Statistics 427 files
SAS files:
- Files for selected examples from chapters 2-3.
- Stat 214 example:
- (command file) Descriptive methods for the 214 example.
- stat214example-results.html results in html format.
- stat214example-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Vole reproduction (litter size) example:
- (command file) Descriptive methods for the vole reproduction example.
- voles-results.html results in html format.
- voles-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Guatemalan Cholesterol example:
- (command file) Descriptive methods for the Guatemalan cholesterol example.
- CholesterolExample-results.html results in html format.
- CholesterolExample-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Stat 214 example:
- Files for inference for one proportion examples from chapter 8.
- (command file) Inference for one proportion examples.
- InferenceForOneProportion-results.html results in html format.
- InferenceForOneProportion-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- TI-84 programWILSON2.8xp TI-84 program to compute the Wilson (scale) confidence interval for a proportion. Input X=number of successes, N=sample size, and C-Level=confidence level.
- Files for inference for two proportions examples from chapter 9.
- Difference of two proportions, independent samples examples:
- (command file) Inference for the difference of two proportions, independent samples examples.
- InferenceForTheDifferenceOfTwoProportions-results.html results in html format.
- InferenceForTheDifferenceOfTwoProportions-resultsANNOTATED.pdf
- Ratio of two proportions, independent samples examples:
- (command file) Inference for the ratio of two proportions, independent samples examples.
- InferenceForTheRatioOfTwoProportions-results.html results in html format.
- InferenceForTheRatioOfTwoProportions-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Randomization test to compare two proportions, independent samples examples:
- (command file) Randomization test for the comparing two proportions, independent samples examples.
- TwoProportionRandomizationTest-results.html results in html format.
- TwoProportionRandomizationTest-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Difference of two proportions, independent samples examples:
- Files for inference for one mean examples from chapter 5.
- Newcomb example (inference for one mean):
- (command file) Newcomb example.
- newcomb-results.html results in html format.
- newcomb-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Couple height difference example (inference for one mean - paired data):
- (command file) Couple height difference example (paired).
- couple-results.html results in html format.
- couple-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Rat cortex example (inference for one mean - paired data):
- (command file) rat cortex example (all runs of the experiment).
- ratcortex-ALL-results.html results in html format.
- ratcortex-ALL-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Newcomb example (inference for one mean):
- Files for inference for two means examples from chapter 6.
- Energy consumption example (inference for two means, independent samples):
- (command file) Energy consumption example.
- energy-results.html results in html format.
- energy-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Permutation test for comparing two means in the energy consumption example:
- EnergyPermutationTest-results.html results in html format.
- EnergyPermutationTest-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Paspalum example (inference for two means, independent samples):
- (command file) Paspalum example.
- paspalum1-results.html results in html format.
- paspalum1-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Randomization test for comparing two means in the paspalum example:
- (command file) Randomization test for the Paspalum example.
- PaspalumRandomizationTest-results.html results in html format.
- PaspalumRandomizationTest-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Fruitfly fecundity example (inference for two means, independent samples applied to an example with 3 means):
- (command file) Fruitfly fecundity example.
- fruitfly1-results.html
- fruitfly1-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Energy consumption example (inference for two means, independent samples):
- Files for regression examples from Chapter 10.
- (command file) Subcompact car mileage as a function of engine displacement example.
- fegsub-results.html results in html format.
- fegsub-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Files for regression examples from Chapter 11.
- Arsenic regression example:
- (command file) Arsenic concentration example.
- arsenic1-results.html results in html format.
- arsenic1-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Wheatear regression example:
- (command file) Wheatear example.
- wheatear-results.html results in html format.
- wheatear-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Arsenic regression example:
- Files for chi-square test examples from OLD Chapter 11.
- Chi-square goodness of fit test examples:
- (command file) Chi-square goodness of fit tests (First approach).
- chisquare_gof1-results.html results in html format.
- chisquare_gof1-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Chi-square goodness of fit test examples:
- (command file) Chi-square goodness of fit tests (Second approach).
- chisquare_gof2-results.html results in html format.
- chisquare_gof2-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Chi-square test of homogeneity and test of independence examples:
- (command file) Chi-square tests (homogeneity, and independence).
- chisquare_2way-results.html results in html format.
