Dr Nabendu Pal




PhD Students

Math Department

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Nabendu Pal
Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA 70504-1010













  • Ph.D. Statistics, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), July, 1989
  • M. Stat.(Master of Statistics),Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, June, 1986
  • B. Stat.(Bachelor of Statistics),Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, June, 1984

Professional Positions:

  • Professor (August 2001 - Present)
  • Department Graduate Coordinator (August'01 - July'05)
  • Associate Professor (August'94 - July'01), University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Formerly University of Southwestern Louisiana)
  • Assistant Professor (August' 89 - July' 94)
  • Visiting Assistant Professor (Jan - May' 89) University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
  • Visiting Scientist, Division of Theoretical Statistics & Mathematics, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, (Summer'92, Winter'92, Summer'94, Summer'96, Summer'97, Summer'98)
  • Visiting Faculty: Tamkang University (Taiwan), Summer 2006; Ming Chuan University (Taiwan), Summer 2007

Research Interests:

  • Decision Theory & Bayesian Analysis
  • Reliability & Life testing
  • Biostatistics

Honors and Awards:

  • Nominated member of the Phi-Kappa-Phi Honor Society, University of Maryland Chapter, 1988.
  • Won the Best Presentation prize in the `Graduate Student Research Day', University of Maryland, 1988.
  • Recipient of the American Statistical Association Scholarship to attend summer conference sponsored by the American Statistical Association and Southern Regional Conference on Statistics, 1987.
  • Recipient of the National Scholarship, awarded by the Ministry of Education & Culture, Government of India, 1979.

Member of:

  • American Statistical Association
  • Indian Statistical Association
  • The Indian Science Congress
  • Calcutta Statistical Association

Editorial Board Member:

  • Journal of Future Studies (Tamkang University, Taiwan)
  • Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin
  • Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics (Series B)

Served As A Refree For:

  1. Journal of Multivariate Analysis
  2. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
  3. Statistics & Decisions
  4. Communications in Statistics
  5. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation
  6. The American Statistician
  7. Statistics & Probability Letters
  8. American Mathematical Monthly
  9. Annals of Statistics
  10. Statistics

Research Grants:

  1. Faculty Summer Research Grant, Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana, Summer 1991, $3,450.
  2. Faculty Development Grant, Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana, Fall 1992, $550.
  3. Young Researchers' Grant for Writing Workshop, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, $1,100.
  4. Young Researchers' Grant to attend the First North American Young Researchers' Meeting at Univ. of California - Berkeley, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Summer 1993.
  5. Faculty Summer Research Grant, Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana, Summer 1993, $3,855.
  6. 'Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection & Restoration', Department of Natural Resources (DNR), State of Louisiana, 1993 - 1996, DNR Agreement No. 25085-93-10, $40,000.
  7. Conference Grant for the Second North American Meeting of New Researchers in Statistics & Probability. National Science Foundation, Summer 1995. Grant No. DMS 9504227, $10,150.
  8. Conference Grant for the Second North American Meeting of New Researchers in Statistics & Probability. National Security Agency, Summer 1995. Grant No. MSPF 95C-172, $10,000.
  9. 'Statistical Consultant - Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA)', Department of Natural Resources, State of Louisiana, June, 1993 - June, 1996. DNR agreement No. 25085-93-10, $40,000.
  10. 'Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection & Restoration', Department of Natural Resources (DNR), State of Louisiana, July, 1996 - June, 1999. DNR Agreement No. 25085-96-07, $20,000.
  11. 'Statistical Consulting Support to Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection & Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Monitoring Program',Department of Natural Resources (DNR), State of Louisiana,July, 1999 - June, 2002. DNR Agreement No. 2503-00-26, $20,000.
  12. 'Statistical Consulting Support to Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection & Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Monitoring Program', Department of Natural Resources (DNR), State of Louisiana, July, 2002 - June, 2005. DNR Agreement No. 2503-03-02, $22,800.
  13. 'Statistical Consulting Support to Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection & restoration Act (CWPPRA) Monitoring program', Department of natural resources (DNR), State of Louisiana, July, 2005 - June 2008. DNR Agreement No. 2503-06-06, $14,400.
  14. 'Continuous Structured Population Models with Application to Green Tree Frogs', (Co-PI, in a group of three investigators including the PI), National Science Foundation, Contract No. DMS-0718465, September 2007 - August 2010, $250,000.
  15. 'A Workshop on Hellinger Distance with Applications', Faculty Development Grant (Office of Academic Planning & Faculty Development), Fall 2008, $500.
  16. 'A Biostatistics Workshop on Survival Analysis with Applications in Cancer Studies', Faculty Development Grant (Office of Academic Planning & Faculty Development), Fall 2009, $500.
  17. 17. 'Modeling of Short-Term and Long-Term Marine Mammal Population Trends in the Vicinity of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring Cues', (Co-PI, in a group of three investigators including the PI), National Science Foundation, Contract No. DMS - 1059753, September 2010 - August 2011, $192,197.

Other Activities and Experiences:

  1. Vice-President (05/92 - 04/93 and 05/01 - 04/02), Louisiana Chapter, American Statistical Association.
  2. President (05/93 - 04/94 and 05/02 - 04/03), Louisiana Chapter, American Statistical Association.
  3. Secretary-Treasurer (May'94 - Apr'95), Louisiana Chapter, American Statistical Association.
  4. Member of the New Researchers' Committee (Aug'93- Jul'95) Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
  5. Grant Reviewer, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.
  6. Given numerous talks at National/International meetings and conferences.
  7. Member, Graduate Faculty Peer Review Committee, College of Sciences (1999-2001), University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL).
  8. Departmental consultant for statistical projects. (Provide service to local businesses, industries and law offices on statistical data analyses).
  9. Appeared before courts (both parish as well as federal) as an expert witness on several legal cases. Analyzed datasets to investigate various types of biases.


  1. 'Statistics: Concepts & Applications' (with S. Sarkar), Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, India.
      (a) First edition, first print (404 pages): January 2005
      (b) First edition, second print (404 pages): January 2007
      (c) Second edition (472 pages): January 2008
  2. 'Handbook of Exponential and Related Distributions for Engineers and Scientists' (with Jin, C. and Lim, W. K.), Chapman & Hall / CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) (2005), Boca Raton, Florida, 376 pages.

Graduate Level Courses Taught:

  1. Mathematical Statistics (Statistical Inferences)
  2. Applied Multivariate Analysis
  3. Applied Regression
  4. Design of Experiments
  5. Sample Surveys
  6. Reliability
  7. Advanced Inference (Statistical Decision Theory)
  8. Advanced Multivariate Analysis
  9. Special Topics in Statistics (Asymptotic Theory)
  10. Biostatistics

UnderGraduate Level Courses Taught:

  1. Elementary Statistics
  2. Introductory Biostatistics
  3. Calculus - I, II, III
  4. Operations Research



        Copyright © 2011 Nabendu Pal