UL Lafayette: CEEP
               UL Lafayette College of Engineering Civil Engineering ULINK

The Center of Environmental Engineering and Protection (CEEP) is one of the most active and prominent center under Energy Institution at University of Lafayette. Under the direction of Dr. Gang, a number of innovative research projects in environment engineering have been conducted.

The principal research area of CEEP includes treatments of water and waste water using advanced physio-chemical method, control pollution techniques, modelling environmental and natural system for decision support. CEEP has a number of graduate students from Civil Engineering Department working on various areas. In addition, CEEP also has some collaboration research with faculties and students from other department at University of louisiana at Lafayette and other Universities .

Professor of Environmental Engineering
SLEMCO/BORSF Endowed Professor of Engineering II
Phillip J. Burguieres/BORSF Endowed Professor of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
P.O. Box 42291, Lafayette LA 70504-2291
Tel: (337)482-5184 (O), Fax: (337) 482-6688
