  3. Jessica Wojkiewicz, Satya Katragadda, Raju Gottumukkala, A Concept‑Drift Based Predictive‑Analytics Framework: Application for Real‑Time Solar Irradiance Forecasting, Poster Paper, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
  4. Raju Gottumukkala, Fuel Demand Estimation for Hurricane Evacuation in Louisiana: Evacuee Behavior for Gustav, Ike, Katrina& Rita, the 2012 National Evacuation Conference, February 7‑9, New Orleans, LA.
  5. Raju Gottumukkala, Ramesh Kolluru, Xiaoduan Sun, Mark Smith, Bob Grambling, Haochun Zhang, "Fuel Demand Estimation for Regional Hurricane Evacuation," The National Evacuation Conference, Feb 3‑5, 2010, New Orleans, LA.
  6. Haochun Zhang, Raju Gottumukkala, Baker Kearfott, Ramesh Kolluru, "A Multi‑Objective Mixed Optimization Model for POD to Distribute Emergency Supplies", Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) 2010 Conference, November 2010.
  7. Raju Gottumukkala, "Improving Disaster Response: NIMSAT", The 2009 Gulf Coast Marine Conference, Sponsored by the NOAA, the NWS, and National Ocean Service, LITE Center, Lafayette, LA.
  8. Raju Gottumukkala, Rusti Liner, "GIS Projects at NIMSAT Institute" The 25th Annual Remote Sensing and GIS Workshop, April 14‑16 2009, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
  9. N. Raju Gottumukkala, Box Leangsuksun, Raja Nassar, Mihaela Paun, Dileep Sule, "Reliability Aware Optimal‑K Node allocation of parallel applications in large scale HP," systems," High Availability and Performance Computing Workshop (HAPCW 2008), Denver, Colorado.
  10. N. Raju Gottumukkala, Y. Liu, C. B. Leangsuksun, R. Nassar, and L Scott, "Reliability analysis of HPC clusters," Proceedings of the High Availability and Performance Computing Workshop.
  11. N. R. Gottumukkala, C. Leangsuksun, and S. L. Scott. "Reliability‑aware approach to improve job completion time for large‑scale parallel applications." In Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on High‑Performance Computing Reliability Issues (HPCRI) 2006, Austin, TX, USA, February 11‑15, 2006.
  12. Hertong Song, Chokchai B. Leangsuksun, N. R Gottumukkala, Raja Nassar, Stephen L. Scott, and Andy Yoo, "Near‑Real‑time Availability Monitoring and Modeling for HPC/HEC runtime systems," Los Alamos Computer Science Institute (LACSI) Symposium, 2005.