Contact Info
Azmy S. Ackleh
R.P. Authement College of Sciences
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Lafayette, LA 70504-3649
- A.S. Ackleh, N. Saintier and A. Zhang, A Multiple-Strain Pathogen Model with Diffusion on the Space of Radon Measures, Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 140(2025), 108402.
- A.S. Ackleh, A. Veprauskas and A. Zhang, The Impact of Dispersal and Allee Effects on Tick Invasion: A Spatially-Explicit Discrete-Time Modeling Approach, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 30(2024), 1610-1643.
- A.S. Ackleh, Md I. Hossain and A. Veprauskas, Examining the Influence of Prey Dynamics on Predator-Prey Interactions, Difference Equations and Applications, 30(2024), 1194-1221.
- A.S. Ackleh, J. Jahangir and A. Veprauskas, A discrete-Time Stage-Structured Host Parasitoid System with Pest Control, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 17(2023), DOI: 10.1080/17513758.2023.2241483.
- A.S. Ackleh, A. Veprauskas, J. Banks, J. Stark, Assessing Critical Population Thresholds Under Periodic Disturbances, Ecosphere, 14(2023), e4650.
- A.S. Ackleh, R. Lyons and N. Saintier, High Resolution Finite Difference Schemes for a Size Structured Coagulation-Fragmentation Model in the Space of Radon Measures, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20 (2023),
- A.S. Ackleh, R. Lyons and N. Saintier, Finite Difference Schemes for a Size Structured Coagulation-Fragmentation Model in the
Space of Radon Measures, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2022, drac071,
- A.S. Ackleh and A. Veprauskas, Modeling the invasion and establishment of a tick-borne pathogen, Ecological Modelling, 467 (2022) 109915.
- A.S. Ackleh, R. Lyons and N. Saintier, Structured Coagulation-Fragmentation Equation in the Space of Radon Measures: Unifying Discrete and Continuous Models, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 55(2021), 2473-2501.
- A.S. Ackleh, P.L. Salceanu and A. Veprauskas, A Nullcline Approach to Global Stability in Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Models, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 27(2021), 1120-1133.
- A.S. Ackleh and R. Miller, A Multi-Region Nonlinear Size-Structured Population Model with Coagulation and Vertical Effects, Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 12(2021), 71-95.
- A.S. Ackleh and R. Miller, A second-order high resolution finite difference method for a nonlinear size-structured population model with an indefinite growth rate coupled with the environment.Calcolo, 58(2021), article number 29.
- A.S. Ackleh and A. Veprauskas, Frequency-Dependent Evolution in a Predator-Prey System, Natural Resource Modeling, 35:e12308(2021), 1-28.
- A.S. Ackleh and N. Saintier, Diffusive Limit to a Selection-Mutation Equation with Small Mutation Formulated on the Space of Measures, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 26(2021), 1469-1497.
- A.S. Ackleh, S. Elaydi, G. Livadiotis and A. Veprauskas, A Continuous-Time Mathematical Model and Discrete Approximations for the Aggregation of β-Amyloid, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 15(2021), 109-136.
- A.S. Ackleh and N. Saintier, Well-posedness for a System of Transport and Diffusion Equations in Measure Spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 492(2020), 124397.
- A.S. Ackleh, Md. I. Hossain, A. Veprauskas and A. Zhang, Long-Term Dynamics of Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Models: Stability of Equilibria, Cycles, and Chaos, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 26(2020), 693-726.
- A.S. Ackleh, R. Lyons and N. Saintier, Finite Difference Schemes for a Structured Population Model in the Space of Measures, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17(2020), 747-775.
- A.S. Ackleh, N. Saintier and J. Skrzeczkowski, Sensitivity Equations for Measure-Valued Solutions to Transport Equations, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,
17(2020), 514-537.
- A.S. Ackleh, Md I. Hossain, A. Veprauskas and A. Zhang, Persistence and stability analysis of discrete-time predator-prey models: A study of population and evolutionary dynamics, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25(2019), 1568-1603.
- A.S. Ackleh and R. Miller, A Model for Structured Population Dynamics
with Indefinite Growth Rates Coupled with the Environment, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 35(2019), 2348-2374.
- J. Banks, A.S. Ackleh, A. Veprauskas, R. Vargas and J. Stark, Environmental Indicators: The Trouble with Surrogates, Ecotoxicology, 28(2019), 62-68.
- A.S. Ackleh, H. Caswell, R.A. Chiquet, T. Tang and A. Veprauskas, Sensitivity Analysis of the Recovery Time for a Population under the Impact of an Environmental Disturbance, Natural Resource Modeling, 32(2019), 1-22.
