Red Iguana Sunset

Episode 1:  A Stumper Question!

From: (Stacy Prowell)
Subject: RED IGUANA SUNSET, Episode 1: A stumper question!
Date: 12 Dec 1994 18:15:02 GMT
Message-ID: <>
[We travel to a high mountaintop in Thailand, where a lone figure is toiling over a massive device. The figure turns, and we see the youthful face of the Theistic Genius Bobby Mozumder, inventor of the Mozumderism.]

Bobby:  Ha!

[Across the room a short figure wearing a heavy fur coat enters. It is none other than Ferret Boy, champion of Good and Protector of Our Hero, The Mighty Publius! Unfortunately, the Ever-So-Loyal Ferret Boy was taken prisoner by Knowledgius and has since been forced to think FREE THOUGHTS. Thus subverted, Ferret Boy has become a tool of the Evil Abomonation of Atheism!]

Ferret Boy[In a monotone] Give up, Mozumder. Knowledgius and I are wise to your hideous plan. We will stop you.

[Bobby looks up, then quickly looks around.]

Bobby:  I din't see Knowlrdgius! You bluffing! Maybe you come here to Thailand because you 'into little kid! Ha! And another Ha! You so tupid! and I mean DUMB! If you had tattoo of 'mother' you would have character. Instead you have one-way ticket to HELL!

[Bobby turns back to his work on the massive device, ignoring Ferret Boy. Suddenly there is a flash of light behind him, and a Sinister Figure clothed in Shining Blue Rainment of No Particular Race, Gender, or Sexual Orientation appears! It is the Vile Atheist God, Knowledgius Objectivus!]

Knowledgius:  I'm here now, Bobby! And your little plan is finished!

Bobby[Turning and grinning] Wel, Knowleidgus! Welome to Thailand. I'm sure YOU"VE nbeen here before, though. Ha! [Bobby wipes some spittle off his chin.] You've arrived just in time... to be the irst 'victim' of this FULLY OPERATIONAL and ULTIMATELY OPWERFUL Mozumderizer!

[With a flourish Bobby reaches down and flips the switch. The Mozumderizer surges to life!]

Bobby:  First I wil take care ff the young, lusty Ferret Boy over there. THen you arE NEXT! Ha! SOPON YOU BURN IN FLAMES OF HELL< KNOWLEGIS! What you do then? Nothing!

[Before Knowledgius can stop him, Bobby presses a button on the Mozumderizer and a bolt of bright red energy lashes out, striking Ferret Boy directly in the forehead. Ferret Boy falls to the ground, convulsing.]

Bobby:  Peace. Now, you turn, Lmpe;rfhoid@

Knowledgius:  Uh, you really got my name wrong there, Bobby. I think your hands were too far right on the keyboard.

Ferret Boy:  Uh, woah. Hey! Atheismisareligionwhichdefinesagod whosenatureisthecompositeoftheworkingsofthelawsofthephysical universe! Oh, how could I have been so stupid! At last I am free of Knowledgius' power! I'll never think free thoughts again!

Knowledgius:  Darn! It's a good thing I have come here to destroy that pesky Mozumderizer. With it around the world isn't safe for Autonomous Men.

Bobby:  In heaven there be line of men outsie the tent of every woman and girl. Too later for you! You stupid anthromphonic god of atheists! Can't they do no better?

[Just then another figure appears. It is a figure dressed in a red spandex body suit, wearing a bright red Iguana-like head. It is none other than Publius, Our Hero and Champion of Good Vibes about Religion, Definer of Clearer Definitions, Simplifier of the Over-Simplified, Circulator of Theses, and Champion of George Washington!]
Publius <> writes:
 > As I said: Atheists can only conceive of an Anthropomorphic God,
 > and whatever cherecteristics such a God might possess.
Ferret Boy:  Publius! Oh, please forgive me!

[Publius spies the Mozumderizer.]
 > Primitive.  PUBLIUS
[So having said, Publius wraps one arm around the Massive Mozumderizer and both Our Hero and the Beautiful Device of Correct Thought vanish!]

Ferret Boy:  Publius! Wait!

Knowledgius:  Hey! Was that Publius? I thought I took care of him!

Bobby:  My Mozumveriser! Ha! It is stolen@! Ha@! What I do now? Nothing? Perhaps I go to Thailand? Ha, I already in Thailand!

[Suddenly Publius reappears and looks around blankly. Ferret Boy runs up and wraps his arms around Our Hero. The two vanish, leaving Bobby Mozumder and Knowledgius]

[High above the earth, in the Magnificent PubeStation, Ferret Boy watches as Publius connects the Mozumderizer.]

Ferret Boy:  Publius, what happenned! I thought Knowledgius destroyed you!

Disembodied Voice:  He did. Such is the True Wickedness of Istar, to destroy the Salvation and Savior of the Righteous! But their time on this Earth is Limited, for the Coming Storm is the Lord's, and these wicked physical things shall be swept away in its cleansing winds.

Ferret Boy[Astonished] Publius? Was that you? Did you actually answer a direct question? If Knowledgius destroyed you, how can you be here?

Disembodied Voice:  I brought him back. I am Michael Courtney.

Ferret Boy[Awed] M-michael Courtney? How did you bring Publius back?

Michael Courtney's Disembodied Voice:  Coming against the Queen of Heaven is spiritual warfare and difficult business. Fortunately, God allows many things to strengthen our character from the inside. God has so strengthened my character that I truly hate my mother and father, brother and sister -- yes, even my own life. This, says Luke, is the way to follow God. Becuase of my devotion, the demonic bond was broken, and I saw Publius come back into the reality of all things made new, as it was in Second Corinthians. Remember, Ferret Boy, the promise of Christ is abundant Life!

Ferret Boy:  Oh, it's so clear! I understand! But why did Publius steal the Mozumderizer?

Michael Courtney's Still Disembodied Voice:  Because I am but a mind wandering. I am truly Weak in the Flesh. Plus, MIT kicked me out again. Besides, Bobby is of the wrong religion, and therefore does not deserve the device he created. Anyway, you'll see why soon enough, Young Ferret!

[Publius finishes connecting the Mozumderizer and activates it, turning a dial from "Islam" to "Christianity". A bolt of red energy lashes out into the air. A figure takes form...]

Ferret Boy:  Michael? But you don't look like Michael Courtney at all!

Michael Courtney's Disembodied Voice in Strange Body:  Fear not, Ferret. It is a disguise, all part of Publius' Great Plan. Soon the Atheists with their Folk Religion and their Science will Bow before the Son of God. This is a disguise of the flesh, Young Ferret. I am an Apostle in Scripture, sent to Plant the Seed of Christ's Church.

[What is Publius' Great Plan? Will Our Hero finally defeat the Evil Atheists with the help of Michael Courtney? What is his disguise? Look for the answers in the next vaguely stirring episode of Red Iguana Sunset!]
-- _Stacy J. Prowell_______________sprowell@cs.utk.edu_
  |                                                    |
  | "Oh no!  It's Stacy!  Brace for impact, everyone!" |
  |                                      - Dan Johnson |
  |                   in Chapter 16 of Red Iguana Noon |
  |                                  by Arturo Magidin |

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