Red Iguana Dawn

Episode 12:  Born-Again 'FAQ' - Question Four

From: (Stacy Prowell)
Date: 14 Mar 1994 20:16:33 GMT
Message-ID: <2m2gn1INN6h1@CS.UTK.EDU>
[We find Publius, Champion of All that is Good; his sidekick, Ferret Boy the Ever Faithful; and Knowledgius Objectivus, Reformed Atheist God in the clutches of the Evil Atheists.]

Stacy:  I see you have all been strapped into the Free Thought Enforcer. Soon you be forced to think Free Thought and become Autonomous Men, individuals exactly like us. What have you to say for yourselves before I throw the switch?

Ferret Boy:  I can't believe you are all so Evil!

Stacy:  We are Hard Atheists...

Dan:  ...we prefer to think of ourselves as "Igneous Atheists," or Atheists of the Rock.

Stacy:  ...unlike the Soft Atheists...

Dan:  ...we prefer to think of them as "Sedimentary Atheists," or Atheists of the Gunk.

Stacy:  Hrumph! Now if Dan will quit interrupting me, I will get on with your Conversion!
In article <2kvipk$>, (Publius) writes:
[Article Encheferized...]
Annette:  Actually, that is kinda quaint.
|>    QOoESTION: "Vhet is zee Stetoos ooff zee Ezeeeest Releegiun in zee USA?"
|>      ENSVER: Ezeeeesm is noo zee Stete-a Releegiun ooff zee USA.
Ferret Boy:  Publius! Now isn't the time for your "Tough Questions for Obvious Answers" approach! We have to get out of this Evil Free Thought Enforcer!

Knowledgius:  You are Atheists. You like to say things like "There is No God," and "We Think For Ourselves," and "Atheism is not a Religion." But I have defined Religion for you. RELIGION: Whatever I say it is. You will be assimilated sooner or later. Just accept it and I will go away. In my next definitive statement, MUFFINS APLENTY, I will tell you what you like to eat.

[All eyes turn to Knowledgius, but he says nothing further.]

Dan:  Look, Stacy, can we get on with this? I promised your cat I meet her for lunch.
|>    Thees ves
|>    istebleeshed vhee zee Joosteeces ooff zee US Soopreme-a Cuoort buooght ze- 
|>    peetch thet vhee zee Fuoondeeng Fezeers seeed "Sepereshun ooff CHOoRCH
|>    und Stete-a" zeey reelly meunt "Sepereshun ooff RELIGION und Stete-a",
|>    in reel leeffe-a, un impusseebility.
Annette:  Actually, this is kinda funny!

All[Mocking laughter] Ferret Boy:  Knowledgius, you are our Last Hope! Publius is incapable of stopping the Vile Atheists! Help us!
|>    -  Zee Zeeulugeeuns ooff zee Ezeeeest
|>    Releegiun hefeeng meunvheele-a cunned Emereecuns intu beleeefing thet
|>    Ezeeeesm is "Sceeence-a" und nut "Releegiun", vere-a eble-a tu penetrete-
|>    zee erea ooff Ilementery Idooceshun, essoored thet zee Soopreme-a Cuoort       
|>    vuoold keep zee oozeer Releegiuns et bey.  -  POoBLIOoS,it el.
|>    Bork Bork Bork!
[Stacy throws a switch, and the Monstrous Free Thought Enforcer humms to life!]

Stacy:  I need a cup of coffee. Dan:  Me too. Besides, this is when the Bad Guys always leave.

[The Atheists leave.]

[Will Knowledgius help Our Heroes? Will the Viscious Free Thought Enforcer turn them into Mindful Autonomous Men? And just why is Knowledgius acting so wierd? Tune in next time and see!]
-- _Stacy Prowell_______sprowell@utkcs.utk.edu_
  |                                            |
  | The mysterious UNIX paradigm:              |
  |                                            |
  |   "No design is better than a bad design." |
  |                             - Ken Thompson |

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