- A. Veprauskas, A.S. Ackleh and T. Tang, Examining the Effect of Reoccurring Disturbances on Population Persistence with Application to Marine Mammals, Theoretical Biology, 455(2018), 109-117.
- A.S. Ackleh, K.L. Sutton, T. Tang and L. Zhao, A Second Order Finite Difference Scheme for a Variable Infection-Structured Model of Mycobacterium Marinum Dynamics in Aquatic Animals, Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, 2(2018), 177-202.
- A. Veprauskas, A.S. Ackleh, J.E. Banks, J.D. Stark, The Evolution of Toxicant Resistance in Daphnids and its Role on Surrogate Species, Theoretical
Population Biology, 119(2018), 15-25.
- A.S. Ackleh and R.L. Miller, A Model for the Interaction of Phytoplankton Aggregates and the Environment: Approximation and Parameter Estimation, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 26(2018), 152-182.
- J.E. Banks, R.I. Vargas, A.S. Ackleh, and J.D. Stark, Sublethal Effects in Pest Management: A Surrogate Species Perspective on Fruit Fly Control, Insects 8(2017), 1-6.
- A.S. Ackleh and K.L. Sutton, Disparate Disease Outcomes in Chronic Infection: the Role of Intra-Host Variability, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 116(2017), 343-352.
- A.S. Ackleh, B. Ma, T. Tang, A High Resolution Finite Difference Method for a Model of Structured Susceptible-Infected Populations Coupled with the Environment, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 33(2017), 1420-1458.
- A.S. Ackleh, R.A. Chiquet, B. Ma, T. Tang, H. Caswell, A. Veprauskas, N. Sidorovskaia, Analysis of Lethal and Sublethal Impacts of Environmental Disasters on Sperm Whales Using Stochastic Modeling, Ecotoxicology 26(2017), 820-830.
- A.S. Ackleh, B. Ma, R.L. Miller, A General Nonlinear Model for the Interaction of a Size-Structured Population and its Environment: Well-posedness and Approximation, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 74(2016), 671-704.
- A.S. Ackleh, J. Cleveland, H.R. Thieme, Population Dynamics under Selection and Mutation: Long-Time Behavior for Differential Equations in Measure Spaces, Journal of Differential Equations, 261(2016), 1472-1505.
- A.S. Ackleh, J. Carter, V.K. Chellamuthu and B. Ma, A Model for the Interaction of Frog Population Dynamics with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Janthinobacterium lividum and Temperature and its Implication for Chytridiomycosis Management, Ecological Modelling, 320(2016), 158-169.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, and Y. Wu, Competitive Exclusion and Coexistence in a Two-Strain Pathogen Model with Diffusion, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13(2016), 1-18.
- A.S. Ackleh, J.M. Cushing and P.L. Salceanu, On the Dynamics of Evolutionary Competition Models, Natural Resource Modeling, 28(2015), 380-397.
- A.S. Ackleh and P.L. Salceanu, Competitive exclusion and coexistence in an n-species Ricker model, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 9(2015), 321-331.
- A.S. Ackleh, M. Delcambre, K. Sutton, A Size-Structured Model for the Spread of Mycobacterium marinum Using a Second-Order High Resolution Finite Difference Scheme, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 9(2015), 156-187.
- R.A. Chiquet, T. Montgomery, B. Ma, A.S. Ackleh, A Matrix Population Model of Beaked Whales, Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations, 23(2015), 179-192.
- A.S. Ackleh, J.Z. Farkas X. Li and B. Ma, Finite Difference Approximations for a Size-Structured Population Model with Distributed States in the Recruitment, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 9(2015), 2-31.
- A.S. Ackleh, V.K. Chellamuthu and K. Ito, Finite Difference Approximations for Measure-Valued Solutions of a Hierarchically Size-Structured Population Model, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 12(2015), 233-258.
- A.S. Ackleh, R.J. Sacker and P.L. Salceanu, On a Discrete Selection-Mutation Model, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 20(2014), 1383-1403.
- A.S. Ackleh, M. Delcambre, K.L. Sutton, D. Ennis, Structured Models for the Spread of Mycobacterium marinum: Foundations for a Numerical Approximation Scheme, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 11(2014), 679-721.
- J.E. Banks, J. Stark, R.I. Vargas and A.S. Ackleh, Deconstructing the Surrogate Species Concept: A Life History Approach to the Protection of Ecosystem Services, Ecological Applications, 24(2014), 770-778.
