For more details about my research, see the Research section of my website.
For details about my current teaching, see the Teaching section of my website.
Here is a file containing official teaching evaluations at UL Lafayette. These are from students in undergraduate Number Theory (Spring 2023), Survey of Calculus (Fall 2022), graduate Algebraic Topology (Fall 2021 - Spring 2022), undergraduate Graph Theory (Fall 2021), undergraduate Complex Variables (Spring 2021 and Spring 2020), undergraduate Topology (Fall 2020), Linear Algebra for undergraduate math majors (Fall 2020 and Fall 2019), Multivariable Calculus (Fall 2019), graduate Differential Topology (Fall 2018), Survey of Calculus (Fall 2018), graduate Topology II (Spring 2018), graduate Topology I (Fall 2017), and Survey of Calculus (Fall 2017). In Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, I taught fully remotely. In Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, I taught in a hybrid mode.
Here is an anonymous illustration from a teaching evaluation at the University of Victoria in Fall 2013:

I had never worn a bowtie at the time of the drawing.