- chisquare_2way-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Chi-square goodness of fit test examples:
- Files for inference for two or more means (ANOVA) examples from chapter 7.
- Potato leafhopper example (ANOVA and comparison of 4 means):
- (command file) Potato leafhopper example.
- potato-results.html results in html format.
- potato-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Fruitfly fecundity example (ANOVA, comparison of 3 means, multiple comparisons):
- (command file) Fruitfly fecundity example.
- fruitfly2-results.html results in html format.
- fruitfly2-resultsANNOTATED.pdf ANNOTATED results in pdf format.
- Potato leafhopper example (ANOVA and comparison of 4 means):
JMP files:
- Files for selected examples from chapters 2-3. (Descriptive methods for the 214 example, the vole example, and the cholesterol example.)
- Stat 214 example:
- (JMP data table) Stat 214 example data file.
- 214sex_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Distribution of sex.
- 214sex_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distribution of sex.
- 214sex_bysection_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Distribution of sex by section.
- 214sex_bysection_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distribution of sex by section.
- 214class_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Distribution of classification.
- 214class_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distribution of classification.
- 214class_bysection_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Distribution of classification by section.
- 214class_bysection_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distribution of classification by section.
- 214height_weight_siblings_distrs.jrp (JMP report) Distributions of height, weight, and number of siblings.
- 214height_weight_siblings_distrs.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distributions of height, weight, and number of siblings.
- 214height_weight_bysex_distrs.jrp (JMP report) Distributions of height and weight by sex.
- 214height_weight_bysex_distrs.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distributions of height and weight by sex.
- Guatemalan cholesterol example:
- (JMP data table) Guatemalan cholesterol data file.
- Guat_cholest_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Distribution of cholesterol level by group.
- Guat_cholest_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distribution of cholesterol level by group.
- Vole litter size example:
- (JMP data table) Vole litter size data file.
- vole_littersize_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Distribution of number of babies in a litter.
- vole_littersize_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Distribution of number of babies in a litter.
- Stat 214 example:
- Files for inference for one proportion examples from chapter 8.
- Apple orchard example:
- (JMP data table) Apple orchard example data file.
- oneprop_orchard_case1.jrp (JMP report) Analysis for case 1 only.
- oneprop_orchard_case1.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Analysis for case 1 only.
- oneprop_orchard_5cases.jrp (JMP report) Analysis for 5 cases.
- oneprop_orchard_5cases.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Analysis for 5 cases.
- Apple orchard example:
- Files for inference for two proportions examples from chapter 9.
- Leading question regarding requiring a gun permit example:
- (JMP data table) Leading question example data file.
- twoprop_leadingquestion_example.jrp (JMP report) Leading question example analysis.
- twoprop_leadingquestion_example.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Leading question example analysis.
- West of Scotland Coronary Experiment example:
- (JMP data table) West of Scotland experiment data file.
- WScotland_study_output.jrp (JMP report) West of Scotland experiment example analysis.
- WScotland_study_output.pdf (PDF of JMP report) West of Scotland experimentexample analysis.
- Leading question regarding requiring a gun permit example:
- Files for inference for one mean examples from chapter 5.
- Newcomb's speed of light example:
- (JMP data table) Newcomb example data file.
- newcomb_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Newcomb example analysis.
- newcomb_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Newcomb example analysis.
- UK married couple height example:
- (JMP data table) Couple height example data file.
- couple_paired_ttest.jrp (JMP report) Couple height example analysis as matched pairs.
- couple_paired_ttest.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Couple height example analysis as matched pairs.
- couple_hgtdiff_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Couple height example analysis as one sample of differences.
- couple_hgtdiff_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Couple height example analysis as one sample of differences.
- Rat cortex weight example:
- (JMP data table) Rat cortex weight example data file.
- ratcortex_distribution.jrp (JMP report) Rat cortex weight example analysis by experiment.
- ratcortex_distribution.pdf (PDF of JMP report) Rat cortex weight example analysis by experiment.
- Newcomb's speed of light example:
- Files for inference for two means examples from chapter 6.
- Energy consumption example:
- (JMP data table) energy example data file.
- energy_analysis.jrp (JMP report) energy example analysis.
- energy_analysis.pdf (PDF of JMP report) energy example analysis.
- energy_checkassumptions.jrp (JMP report) energy example check of assumptions.