- A.S. Ackleh, K.L. Sutton, K.N. Mutoji, A. Mallick and D.G. Ennis, A Structured Model for the Transmission Dynamics of Mycobacterium marinum Between Aquatic Animals, Journal of Biological Systems, 22(2014), 29-60.
- A.S. Ackleh and P.L. Salceanu, Robust Uniform Persistence and Competitive Exclusion in a Nonautonomous Multi-Strain SIR Epidemic Model with Disease-Induced Mortality, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 68(2014), 453-475.
- A. S. Ackleh and J. Z. Farkas, On the Net Reproduction Rate of Continuous Structured Populations with Distributed States at Birth, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66(2013), 1685-1694.
- A.S. Ackleh, B. Ma, J. Thibodeaux, A Second Order High Resolution Finite Difference Scheme for a Structured Erythropoiesis Model Subject to Malaria Infection, Mathematical Biosciences, 245(2013), 2-11.
- A.S. Ackleh and J. Thibodeaux, A Second-Order Finite Difference Approximation for a Mathematical Model of Erythropoiesis, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 29(2013), 1821-1836.
- A.S. Ackleh and B. Ma, A Second Order High Resolution Scheme for a Juvenile-Adult Model of Amphibians, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 34(2013), 365-403.
- R. Chiquet, B. Ma, A.S. Ackleh, N. Pal, S. Sidorovskaia, Demographic Analysis of Sperm Whales Using Matrix Population Models, Ecological Modelling, 248(2013), 71-79.
- J. Cleveland and A.S. Ackleh, Evolutionary Game Theory on Measure Spaces: Well-Posedness, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 14(2013), 785-797.
- B.G. Fitzpatrick, R. Scribner, A.S. Ackleh, G. Jacquez, J. Rasul, R. Rommel and N. Simonsen,
Forecasting the Effect of the Amethyst Initiative on College Drinking, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(2012), 1608-1613.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, X. Yang, Sensitivity Analysis for a Structured Juvenile-Adult Model, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64(2012), 190-200.
- J.M. Cushing and A.S. Ackleh, A Net Reproductive Number for Periodic Matrix Models, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 6(2012), 166-188.
- A.S. Ackleh, G.E. Ioup, J.W. Ioup, B. Ma, J.J. Newcomb, N. Pal, N. Sidorovskaia, C. Tiemann, Assessing the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impact on Marine Mammal Population Through
Acoustics: Endangered Sperm Whales, Journal of Acoustical Society of America (JASA), 131(2012), 2306-2314.
- A.S. Ackleh, J. Carter, K. Deng, Q. Huang, N. Pal and X. Yang, Fitting a Structured Juvenile-Adult Model for Green Tree Frogs to
Population Estimates from Capture-Mark-Recapture Field Data, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74(2012), 641-665.
- P. Zhang and A.S. Ackleh, A Discrete Stage-Structured Two Species Competition Model with Sexual and Clonal Reproduction, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 6(2012), 2-16.
- J.E. Banks, J.D. Stark, R.I. Vargas and A.S. Ackleh, Parasitoids and ecological risk assessment: Can toxicity data developed for one species be used to
protect an entire guild? Biological Control, 59(2011), 336-339.
- X. Yang, N. Pal, A.S. Ackleh and J. Carter, A Case Study of Green Tree Frog Population Size
Estimation by Repeated Capture-Mark-Recapture Method with Individual Tagging. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 81(2011), 1879-1895.
- A.S. Ackleh, R.A. Chiquet and P. Zhang, A Discrete Dispersal Model with Constant and Periodic Environments. Journal of Biological Dynamics,5(2011), 563-578.
- A.S. Ackleh, B. Ma, P.L. Salceanu, Persistence and Global Stability in a Selection-Mutation Size-Structured Model, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 5(2011), 436-453.
- A.S. Ackleh and R. A. Chiquet, Competitive Exclusion in a Discrete Juvenile-Adult Model with Continuous and Seasonal Reproduction. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 17(2011), 955-975.
- J. Rasul, R. Rommel, G.M. Jacquez, B.G. Fitzpatrick, A.S. Ackleh, N. Simonson, R. Scribner, Heavy Episodic Drinking on College Campuses: Does Changing the Legal Drinking Age Make a Difference?. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72(2011), 15-23.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng and Q. Huang, Stochastic Juvenile-Adult Models with Application to a Green
Tree Frog Population. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 5(2011), 64-83.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Stability of a Delay Equation Arising From a Juvenile-Adult Model. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 7(2010), 729-737.
- J.E. Banks, A.S. Ackleh and J. Stark, The Use of Surrogate Species in Risk Assessment: Using Life History Data to Safeguard Against False Negatives. Risk Analysis, 30(2010), 175-182.
- A.S. Ackleh, J. Carter , L. Cole , T. Nguyen, J. Monte and C. Pettit, Measuring and Modeling the Seasonal Changes of an Urban Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea) Population. Ecological Modeling, 221(2010), 281-289.
- A.S. Ackleh and P. Zhang, Competitive Exclusion in a Discrete Stage-Structured Two Species Model. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomenon, 4(2009), 156-175.
- R. Scribner, A.S. Ackleh, B.G. Fitzpatrick, G. Jacquez, J. Thibodeaux, R. Rommel, and N. Simonsen, Ecosystem Modeling of College Drinking: Development of a Deterministic Model for Testing Alcohol Control Policies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 70(2009), 805-821.
- A.S. Ackleh, B.G. Fitzpatrick, S. Scribner, N. Simonsen, J. Thibodeaux, Ecosystem Modeling of College Drinking: Parameter Estimation and Comparing Models to Data. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 50(2009), 481-497.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, A Nonautonomous Juvenile-Adult Model: Well-Posedness and Long-Time Behavior via a Comparison Principle. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 69(2009), 1644-1661.
- S. Pathikonda, A.S. Ackleh, K. H. Hasenstein, S. Mopper, Invasion, Disturbance, and Competition: Modeling the Fate of Coastal Plant Populations. Conservation Biology, 23(2009), 164-173.
- A.S. Ackleh and R. Chiquet, The Global Dynamics of a Discrete Juvenile-Adult Model with Continuous and Seasonal Reproduction. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 3(2009), 101-115.
- A.S. Ackleh and P. DeLeenheer, Discrete Three-Stage Population Model: Persistence and Global Stability Results. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2(2008), 415-427.
- A.S. Ackleh and J.J. Thibodeaux, Parameter Estimation in a Structured Erythropoiesis Model. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 5(2008), 601-616.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng and J. Thibodeaux, A Monotone Approximation for a Size-Structured Population Model with a Generalized Environment. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 1(2007), 291-304.
- A.S. Ackleh, Y. Dib and S. Jang, A Three-Stage Discrete-Time Population Model: Seasonal Versus Continuous Reproduction. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 1(2007), 305-319.
- L. Pham, S. Boudreaux, S. Karhbet, B. Price, A. S. Ackleh, J. Carter, and N. Pal, Population estimates of Hyla cinerea (Schneider) (Green Treefrog) in an urban environment. Southeastern Naturalist, 6(2007), 203-216
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, S. Hu, On a Nonlinear Size-Structured Phytoplankton-Zooplankton Aggregation Model. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A, 14(2007), 265-285.
- A. S. Ackleh, L.J.S. Allen and J. Carter, Establishing a beachhead: A Stochastic Population Model with an Allee Effect Applied to Species Invasion. Theoretical Population Biology, 71(2007), 290-300.
- A.S. Ackleh and S. Jang, A Discrete Two-Stage Population Model: Continuous Versus Seasonal Reproduction. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 13(2007), 261-274.
- A.S. Ackleh, Y. Dib and S. Jang, Competitive Exclusion and Coexistence in a Nonlinear Refuge-Mediated Selection Model. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 7(2007), 683-698.
- A.S. Ackleh and S. Hu, Comparison between Stochastic and Deterministic Selection-Mutation Models. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 4(2007), 133-157.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, X. Wang, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to a Nonlinear Size-Structured Population Model. International Journal of Information and System Sciences, 2(2006), 316-325.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, K. Ito and J.J. Thibodeaux, A Structured Erythropoiesis Model with Nonlinear Cell Maturation Velocity and Hormone Decay Rate. Mathematical Biosciences, 204(2006), 21-48.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng and X. Wang, Existence-Uniqueness and Monotone Approximation for a Phytoplankton-Zooplankton Aggregation Model. Zeitschrift Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 57(2006), 733-749.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Ito, Measure-Valued Solutions for a Hierarchically Size-Structured Population. Journal of Differential Equations, 217(2005), 431-455.
- S. Jang and A.S. Ackleh, Discrete-Time, Discrete Stage-Structured Predator-Prey Models. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 11(2005), 399-413.
- A.S. Ackleh, B.G. Fitzpatrick and H.R. Thieme, Rate Distributions and Survival of the Fittest: A Formulation on the Space of Measures. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 5(2005), 917-928.
- A.S. Ackleh, H.T. Banks, K. Deng and S. Hu, Parameter Estimation in a Coupled System of Nonlinear Size-Structured Populations. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2(2005), 289-315.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Monotone Approximation for a Hierarchical Age-Structured Population Model. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B,12(2005), 203-214.
- A.S. Ackleh and L.J.S. Allen, Competitive Exclusion in SIS and SIR Epidemic Models with Total Cross Immunity and density-Dependent Host Mortality. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 5(2005), 175-188.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, and S. Hu, A Quasilinear Hierarchical Size Structured Model: Well-Posedness and Approximation. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 51(2005), 35-59.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, and X. Wang, Competitive Exclusion and Coexistence in a Quasilinear Size-Structured Population Model. Mathematical Biosciences, 192(2004), 177-192.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, On Critical Exponents for the Schrodinger Equation with a Nonlinear Boundary Condition. Differential and Integral Equations, 17(2004), 1293-1307.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Existence and Nonexistence of Global Solutions of a Nonlocal Wave Equation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 27(2004), 1747-1754.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Survival of the Fittest in a Quasilinear Size-Structured Population Model. Natural Resource Modelling, 17(2004), 213-228.
- A.S Ackleh, K. Deng, C. Cole and H. Tran, Existence-Uniqueness and Monotone Approximation for an Erythropoiesis Age-Structured Model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 289(2004), 530-544.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, J. Derouen and W. Li, A Numerical Method for a Nonlocal Hyperbolic Model Arising from a Reliability System. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 47(2004), 135-147.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Existence-Uniqueness Results for a System of Integral Equations Arising from a Reliability Model. Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 10(2003), 23-32.
- A.S. Ackleh and L.J.S. Allen, Competitive Exclusion Principle for Pathogens in an Epidemic Model with Variable Population Size. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 47(2003), 153-168.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, On a First Order Hyperbolic Coagulation Model. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 26(2003), 703-715.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng and W. Li, Solvability of a Nonlocal Hyperbolic Model Arising from a Reliability System. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 68(2003), 135-148.
- A.S. Ackleh, H.T. Banks and K. Deng, A Difference Approximation for a Coupled System of Nonlinear Size-Structured Populations. Nonlinear Analysis, 50(2002), 727-748.
- A.S. Ackleh, H.T. Banks and G.A. Pinter, Well-Posedness Results for Models of Elastomers. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 268(2002), 440-456.
- A.S. Ackleh, On the Unique Solvability of a Nonlinear Functional Evolution Equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 267(2002), 522-530.
- A.S. Ackleh, H.T. Banks and G.A. Pinter, A Nonlinear Beam Equation. Applied Mathematics Letters, 15(2002), 381-387.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Global Existence and Blow-up for a System of Wave Equations Coupled in the Boundary Conditions. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 8(2001), 415-423.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Existence and Nonexistence of Global Solutions of the Wave Equations with a Nonlinear Boundary Condition. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 59(2001), 153-158.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Existence-Uniqueness of solutions for a Nonlinear Nonautonomous Size-Structured Population Model: An Upper-Lower Solution Approach. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 8 (2000), 1-15.
- A.S. Ackleh and D.F. Marshall and H.E. Heatherly, Extinction in a Generalized Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Model. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 13(2000), 287-297.
- A.S. Ackleh and L. Ke, Existence-Uniqueness and Long Time Behavior for a Class of Nonlocal Nonlinear Parablic Evolution Equations. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 128 (2000), 3483-3492.
- A.S. Ackleh and L. Ke, The Behavior of a Finite Difference Difference Approximation to a Singular Initial-Boundary Value Problem. Applicable Analysis, 76(2000), 115-130.
- A.S. Ackleh, S. Aizicovici and S. Reich, Parameter Identification in Nonlocal Nonlinear Evolution Equations. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 21(2000), 553-570.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Monotone Scheme for Nonlinear First Order Hyperbolic Initial-Boundary Value Problems. Applied Mathematics Letters, 13(2000), 111-119.
- A.S. Ackleh and L. Ke, Dynamical Behavior of Solutions of a Quasilinear Nonlocal Parabolic Problem. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 7(2000), 123-144.
- M.A. Demetriou, A.S. Ackleh and S. Reich, Detection and Accommodation of Second Order Distributed Parameter Systems with Abrupt Changes in the Input Term: Existence and Approximation. Kybernetika, 36(2000), 117-132.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, A Monotone Approximation for a Nonlinear Nonautonomous Size-Structured Population Model. Applied Mathematics and Computations, 108(2000), 103-113.
- A.S. Ackleh, Parameter Identification in Size-Structured Population Models With Nonlinear Individual Rates. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 30(1999), 81-92.
- A.S. Ackleh and R. R. Ferdinand, A Nonlinear Phytoplankton Aggregation Model with Light Shading. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 60(1999), 316-336.
- J. Carter, A.S. Ackleh, B.P. Leonard and H. Wang, Giant Panda (Ailuropoda Melanoleuca) Population Dynamics and Bamboo (subfamily Bambusoideae) life history: A Structured Population Approach to Examining Carrying Capacity when the Prey are Semelparous. Ecological Modelling, 123 (1999), 207-223.
- A.S. Ackleh, D.F. Marshall, H.E. Heatherly and B.G. Fitzpatrick, Survival of the Fittest in a Generalized Logistic Model. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 9 (1999), 1379-1391.
- A.S. Ackleh and R.R. Ferdinand, A Finite Difference Approximation for a Nonlinear Size-Structured Phytoplankton Aggregation Model. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 57 (1999), 501-520.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, A Monotone Approximation for the Nonautonomous Size-Structured Population Model. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 57(1999), 261-267.
- A.S. Ackleh, R.R. Ferdinand and S. Reich, Numerical Studies of Parameter Estimation Techniques in Nonlinear Evolution Equations. Kybernetika, 34(1998), 693-712.
- A.S. Ackleh and S. Reich, Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Evolution Equations. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 19(1998), 933-947.
- A.S. Ackleh, Estimation of Rate Distributions in Generalized Kolmogorov Community Models. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, 33(1998), 729-745.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, A Monotone Method for First Order Nonlocal Hyperbolic Initial-Boundary Value Problems. Applicable Analysis, 67(1997), 173-183.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Ito, An Implicit Finite Difference Scheme for the Nonlinear Size-Structured Population Model. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 18(1997), 865-884.
- A.S. Ackleh, Parameter Estimation in the Nonlinear Size-Structured Population Model. Advances in Systems Science and Applications, Special Issue (1997), 315-320.
- A.S. Ackleh and B.G. Fitzpatrick, Modeling Aggregation and Growth Processes in an Algal Population Model: Analysis and Computation. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 35(1997), 480-502.
- A.S. Ackleh, Estimation of Parameters in a Structured Algal Coagulation-Fragmentation Model. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, 28(1997), 837-854.
- A.S. Ackleh and B.G. Fitzpatrick, Estimation of Discontinuous Parameters in General Nonautonomous Parabolic Systems. Kybernetika, 32(1996), 543-556.
- A.S. Ackleh and B.G. Fitzpatrick, Estimation of Time Dependent Parameters in General Parabolic Evolution Systems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 203(1996), 464-480.
- A.S. Ackleh, T.G. Hallam and H. C. Muller-Landau, Estimation of Sticking and Contact Efficiencies in Aggregation of Phytoplankton: The 1993 SIGMA Tank Experiment. Deep Sea Research II, 42(1995), 185-201.
- A.S. Ackleh, T.G. Hallam and W. O. Smith, Influences of Aggregation and Grazing on Phytoplankton Dynamics and Fluxes: An individual-based Modeling Approach. Nonlinear World, 1(1994), 473-492.
- A.S. Ackleh, B.G. Fitzpatrick and T. G. Hallam, Approximation and Parameter Estimation Problems for Algal Aggregation Models. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 4(1994), 291-311.
- A.S. Ackleh, N. Pant and A. Veprauskas, A Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Model
with Seasonal Breeding, New Developments in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations, and Applications, 28th ICDEA, Phitsanulok, Tailand, July 17-21, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (S. Eland, L. Garden, and W. Tikjha, eds), 2024, accepted.
- A.S. Ackleh and Amy Veprauskas, The Interplay Between Dispersal and Allee Effects in a Two-Patch Discrete-Time
Model, Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations, and Applications, 27th ICDEA,Paris-Saclay, France, July 18-22, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (S. Olaru, S. Elaydi, J. M. Cushing, and R. Lozi, eds), 2023.
A.S. Ackleh, S. Sikder, A. Zhang, A Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Model with Selection and Mutation. Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations and Applications (Elaydi, S., Kulenovic, M.R.S., Kalabusic, S., eds) (2023), pp 1-23, 26th ICDEA, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 26-30, 2021, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 416. Springer,
- A.S. Ackleh, Md. I. Hossain, A. Veprauskas, Persistence of a discrete-time predator-prey model with stage-structure in the predator, Progress in Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems, 25th ICDEA, London, UK, June 24-28, 2019, (S. Baigent, M. Bohner, S. Elaydi, eds), 2020, 145-163.
- A.S. Ackleh, B. Ma, X. Li, Parameter Estimation in a Size-Structured Population Model with Distributed States-at-Birth, System Modeling
and Optimization, 27th IFIP TC 7 Conference, CSMO 2015 Sophia Antipolis, France, June 29-July 3, 2015, (L. Bociu, J.A. Desideri, A. Habbal, eds), IFIP AICT 494, (2017), 43-57.
- Ioup, G.E., Ioup, J.W., Sidorovskaia, N.A., Tiemann, C.O., Kuczaj, S.A., Ackleh, A.S., Newcomb, J.J., Ma, B., Paulos, R., Ekimov, A., Rayborn, G.H., Stephens, J.M., Tashmukhambetov, A.M., Environmental Acoustic Recording System (EARS) in the Gulf of Mexico, In Book: Listening in the Ocean: new discoveries and insights on marine life from autonomous passive acoustic recorders, (Au, Whitlow W.L., Lammers, Marc O., eds.), Springer-Verlag New York, (2016), 117-162.
- N.A. Sidorovskaia , A.S. Ackleh, C.O. Tiemann, B. Ma, J.W. Ioup, G.E. Ioup, Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the Environmental Impact of Oil Exploration on Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 875(2016), 1007-1014.
- A.S. Ackleh and P.L. Salceanu, Competitive Exclusion Through Discrete Time Models, Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems (Z. Alsharawi, J.M. Cushing, S. Elaydi, eds),
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Volume 102, (2014), 3-21.
- Banks, J.E., Ackleh, A.S., and J.D. Stark, Population Models & Data in Applied Ecology: Surrogate species.
Simulation and Modeling related to Computational Science and Robotics Technology (F. Kojima, F. Kobayashi and H.
Nakamoto, eds.), Proceedings Series, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (2012), 34-43.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng, Q. Huang, Difference Approximation for an Amphibian Juvenile-Adult Dispersal Model. Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical
Systems Supplement, Proceedings of 8th AIMS International Conference in Dresden Germany (Wei Feng, Zhaosheng Feng, Maurizio Grasselli, Akif Ibragimov, Xin Lu, Stefan Siegmund and Jurgen Voigt, eds), (2011), 1-12.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng and Q. Huang, Existence-Uniqueness Results and Difference Approximations for an Amphibian Juvenile-Adult Model. AMS Series in Contemporary Mathematics, Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization, 513(2010), 1-23.
- A.S Ackleh, K. Deng and J.J. Thibodeaux, An Explicit Finite Difference Method for a Structured Erythropoiesis Model, Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications Volume 5 (G.S. Ladde, N.G. Medhin, C. Peng, M. Sambandham, eds), (2008), 1-5.
- A.S. Ackleh, Y. Dib and S. Jang, A discrete-time Beverton-Holt competition model. Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems (L.J.S. Allen, B. Aulback, S. Elaydi, R. Sacker, eds), World Scientific, (2005), 1-10.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, On a Nonlocal Hyperbolic Model Arising from a Reliability System. Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Application Volume 4 (G.S. Ladde, N.G. Medhin, M. Sambandham, eds), (2004), 113-120.
- A.S. Ackleh, K. Deng and J. Derouen, An Adaptive Numerical Method for the Wave Equation with a Nonlinear Boundary Condition. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 10, (2003), 23-31.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Monotone Method for Nonlinear Nonlocal Hyperbolic Equations. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Conference 10, (2003), 11-22.
- A.S. Ackleh and S. Reich, Approximation Theory for Parameter Identification in Nonlinear Delay Evolution Equations. Mathematics and Mathematics Education, (S. Elaydi, E.S. Titi, M. Saleh, S. K. Jain, eds.), World Scientific, (2002), 239-252.
- A.S. Ackleh, S. Aizicovici, M. Demetriou and S. Reich, Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to a Second Order Nonlinear Nonlocal Hyperbolic Equation. Differential Equations and Control Theory (S. Aizicovici and N. Pavel, eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, (2001), 1-17.
- A.S. Ackleh, Regularity of Solutions to a Quasilinear Size-Structured Population Model. Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications Volume 3 (G.S. Ladde, N.G. Medhin, M. Sambandham, eds), (2001), 1-8.
- A.S. Ackleh, S. Aizicovici, M. Demetriou and S. Reich, Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to a Nonlinear Nonlocal Second Order Initial-Boundary Value Problem. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Patras, Greece. CD-ROM publication (2000).
- A.S. Ackleh, S. Aizicovici, R.R. Ferdinand and S. Reich, Parameter Identification in a Nonautonomous Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Haifa, Israel, (1999), 2200-2206.
- A.S. Ackleh, Parameter Estimation Problems for a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation with a Singular Nonlocal Diffusion Term. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Haifa, Israel, (1999), 2191-2199.
- A.S. Ackleh, D.F. Marshall and H.E. Heatherly, Asymptotic Behavior of a Generalized Logistic Model. Proceedings of the 14th annual of CAM, Edmond, Oklahoma, (1998), 19-23.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Deng, Asymptotic Behavior for a Nonlinear Nonautonomous Size-Structured Population Model. Proceedings of 14th annual of CAM, Edmond, Oklahoma, (1998), 8-12.
- A.S. Ackleh and R.R. Ferdinand, Parameter Estimation in a Two Dimensional Nonlinear Tree Population Model with Shading Effects. Proceedings of the 14th annual of CAM, Edmond, Oklahoma, (1998), 13-18.
- M.D. Demetriou, A.S. Ackleh and S. Reich, Detection and Accommodation of Second Order Distributed Parameter Systems with Abrupt Changes in Input Term: Existence and Approximation. Theory and Practice of Control and Systems (A. Tornambe, G. Conte and A.M. Perdon, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1998), 720-725.
- A.S. Ackleh and K. Ito, An Approximation Scheme for a Nonlinear Size-Dependent Population Model. Dynamical Systems & Differential Equations (W. Chen and S. Hu, eds), an added volume to Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 1(1998), 1-6.
- A.S. Ackleh, R.R. Ferdinand, S. Aizicovici and S. Reich, Numerical Studies of Parameter Estimation Techniques for Nonlinear Volterra Equations. Theory and Practice of Control and Systems (A. Tornambe, G. Conte and A.M. Perdon, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, (1998), 310-315.
- A.S. Ackleh and S. Reich (1997) Inverse Problems for Nonautonomous Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Sytems. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems, Paphos, Cyprus. CD-ROM publication by Focus Interactive Inc. (1997).
- A.S. Ackleh, Parameter Estimation in a Nonlinear Structured Tree Population Model With Self Shading Effects. Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems, Paphos, Cyprus. CD-ROM publication by Focus Interactive Inc. (1997).
- A.S. Ackleh and R.R. Ferdinand, An Approximation to a Nonlinear Size-Structured Phytoplankton Aggregation Model with a Spatial Dimension. Proceedings of the 13th annual Conference on Applied Mathematics (CAM), Edmond, Oklahoma, (1997), 82-94.
- A.S. Ackleh, Estimation of Discontinuous Parameters in a Class of Nonautonomous Semilinear Parabolic Systems. Proceedings of the 13th annual Conference on Applied Mathematics (CAM), Edmond, Oklahoma, (1997), 1-11.
- A.S. Ackleh and B.G. Fitzpatrick, Estimation of Temporally Discontinuous Parameters in a General Parabolic Evolution System. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Mediterranean Conference on New Directions in Control and Automation, Limassol, Cyprus, 1(1995), 280-286.
- Special Issue in Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 20(8) (2024), (A.S. Ackleh, P. DeLeenheer, A. Veprauskas, Eds.)
- Special Issue in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 17(1-2)(2020), (A.S. Ackleh, R.M. Colombo, P. Goatin, S.C. Hille and A. Muntean, Eds.)
- Special Issue in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 12(2)(2015), (A.S. Ackleh, R.M. Colombo, S.C. Hille and A. Muntean, Eds.)
- A.S. Ackleh, E. Allen, R.B. Kearfott, P. Seshaiyer, Numerical Analysis: Theory Methods and Practice (Graduate Textbook). Taylor and Francis Publishing, 2009.
- Special Issue Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 5(4)(2008), (A.S. Ackleh, L.J.S. Allen, G. Canziani, S. Henson, J. Li, Z. Ma, Eds.)
- A.S., Ackleh, R.M. Colombo, P. Goatin, S. Hille, & A. Muntean, Mathematical Modeling with Measures. Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 20(September)(2019), 218-220.
- A. S. Ackleh, and A. Veprauskas, Modeling Population Recovery Following an Environmental Disturbance, SIAM Newsletter, July 2020.
