Shelly M. Leroy, Instructor of English

Teaching Experience
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Teaching Experience

University of Louisiana at Lafayette
August 2004 - present
Instructor of English

Primary courses:

ENGL 365: Technical Writing
The purpose of this course is to prepare students for future technical writing situations with an emphasis on designing and producing practical documents of a professional quality, sometimes in collaboration with others. Students leave the course with a professionally prepared technical writing portfolio, which they can use to demonstrate writing ability in job interviews.

ENGL 360: Advanced Writing

The purpose of this course is to enhance students' critical thinking and writing skills by using argument as a rhetorical strategy. In this course we focus on techniques of argumentation. Students engage in both verbal argument (in–class discussions), as well as written argument concerning controversial issues and topics, many of which are current. They respond to what they read and use critical sources to support their own ideas and opinions.

Usual course assignments:
Fall semester: 3 sections of 365; 2 sections of 360
Spring semester: 3 sections of 365; 1 section of 360

Department of English
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Last Updated: 23 August 2010
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