- energy_checkassumptions.pdf (PDF of JMP report) energy check of assumptions.
- Paspalum example:
- (JMP data table) paspalum example data file.
- paspalum1_analysis.jrp (JMP report) paspalum example analysis.
- paspalum1_analysis.pdf (PDF of JMP report) paspalum example analysis.
- paspalum1_checkassumptions.jrp (JMP report) paspalum example check of assumptions.
- paspalum1_checkassumptions.pdf (PDF of JMP report) paspalum check of assumptions.
- Fruitfly fecundity example:
- (JMP data table) fruitfly fecundity example data file.
- Energy consumption example:
- Files for regression examples from Chapter 10.
- (JMP data table) Subcompact car mileage regression of city mileage on displacement example data file.
- Files for regression examples from Chapter 11.
- (JMP data table) Arsenic regression example data file.
- (JMP data table) Wheatear regression example data file.
- Potato leafhopper example:
- (JMP data table) potato leafhopper example data file.
- Fruitfly fecundity example:
- (JMP data table) fruitfly fecundity example data file.
R files:
- Files for selected examples from chapters 2-3. (Descriptive methods for the 214 example, the vole example, and the cholesterol example.)
- Stat 214 example:
- 214all_data.txt (ASCII file) Stat 214 example data file (with variable labels).
- 214all_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the Stat 214 example.
- Guatemalan cholesterol example:
- cholest_data.txt (ASCII file) Cholesterol example data file (with variable labels).
- cholest_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the Cholesterol example.
- Vole litter size example:
- voles_data.txt (ASCII file) Vole litter size example data file (with variable labels).
- voles_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the vole litter size example.
- Stat 214 example:
- Inference for one proportion examples from chapter 8.
- oneprop_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the apple orchard, tax law change, shipment of electronic devices, machine parts, and Mendel's flower color experiment examples. Analysis with and without continuity correction
- Inference for independent samples two proportions examples from chapter 9.
- twoprop_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the Leading question re gun permits, HIV vaccine, and West of Scotland coronary prevention study examples. Analysis with and without continuity correction
- Inference for one mean examples from chapter 5.
- Newcomb speed of light example:
- newcombdata.txt (ASCII file) Newcomb example data file (with variable labels).
- newcomb_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the Newcomb example.
- UK Couples height example:
- coupledata.txt (ASCII file) UK Couples height example data file (with variable labels).
- couple_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the UK Couples height example.
- Rat Cortex example:
- ratcortexdata.txt (ASCII file) rat cortex example data file (with variable labels).
- ratcortex_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the rat cortex example.
- Newcomb speed of light example:
- Files for inference for two means examples from chapter 6.
- Energy consumption example:
- energydata.txt (ASCII file) energy example data file (with variable labels).
- energy_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the energy example.
- Paspalum example:
- paspalum1data.txt (ASCII file) paspalum example data file (with variable labels).
- paspalum1_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the paspalum example.
- Fruitfly fecundity example:
- fruitflydata.txt (ASCII file) fruitfly example data file (with variable labels).
- fruitfly1_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the fruitfly example.
- Energy consumption example:
- Files for regression examples from Chapter 10.
- fegsub_data.txt (ASCII file) Subcompact car mileage regression of city mileage on displacement example data file (with variable labels).
- fegsub_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for Subcompact car mileage regression of city mileage on displacement example.
- Files for regression examples from Chapter 11.
- arsenic_data.txt (ASCII file) Arsenic regression example data file (with variable labels).
- arsenic1_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the Arsenic regression example .
- wheateardata.txt (ASCII file) Wheatear regression example data file (with variable labels).
- wheatear_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the Wheatear regression example .
- Files for chi-square test examples from OLD Chapter 11.
- chisquareGOF_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for chi-square goodness of fit test examples .
- chisquare_2way_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for chi-square tests of homogeneity and independence.
- Files for inference for examples from chapter 7.
- Potato leafhopper example:
- potatodata.txt (ASCII file) potato leafhopper example data file (with variable labels).
- potato_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the potato leafhopper example.
- Fruitfly fecundity example:
- fruitflydata.txt (ASCII file) fruitfly example data file (with variable labels).
- fruitfly2_R_commandsandoutput.txt (ASCII file) Commands and output for the fruitfly example (ANOVA approach).
- Potato leafhopper example: