International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems

October 28-30, 2022

University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA

UL Lafayette ICMA-VII Logo - ICMA_test23June2021_CB_3.html

Abstract Submission

The deadline for abstract submission is September 1, 2022.

If you previously submitted an abstract (any submission prior to 03/28/2022), before the new submission deadlines please either:

  1. Submit a new abstract.
  2. Or, if no information has changed, email icma2022@louisiana.edu to let us know that you would like your abstract to be considered as is.
Otherwise, any submission received prior to 03/28/2022 will be disregarded.

Submission of your abstract is a three part process.

  1. Download the ICMA-VIII abstract LaTeX template and prepare your abstract for submission. You must submit the LaTeX source file and a PDF file. Be sure to name the file with your last name, such as "ICMA-VIII-Hilbert"...in case of multiple authors, preferably choose the one who will be speaking.
  2. Complete this abstract submission form.
  3. Email your abstract (as a LaTeX source file attachment and its PDF correspondent) to us at icma2022@louisiana.edu.